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Messages - madfrog

Quote from: dawarhawksrock on December 29, 2007, 12:18:39 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if you start hearing some of Whitewater's assistant coahces get mentioned for jobs such as coach Zebrowski. Thats what success does it leads to promotions coordinators to head coaches, position coaches to coordinators. If it doesn't happen, then it has to make you wonder what is wrong. However I believe it will, as all the full time staffers at UWW seem like down to earth level headed team player type guys.
I don't know if he would leave after just one year. However he has won the big one national title ,and know as the OC of a record breaking offense that will get his named noticed. As much as I would like to say the Hawks will repeat next year it will be tough to do,as they need to find a lot of replacements for key compenents of both the offense and defense.

That is the only reason he went to UWW in the first place. If I am not being clear enough (use your TALENT to move on to a BETTER HEAD COACHING JOB than LAKELAND offered.) He will leave asap to be a head coach somewhere else thats what he wants to be. He had been trying for a few years while coaching Lakeland to land a head coaching job somewhere else. He even interviewed for one the other UW school head coaching jobs, but did not get it after the 2005 season. Not to mention while at Lakeland he was the biggest anti-UWW in the world. He would talk so much smack talk about UWW it was amazing a coach could be that ignorant.  Also, all he cares about is his himself and maybe family. Give him time you will find this out.  He just plays all the politics of division 3 football to a tee and only successful around other peoples talent. His first recruit class at Lakeland only graduated 5players out of 50. Not to mention he saw the talent declining so he was jumping ship to better himself.
seeing how Bethral beat Simpson 35-0... and CuW lost to Simpson 3-14... I think CuW can play with them. How much I do not know... Good news is it looks like Bethral Gives up a lot of points. So if CuW can shut down their offense winning is very possible.

Bethral imo will screw up and look pass CuW and lose 28-27.
Quote from: Gomer Pyle on November 11, 2007, 08:00:34 AM
Early "pre" picks as shown on D-3:
   UW-WhiteWater Bracket
   (1) UW-WhiteWater
   ( eighth)  The Boys from Mequon

   The Official picks will be at 11:30 this morning(sunday.)   
   The Baby Cheese Heads played UW_W and lost 41-7
   CU-W beat LC 35-28. 
   On the above, just wanted to show a common foe.
   UW-W is ranked #2 in the D-3 Top 25.
   CU-W not in the top 25 or even the "also" rans.
   Does CU-W have a chance ?  Absolutely. 
   But I believe conventional wisdom  and a far superior team will
   win out. 
    But....... But, there is always hope.   

Coach Z hates CuW, I wonder why... He will want to demolish them... UWW win 60-0 if this who they get in the match up.
Quote from: FatalImpact on November 03, 2007, 06:21:28 PM
Word out of Wi, I disagree with how the muskies continuously act in an unsportsmanlike fashion, considering that Doherty came from AU I expected a lot better from his team

Better team won get over it.

Also, I was correct both teams won to stop the stupid talk about a 4way tie. Grats to CuW beating BU 7-0 thats a huge accomplishment in such a weak conference.
Quote from: Genius on October 29, 2007, 01:34:51 AM
you are crazy if you think lakeland has a better shot in the playoffs then cuw. lakeland has good receivers who can catch well in traffic. that is all they have offensively. protection is suspect, running game none existent, qb makes bad decisions. Defense is pretty good. Cuw has less weaknesses then lakeland. they can pass a whole lot better than lakeland can run (both of the team's weaknesses). CUW has better special teams although lakeland's are good.

now cuw most have thought they were going to show up and win against GC. it is one thing to lose but to get blown out. i guess the team d3football picked from the start finally showed up.

Crazy and Smart. Lakeland has better odds of hanging with a more dominate team than CuW does. Lakeland does not lose to below average teams like CuW manages to do. Lakeland will lose a game here and there to very tough teams out of conference(as in a carthage not talking about a UW), but would never get blown out by a Greenville team that has been struggling. Lakeland is the obvious choice to who would preform better in the playoffs. CuW could not handle UWW OR UW-Oshkosh scores would be more lopsided than the Lakeland games. CuW beat lakeland yeah thats true 35-28 at home I believe. Nothing new here Lakeland Struggles with figuring out how to stop CuW offensive game plan, been that way for a while now.

