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Messages - allsportball

I was shocked to see Buck Riley still coaching at Adrian. I thought with the improvements going on he would be gone. He is a anchor in the program and  will destroy as always a good team with his lack of coaching abilty. When is enough enough.  They now have a great replacement on staff get rid of the same ole same ole and start fresh. Its the only hope for this team!!!!!!   
Bulldogalum I will spell it out for you.
1. Every year same **** player having bad game and coach not able to see it leaves them in the game giving their team nothing. Look at BC olivet stats and minutes just one of  many examples.
2. Rebounding that is embarassing Buck puts a lineup of 5'6 to 5'8 players on the floor. Cory 5'7  guarding a 6'9' person. 6 offensive boards on one shot then Look at the Olivet game tape
3. Pressing and burying  yourself. Press has not worked at all this year only to create larger spreads in the game. Why? 

The President was there last night noticed several people having conversations with him?
0-2-0-2-00-000-1-0  11 minutes. All year long & every year same crap. Not being able to see the floor or understand the game. constantly out coached.   
Bulldogalum, I agree seemed team came to play with a lot of energy but staying in the press gave Calvin numerous WIDE OPEN 3'S. Another poor coaching decision. I would like for Dr Dock to seat in on one half time talks and seat on the bench. Buck seems to be so postive with his players and coaching??????   
Wipe your chin and knees off when your done. Because you've missed a lot!
response to bulldogalum, you need to possible gain some coaching knowledge. To make a true and accurate evalution of this team. They have big men and with the right coaching would have been  developed into some of the best in the league. Yes turnovers are a problem might it be playing freshmen with no talent twenty minutes a game or the offensive they are trying to run? How about getting the bigs some touches any touches. How about not having Kubish starting lineup and not on the shooting list??? Designating only couple players to be the shooters in games and no one else even looks to the basket? All you have to do is double the shooters and leave everyone else open they won't shoot the ball. Nokivich is not a shooter and has not been for three years now he gets the green light to fire away. What either buck forgot why he didn't shoot past three years or he just one day became a shooter? 
six more games for Buck and then possibly some hope for Adrian. He is in this situation with this team because of past coaching or lack of it. recruiting or lack of it. He is not able to even see whats happening on the floor anymore and has lost all respect of his team. To set in a zone and just let albion blister you for another 15/20 points is incredidble. If he doesn't want to coach or be a part of what he has created he should have just left. This falls back on what he has done to and for this school,players & team in the last years. This team would have had to play exceptional just to be in this game but with the right coaching they could of kept the game respectable and continued to play hard. This did not happen.
Albion congratulations you are a very well coached team that is playing very well. Keep working hard and good things will continue to come your way.         
Adrian team/fans can not blame coach for this game. Until this team is willing to work as a team and suck it up on the defensive end no w in sight. Mike Reinhardt open your cheeks and pull your head out and start playing some defense.   
Bogey man in regards to your  response to the albion vs hope game was some great observations. appreciate to have some input on one of adrians games players,coaching
It is truely shocking to see Buck Riley still coaching after such a game as last night. For all you Buck Fans. Ya  He is a nice guy but terrible coach. I have been on the bench watched teams quit,players every year transfer, His half time speeches and practice can not be put in to words. There is hope not for this season but If given the chance D.W. could run circles around Buck.  
 Great News for recruits rumors from the board has it new coaching coming real  soon . 
I see Dr Docking has not addressed issue of coaching Mens Basketaball team. Hopes for everyone involved he does something soon and doesn't waste another year. I don't see any growth or new recruits if this is not handled soon.
I see Dr Docking has not addressed the issue of coaching Mens basketball. I hope he moves on this asap so it doesn't subject the college,town & everyone involved to another wasted year. I see no growth,no recruits in this program
if this is not handled soon.