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Messages - WIAC_NoTalentHack

For all those who played against Mount Union in the past 5 years this one feels good.  Great job Hawks, way to finish the job and bring the right colored trophy home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DAGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!  FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: badgerwarhawk on September 18, 2007, 03:44:36 PM
Notice to all posters

This year's WARHAWK football team doesn't look like the same team  last year's team did because it isn't. 

I've followed WW football for 4 decades and last year's team, in my mind, was the best team we have ever put on the field.  We have an excellent team this year and I expect them to challenge for a conference championship and the automatic bid into the NCAA tournament.   But expecting them to look like the best team we've had in four decades, and perhaps in our entire history as a program, may be expecting a bit much. 

Great comment BadgerWarhawk.  I think a few of us have gotten a little spoiled and greedy the last two years.  Let me remind a few people that that offense that the Hawks put on the field last year had two players that were the real deal as NFL prospects.  O and by the way one of which is Derek Stanley who is still on an NFL squad.  That's talent and production that has to be replaced, but will never ever be duplicated to last year's level.  I'm pretty sure the hawks wideouts are good, but when you can stretch the field at any given moment with a player such as Stanley, it opens a lot of other opportunities for the offense. 
Talk about awesome!!!  D-3 athletes like Stanley making plays in the BIG SHOW, GREAT JOB!!!!  Also don't for get about Clint Kriewaldt, he made several tackles tonight against the Pack.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, steroids this and steroids that.  We could debate this crap till the cows come home.  Its part of the game and if you don't think it should be well you go and find the money to test all these athletes.  NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!  The cost and the administrative work alone to complete testing in a D3 league such as the WIAC would be too costly and frankly people aren't going to pay for it.  Coming from first hand experience sure steroids can help your strength and quickness, but it takes coaching and the right system to put your football players in position to make plays and win ball games.  I don't see a lot of bodybuilders and professional wrestlers making it in big-time football.  "The game is 90% mental and 10% physical" as one of my coaches once said, and I truely believe that.
Quote from: warhawkclownshow on July 19, 2007, 04:48:34 PM
The hail mary wasn't the end of the game, there was still overtime thanks to a missed pat, so you could hardly say lax got screwed. It didn't matter either way they still went to the playoffs and lost to mighty coe.

Yes, great point, LAX had their opportunity to get it done in overtime and didn't.  Mighty Coe?? I think I just wet myself laughing.  ;D
Quote from: Pat Coleman on July 19, 2007, 12:32:03 PM
Is that this game?

That was the game back in 2002.  Of course our courteous, respectful, and gentle rivals from LaCrosse displayed great sportsmanship by firing their helmets to and fro across Perkins stadium shortly after the loss. It dawned upon me today that it was lucky small children weren't allowed onto the field back in 2002 because they probably would have been taken out by flying LaCrosse helmets......Quite professional indeed.  Great rivalry, Great game no less. 
Talk about BIG BUCKS, who said coaching football doesn't pay!!!!  Here is a list I got from Jsonline this morning for Wisconsin Badger Assistant Coaches.  The first column is the pay raise, and the second column is the total salary.

Coach Title Raise New base salary

Paul Chryst offensive coordinator         $83,333.33        $283,333.33 
Bob Bolstad tight ends coach               $32,000             $135,000
Kerry Cooks secondary coach               $20,000             $130,000
Henry Mason receivers coach                $20,000             $150,000
Dave Doeren co-defensive coordinator $17,500             $192,500
Randall McCray defensive line coach     $13,000             $116,000
John Settle running backs coach           $8,000               $112,000
Mike Hankwitz defensive coordinator     $7,500              $192,500
Bob Palcic offensive line coach               $7,500               $182,500
Quote from: chmarx on July 12, 2007, 04:16:47 AM
It sounds like a nice toy, and I wouldn't be surprised if it helped recruit football players.

Which money-bags donor is paying for the scoreboard??  Any ideas??  ???
You don't have to be HUGE physically to be a successful WR in the NFL.  Just take diminutive wideouts like Marvin Harrison, Santana Moss, and even the old Packer Robert Brooks.  These guys are tiny from a physical standpoint, but put up huge numbers because they are explosive.  D. Stanley is explosive, there's no arguing that.
Quote from: razor_ramone on April 19, 2007, 04:27:35 PM
Based on what I have seen and have been told UW=-Whitewaters recruiting this eyar has done just fine without coach Zweifel. I even get the impression that is more of a team effort in recruiting compared to the apst where coach Z thought he had to do everything himself.
He will be missed. However things happen for a reason,and for whatever reason the AD didn't think he was the right fit.
Also ti will be a intersting game on Sturday october 6,2007 whenthe Falcons and coach Z visit Perkins stadium.

Webster's Dictionary just called and they wish to speak with you Razor_Ramone!!!!!  PR!!!!! 

Pretty hilarious Mel Kiper vs. Michael Vick comparison from 2001......check it out.
The College Pub for a couple beers post-game isn't too bad either in Whitewater.  They just renovated the place which has opened some space up in the joint for a little more elbow and beer drinking room.  They also put some flat-screen tvs to finally be updated 21st century style.  Of course if you stay out TOO LATE and need a bite to eat there is a Taco Bell on the west side of town where I suggest you try a famous 7-Layer Burrito. :-\