Quote from: dawarhawksrock on December 29, 2007, 12:18:39 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if you start hearing some of Whitewater's assistant coahces get mentioned for jobs such as coach Zebrowski. Thats what success does it leads to promotions coordinators to head coaches, position coaches to coordinators. If it doesn't happen, then it has to make you wonder what is wrong. However I believe it will, as all the full time staffers at UWW seem like down to earth level headed team player type guys.
I don't know if he would leave after just one year. However he has won the big one national title ,and know as the OC of a record breaking offense that will get his named noticed. As much as I would like to say the Hawks will repeat next year it will be tough to do,as they need to find a lot of replacements for key compenents of both the offense and defense.
That is the only reason he went to UWW in the first place. If I am not being clear enough (use your TALENT to move on to a BETTER HEAD COACHING JOB than LAKELAND offered.) He will leave asap to be a head coach somewhere else thats what he wants to be. He had been trying for a few years while coaching Lakeland to land a head coaching job somewhere else. He even interviewed for one the other UW school head coaching jobs, but did not get it after the 2005 season. Not to mention while at Lakeland he was the biggest anti-UWW in the world. He would talk so much smack talk about UWW it was amazing a coach could be that ignorant. Also, all he cares about is his himself and maybe family. Give him time you will find this out. He just plays all the politics of division 3 football to a tee and only successful around other peoples talent. His first recruit class at Lakeland only graduated 5players out of 50. Not to mention he saw the talent declining so he was jumping ship to better himself.