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Messages - MIdoubleA

Quote from: Titan Q on January 10, 2009, 10:07:02 AM
The Shirk Center's main basketball arena is not anything close to those at Hope and Calvin, but it's still a very nice place with a great atmosphere.

While I can't speak for everyone, I think the majority of us Hope fans certainly enjoy a nice little place with great atmosphere too :)

Miss you Civic Center!
Quote from: ephoops on January 09, 2009, 12:57:24 AM
Finally, excluding the Hope game, what is the average attendance at Calvin home games?

I smell dead horse!

Though I suppose it can be excused by ephoops, since he is a new poster to our boards.
Congratulations Calvin and Olivet on new stadiums!

Competition breeds success, and if stadium-building is any indicator, the MIAA is going to be one of the nicer leagues to play in. That should hopefully help our chances at getting more teams to come play here :)

One of you numbers people go calculate the average age of MIAA gyms. I think it would be interesting to see it compared to other conferences.

Again, congratulations on programs with new facilities. I remember how proud I was (am) of Devos when it first opened. Enjoy the ride!
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
January 07, 2009, 10:39:25 AM
I won't be participating this year, but thanks again to RR for doing such a great job!


(That's RoughRider, not Rich Rodriguez, SAC :P )
Quote from: GoVols on December 25, 2008, 01:50:48 PM
Don't you think Caleb would be better suited to playing the point and having the ball in his hands where he can control the action? I seem to remember a number of years ago when GVW made Josh Canan his point guard for all of two games, then put Joel Holstege back at PG when Glenn realized he had one of the best players in the country and was actually taking the ball out of his hands. I DO see some of Holstege in Krombeen, if anyone cares what I think.

If I were a coach (which I am not) of basketball (which I know nothing of) I would certainly put Caleb (whom I don't care for) at the point for no other reason (though there are several) than that is where he makes me angriest as a Hope fan (which I am).

I hope that made sense (which it may not have).
On a lighter note, did anyone read the caption under the front page picture?

"The University of Chicago has lost six games by a basket or less."

What's less than a basket? A turnover? Rebound?

I know exactly what they are trying to say, I just thought it was funny :D
Quote from: hope_hoops1 on December 17, 2008, 09:06:39 AM
Is it possible to wish for Stephen Cramer to come back as part of GVW's Christmas list?  Lots of great memories there, but talk of the greatest dunk in the history of basketball.


Sophmore slumps are dangerous, and there is nothing I'd like to see more than our soph's get some PT. Anyone remember Kratz? (Anyone believe I'm actually asking that?)

On a less serious note, anyone want to make Christmas lists for our teams/players/coaches? I think it would be a good way to poke fun at ourselves :)

For example:

Socks and ties
Kevlar-reinforced pocket liners
Socks and ties
MIAA championship
Noro-antidote (in case of reintroduction)
Socks and ties

Quote from: thealmascots on December 15, 2008, 10:14:22 AM
Quote from: sac on December 13, 2008, 10:12:14 PM
Quote from: northb on December 13, 2008, 10:08:39 PM
Calvin loses to Trinity 73-65.

Tim Walker gets his first win against his old team.

Did I hear Febus right?  First loss to Trinity Christian since 1973, only 13 games but still.

First 4 game losing streak since 1983?

This loss shocks me, but congrats to TC, they've been bangin' their heads against the Hope/Calvin wall a long time without much success.

With all do respect SAC, I'm not sure how it could be too shocking.  I actually predicted this Trinity win.  Calvin is so easy to defend and so easy to play offense against that it is more shocking to me when coaches who have seen Calvin multiple times over the years don't figure it out.  Everyone knows where the holes in Calvin's defense are and they make themselves easy to guard by the offense they run.  I have no idea whether or not Tim Walker is a good coach, but he spent a few years coaching with KVS so he certainly should know how to beat him.  Everything is exactly the same as it was then.
I find it quite sad to watch this very proud program with a great tradition being reduced to this, but it has been a steady decline for a number of years now.  I'm not sure the bottom has been reached, but it's definitely at it's lowest point in decades.

I've learned never to count those maroon and gold folks out... been burned too many times by that same fire :P I think they do this type of thing to lull you into a false sense of security, then they smack you around for a 30-point loss.

