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Messages - BisonKiller

Quote from: thereiis on March 05, 2006, 01:45:49 PM
Matt, hence why i stated for anyone who doubted widener. i and all widener fans appreciate the thanks thus far from everyone and both games were very good games. like i said, im not posting to rub anything in, both teams were very good teams.  i just felt being bisonkillers comments earlier he needed some reassuring. and i didnt know he was not a cua or york fan for the record. thanks for the info.


First thing first....I NEVER SAID Widener sucked....I said YOU SUCK

You came in here dissing CAC with your first post and acting like a total retard.

Yes, Widener is fantastic and gave us CAC teams a rough time and also going 4-0 vs CAC teams this year.  I dont think any non conference team have ever done that.  Whether or not you like it, I'm kinda hoping Widener wins or make it to the final 4.  We, CAC, can say that we played and well competed with one of the best teams in the COUNTRY.

Again...YOU SUCK

yes I promise THIS IS MY LAST POST.....have a nice summer everyone
Quote from: thereiis on February 28, 2006, 05:06:45 PM
CAC, although the method you posted was kinda cool, what you said, again, pointless banter supporting your team. I know nothing about your team and to be honest, you nor anyone hear knows anything about mine. Ok great, you looked up what they average and what not online, good work there NBA scouter; and you asked another school, who has yet to reply (atleast from what i can see) about what happened when they played them. Well Clarkson played well and Gallued. lost. Oh sh*t, now you guys really know us. Wait to go fellas. Did u guys send this all to your coach for the game yet? he might need it. the point im making is atleast i came out and said i know nothing about your team. some of you clowns are typing over there with stats, heights, weights and whatever else you can come up with and pretending you know Widener. Support your team, sure why not, but dont act like you actually know Widener like your saying you do. Come friday we'll see who wins and go from there. In the mean time, keep up your great scouting reports, your YOU SUCK comments and "way to much time on your hands" posting methods. They all are realllyyyyy great guys. Good work again. Yeaaaaaa Catholic.

Classic rant with alot of misspelled words.  Perhaps Grammy didn't teach him how to spell correctly.

By the way:

You STILL suck
Quote from: thereiis on February 28, 2006, 03:30:43 PM
Bisonkiller, clever......that take you awhile to come up with??? Stop thinking too hard you might hurt yourself.

Matt, I never said Catholic wasnt good. They are obviously a good squad or they wouldnt be here. Obviously i would think the team im backing would win the game, so ignore the prediction. My point, which i guess i should have explained in more detail for those less literate and capable as Bisonkiller, is that every team thus far has tried to stop Clarkson, and sometimes it has worked doubling him, but overall it hasnt. the teams that have won have either won on a buzzer beater (messiah) or purely off of widener not coming to play (missed free throws and or layups) so, their strength isnt in solely clarkson, but their guard play as well. do u guys have the big guys to stop clarkson?? sure u do. but i dont think u have the guards to match with ours. Bisonkiller, u still following or should i translate into a more readable form? you jackass. anyway, should be a good game. Ill still stick to my prediction based, now on more info thanks to some, that wideners guard play from the 1-3 spots are a tad more athletic and thus winning the game. Good luck. See you at the game.

Dont need to go into details because its not necessary....Once again, I'll just go straight to the point....YOU SUCK

Quote from: thereiis on February 28, 2006, 02:22:51 PM
Widener fan here....figure I'd come in and say some things. First, Why is anyone talking about the beginning of the season playing Galluadett? Just curious. Anyway, I know nothing about Catholic, so Ill keep it simple, Widener's too athletic, Blakey controls the court too well, Clarkson's too nice, do what you will to stop him, the other players will just pick up there games. Widener advances by 6.

