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Messages - LCLetters

West Region / Re: NWC
February 09, 2006, 03:24:54 PM
Whew, just read the Linfield season outlook, and well, eek, it confirms all my suspicions.  Too bad about Lawrence, he could do so well!  From what I hear, Shearer's going to get challenged for his starting 3rd base position by Bachofner early off, but other than that I think the outlook seems pretty accurate.  A lot of new faces to varsity to look forward to, anybody know when the marathon game is?
West Region / Re: NWC
January 30, 2006, 02:15:26 PM
What happened to Rass and Lawrence?  I know Rass had surgury over summer, but I thought he put in some time on the mound during Fall ball, and D Law should be pretty healed; where do they fall in the lineup?
West Region / Re: NWC
January 21, 2006, 09:02:28 PM
Unfortunately I didn't see Caleb really play, I made it to every Linfield varsity game in the state of Oregon, but only one JV match up.  I'm not sure who you're thinking of from Regis.  Anybody know if the team is picking up any transfers?  Again, watch for Baker, he's going to be even better this year (and hopefully won't take any pitches in the helmet again, that was terrifying), I really hope D Law can show his potential along with Rass, but I don't know who the third starting pitcher will be, maybe Daily because he can pretty much do anything.
Dens, sounds like something Brett would do, but it would be great to see him representing the 'Cats.  I know Casey had his decals on down in Mexico for the Aztec Bowl.
Feels weird cheering on the East for the Hula Bowl; Brett's doing better than he did in the Las Vegas Bowl.  I wonder why his helmet doesn't have the Wildcat on it, any insight?
West Region / Re: NWC
January 21, 2006, 12:46:20 PM
Linfield lost Justus who was their #1 pitcher, would start at 1st when he wasn't pitching, and was a pretty good DH as well. Brant Shilliam had a great pitching year as well, graduated him along with Downs. Rass had a shaky season then surgery, I'm crossing my fingers that he's recovering smoothly; Lawrence has a mean fast ball, but didn't get much time last year coming off surgery. Daily can pretty much play any position, so I hope to see him pitching some games. Little Patterson transferred, he had potential.

Linfield also graduated Moore at 3rd who had a fantastic season (I'm looking forward to seeing Shearer do well), Ott, Big Patterson (everyone knows about him), Stolsig will be hard to replace but Jon Fredrick can step up, and Armstrong was one of the quickest guys out there.

I will call it a "rebuilding year" but I have faith that the boys will do well. I'm looking forward to see some guys shine- Brian Baker, Rasmussen, Daily, Glover, D Law, maybe even Kevin Mills. They're going to make it difficult for Fox to breeze through the season. Can't wait for the season to start!
West Region / Re: NWC
January 17, 2006, 05:16:28 PM
Any news on Alex Justus playing again?  He had some games with the Gateway Grizzlies at the end of the summer.
Money for the pep band can come from ASLC, as Abby mentioned, they are a sanctioned ASLC club (Pat, ASLC stands for Associated Students of Linfield College). 

Abby- I suggest you make up a proposal asking ASLC for some more $$, trust me, they have it, donated to send the cheerleaders to Virginia in 2004, they support football supporters.  They really like a well written proposal detailing how it would benefit Linfield students to have a good pep band.  Contact me if you need suggestions. 

Also, if you really want to make this happen, tap into the cheerleaders.  You will work with them a lot (I'm sure you've noticed during basketball season).  If you get them on your side you have support from 15 more students that go to almost every game, plus two Linfield staff members- the coach and Dan Fergueson the cheerleading advisor who is also the advisor for ASLC.  Now, the cheerleaders like the canned music (not the quality of it, but the consistancy) because they can use it to practice for sideline dances and the songs are a little more upbeat.  If you are able to coordinate with them on timeouts so that they can still dance and stunt (as oppossed to not knowing when the band will play, what they will play, trying to cheer over the music, doing dances to slow paced songs, or standing there feeling like idiots because nobody figured out what was going on), then you'll win them over.  The fight song was SO much better coming from the band.

LBC- on a side note, I'm a week into my busy season, putting in 60 hours a week to, ahem, "count beans," is a big change from my Linfield days.   ;)
I worked with the pep band for both football and basketball seasons for a couple of years.  It was pretty hard for them to get together on a consistant basis because nothing about it was mandatory.  I only had to work with the band leader, who was a student, and she always said that it was difficult because it's completely student run, and let me tell you, they have busy schedules.  On top of classes, students in the music program have outside rehearsals, practice sessions and performances.  She never knew what community members would show up (let alone students) and they didn't get much respect from the crowd; overall it was pretty disorganized.  Someone mentioned that the band wouldn't have to practice because the songs are so simple, but everything requires a run through or two.  It's never fun to have a couple people "off" during the National Anthem etc.

I suspect that if there was a school sponsored club with a faculty advisor, then it would be much more successful.  Funding could come from ASLC, they can most definitely afford it.  One suggestion would be to have it solely be a club, some groups get cold shouldered pretty severely if they aren't considered a club or a sport, speaking from experience.  Even a one credit elective course would do the trick, maybe you should suggest that.
When I first met Haze in school, I didn't even realize he was a football player, and especially not "the" football player.  You wouldn't know it from looking at him, you wouldn't know it from talking to him, he was never one to brag or even talk about his games.  I couldn't believe it when I put name and face together that he was "the" Brandon Hazenberg.  People would swoon over him after every game and he would just reply with "thanks, glad you got to catch the game;" he would never embelish on his performance or enjoy the glory.  Absolutely one of my favorite players and friends.  One of the biggest differences I've noticed between my friends that play for DI schools and all of my Linfield buddies is the size of the ego.  The pride is bigger at Linfield, and the egos are smaller.  Wouldn't change it for the world!  Great job guys, I had more fun following your accomplishments than anything else, you were a pleasure to know on and off the field.
Quote from: MonroviaCat on November 29, 2005, 10:52:29 AM
Did that actually say the Linfield Cheerleaders.... :D  NOW, it has been years since I was in Mac and and least a couple of years since I went to a game (sucks to be in SoCal when the SCIAC won't play the cats.....) but I recall the last look I had at a wildcat cheerleader was in line at the "All You Can Eat" buffet.....maybe the success of the football program has improved the uhm....."quality" of the cheerleading programs as well......Help me out those of you who are more able to be AT the games!

Monrovia- Cheerleaders read these boards too...   :-\