Enough with this 4way Tie BS, Benedictine can't beat Lakeland so I doubt CuW will manage to lose to another team that can't beat Lakeland. If CuW loses to Benedictine then my point will be even more clear. However still even getting a worst Team in the playoffs will be  lol first round game 70-0 Beating to whoever they play.
4 way tie? will never happen. I will tell you why



Lakeland will both win next week.

However to bad CUW will go to the playoffs, Lakeland would have better odds of winning then CUW in the playoffs.
Lakeland won 21-7 defense did not let up any TD only TD for Benedictine was on a interception.   
Quote from: Gomer Pyle on September 09, 2007, 07:58:31 AM
The current IBFC standings:  This is the OVER-ALL record. Posted on D3.
   Greenville is #1 because they  have one win, as do others but  (GC) has no losses. Everybody from #2 down has at least one loss. 
    (1)  Greenville:   1-0
    (2)   Benedictine: 1-1
    (3)  Con U- C: 1-1 
    (4)  Eureka: 0-1
     (5) Aurora: 0-2
     (6) Con,Wis.: 0-2
     (7)  Lakeland: 0-2
     (V-III) MacMurray: 0-2
   I know it`s early and no conference games have been played yet but seeing  the standings thus far  makes one wonder.
     This could be the best year in the history of the IBC  in so far as a completely differently line-up to bottom or will conference play
    reveal the same old top 3? 
   What say you? 

Well let me see, Greenville's win was vs blackburn. Blackburn lost the previous week to CuC by basically the same score then CuC goes and gets smashed by whatever team. So far IBC has proven it can beat Blackburn in which case Lakeland, CuW and Aurora all would beat by 50-0 if not more imo.  Leaving the only other conference win to Bendactine who beat a team that has not had a winning season within the last 10 years or more. Lakeland has faced Carthage and UW-Whitewater much tougher schedule than anyone else to date. Lakeland may be the best team in this conference by far and we will not get to see that till week 4. CuW will also compete, I dont know WTF AURORA IS doing.
Lakeland at Carthage (14-21) Lakeland will lose by the normal TD or FG. Carthage will play tougher not exactly better, but tougher and pull it out late in the game.
Quote from: baseman201 on September 01, 2007, 10:39:04 PM
Most pretty much had all the game predictions right with exception of Aurora....some also picked CUW over Simpson as well.

Lakeland seemed to hang in there Vs. Whitewater and their starters.

Although as someone said Beaver did come out of the game.

Yeah beaver was out around 10minutes left in the 3rd, but they had the rest of their starters in tell the 4th. Lakeland will be on and off this year. Offensively this game they were for sure off while defensively played I guess you could say solid. AND OMFG CUC won.. How on earth did that happen, lol.
I hear by after this weeks performances proclaim LAKELAND COLLEGE the Conference Champions. ALL the other losing teams or winning teams, I am mocking you because the competition you scheduled this week does not rival that of UW-Whitewater. In which case Mac would have lost 130-0, Aurora what happened? Eureka no surpise, CuW come on! Conference Champions Spoz to win games not lose. Greenville Cheers to you! Benedictine and CuC waiting on scores, but win or lost makes no difference because these are the 2 easiest teams our conference play this week.

To bad still games to be played.
Quote from: baseman201 on September 01, 2007, 04:47:08 PM
Closer game then I thought

but I assume WWs 2nd string was in there alot of the 2nd half.

Just the fourth Quarter. Started pretty much played every minute of the 3rd, well everyone but Justin Beaver. Lakeland clearly has some major issues at the RB position. Starters played all game for Lakeland, expect the running backs in which case they tried several different backs in the Fourth Quarter.
My last post for this game. Currently the score is 41-7 in favor of Whitewater with 5minutes left in the game Lakelands Ball, Whitewater has mostly backups in.

Lakeland has only got 2 total first downs coming on their first drive. No running game at all for Lakeland really hurts them Passing game did okay.. Defense had a few injuries.. Whitewater played Smart and Tough liked most figured they would do.

Ok, Whitewater just scored again it is 27-0. 6minutes left in the 3rd Quarter..

Check that 27-7.. Macarthur White just ran a Kick off for a touch-down.
Justin Beaver just ran like 28 yds for a TD. Score is like 20-0 now Whitewater almost halftime.