Out of curiosity, do you think GVW keeps the same type of program year in and year out? I tend to think he plays to the strengths of his players a bit better than KVS does, but it seems to take them a bit longer to gell/gel/jell/jel than typical KVS teams.
Quote from: hopehoopfan on December 11, 2008, 07:10:02 AM
Quote from: MIdoubleA on December 11, 2008, 06:14:34 AM
Quote from: hoopdreams on December 10, 2008, 11:35:33 PM
no inside info needed i'm afraid although I plan on making a call to a friend to find out what his plans are.  One can tell through observing.  Watch the players when they are on the floor, when they get subbed out, or after sitting out for a while.  watch them leave the court, how they interact with their teammates and coaches.  

After games, watch them interact with friends, alum, supporters, their family.  If you linger around after games, you can pick up on things, accidental or not.  Some may call it eavesdropping, others define it as being observant.

I can assume that 1 player in particular, who is new to the program, did not transfer in to play 5 minutes a game (guesstimating).  Or a 2nd year player(s) who is probably playing less than he did a year ago at this same juncture.  Those kids are ideal for transferring.  Combine that with the upcoming talent on the jvteam, plus the recruits likely to come in next year (Luke Palmer, Kory Vandussen come to mind),  maybe some more D1 transfers, and the writing on the wall becomes clearer, even if it doesn't unfold that way.

If one does not think PT is a factor for an athlete leaving, he/she is a fool.  A family knows the financial ramifications before they set foot in a school.  Sharples could have played elsewhere with assistance, and rumor has it a scholly offer to play football at GVSU.  He chose Hope as an avenue the get a great education, grow as a person, and play athletics.  Having 1/3 of the equation not transpire as he wanted, most definitely played into his decision. ( insert obligatory OPINION here)

I did not think Sharples would be one to leave because nearly every time I walked into the Devos, he was either shooting or lifting.

I just checked Facebook. :)
And do you confirm or refute the rumor ??? Because the vast majority of the bloggers on here are not on Sharple's friend list and are not privy to this info!

I confirmed it on the last page. I was just making light of Hoopdreams detailed post :)

Unfortunately I can't go to games so I can't be as an attentive listener as he :(
Quote from: hoopdreams on December 10, 2008, 11:35:33 PM
no inside info needed i'm afraid although I plan on making a call to a friend to find out what his plans are.  One can tell through observing.  Watch the players when they are on the floor, when they get subbed out, or after sitting out for a while.  watch them leave the court, how they interact with their teammates and coaches.  

After games, watch them interact with friends, alum, supporters, their family.  If you linger around after games, you can pick up on things, accidental or not.  Some may call it eavesdropping, others define it as being observant.

I can assume that 1 player in particular, who is new to the program, did not transfer in to play 5 minutes a game (guesstimating).  Or a 2nd year player(s) who is probably playing less than he did a year ago at this same juncture.  Those kids are ideal for transferring.  Combine that with the upcoming talent on the jvteam, plus the recruits likely to come in next year (Luke Palmer, Kory Vandussen come to mind),  maybe some more D1 transfers, and the writing on the wall becomes clearer, even if it doesn't unfold that way.

If one does not think PT is a factor for an athlete leaving, he/she is a fool.  A family knows the financial ramifications before they set foot in a school.  Sharples could have played elsewhere with assistance, and rumor has it a scholly offer to play football at GVSU.  He chose Hope as an avenue the get a great education, grow as a person, and play athletics.  Having 1/3 of the equation not transpire as he wanted, most definitely played into his decision. ( insert obligatory OPINION here)

I did not think Sharples would be one to leave because nearly every time I walked into the Devos, he was either shooting or lifting.

I just checked Facebook. :)
Quote from: MItwoA on December 10, 2008, 08:10:59 PM
Sharples for Hope is gone?

I can confirm this as well.

We may have owed them a "future draft pick" from getting Hogeboom a few years ago. They probably just called in the favor :P
I blame norovirus.
Quote from: scottiedawg on November 09, 2008, 06:21:42 PM
Hope College now closed until at least 6 am Wednesday.  Official count of 400 infected.

In my opinion, there is no way Ottawa County let us open on Wednesday morning. 

I don't believe that the students are taking it seriously enough. Tough luck for those stuck in dorms...

Norovirus is NOT fun. Too bad for sports teams too!

I know both basketball teams, the volleyball team and both cross country teams are hurting because of it.
Quote from: wiz on November 07, 2008, 05:15:59 PM
Norovirus is a Latin medical term that, loosly translated, means "too much drinking at the frat house last night". 

I'm gonna bite on this..

Low blow, sir. It's far too early in the year to be scratching open this particular scab.