You suck
Quote from: Matt Letourneau on February 27, 2006, 11:37:08 PM
Well, the big thing for me is not punishing kids who are on good teams, nor punishing talented kids on bad teams.  I think you have to grade on a curve.  To me, the results of this team and in years past seem to weigh too heavily in favor of good players on bad teams.  Its impossible translate performance to quality teams.   Some of the players on this list that I've seen this year have made me shake my head.  I know they are talented and good players, but if a kid on Catholic or York took those kinds of shots (low percentage, early in the shot clock) they wouldn't be scoring ANY points because they'd be benched. 

All that aside, the POY award isn't an MVP award, so I can live with Haney.  His percentages are not awful.  Its sort of a natural transgression and I'm not shocked he's won it though he wouldn't have been my pick.   There is one first teamer that I don't think belongs there, but what's the point of airing that out now anyway?

The bottom line is that the best teams advance.  Not always the best players.  Players that sacrifice their stats and their shots for the good of the team win championships, and ultimately, that is more gratifying in the end.  Both teams representing the CAC this year epitomize team basketball.  I don't think there is a selfish player in the whole bunch--either team.  Sometimes I wish our guys at Catholic were a little MORE selfish.  But I don't think they really care about the all CAC team--the banner going up at DuFour next year means a hell of a lot more, particularly for these seniors who had a lot to live up to. 

I would normally wish that both teams would go deep into the tournament.  Unfortunately, this year that is mutually exclusive, so instead I'll hope that both teams face each other and go from there. 

Matt you are teams advance not the best players....

Mowl and Jimmy D winning their awards, a major congrats to them.

Haney winning baffles me a little bit.  I mean he kind of reminds me of Iverson.  Does everything for the team to beef up his stats, teams does decent winning .550/.600 of their games.  Therefore a strong POY/MVP candidate.  Had Jackson did more on his role, I seriously doubt Haney would've had a chance at POY.  Doesn't matter year is over now.  If coaches strongly believe Haney is THE POY then who am I to argue?  Hell I think Dirk (Dallas Mavericks) should've been MVP a few times.  I guess when you are on a balanced team it is hard to beef up your stats and stand out.

This is probably my last post for this season....just wanted to say good luck to Catholic and York and represent CAC well for us!!!!
Well....its now been proven

Steak is better than pork and bison burgers.

bad joke  I know...but I like it
Quote from: cuabigdog on February 22, 2006, 12:45:56 PM
.. i was at the game at DuFour Center vs. Gally and do not remember ever seeing a sign saying what you claim..i'm not saying cua fans are perfect but i do feel they are respectful of opposing teams in that regard.. 2nd true it was a cua fan who was ejected early in the game for using obsence language at the official in question... 3rd what you failed to mention was that late in the game it was 2  Gally fans escorted out of the gym for causing a physical altercation. that being said  Gally  deserves every round of applauds it get for having and outstanding season...

Huh?  WTF you talking about?  I didnt say anything about CUA/Gallaudet game.  It was BisonFan that made that post not THE KILLER!!!!!!!

Damn you pissed me off....this is me getting pissed off after reading your post:
Quote from: BisonFan on February 22, 2006, 12:20:53 PM
First of all, before anyone hates on the Gally fans, turn on your TV and see how obnoxious the ACC fans are. I don't know why anyone would down these students for showing a little school spirit. Second of all, if  you were not at the game at CUA, you cannot speak of the stuff that went on. The Cu fans called a few of the hard of hearing deaf students some VERY inappropriate racial slurs and even held up signs like "Whether we win or lose, we can still can hear". Someone's butt should have been kicked for that one. Never mind the fact that it the CUA fan who was THROWN out of the gym by the referee. Third of all to say the Gally fans are" ridiculous and act like idots " is just unneccessary. They are allowed to show a little school spirit just like you! So get over it and let the players play.

Fan when it is 100 fans vs. 2 referees in the parking lot, THAT IS WAYYYYYY OVERBOARD.
Quote from: Matt Letourneau on February 22, 2006, 12:35:08 AM
I was, to put it mildly, disappointed with the behavior of a minority of Gally fans at the CUA game the other night.   It only takes a few to cause trouble, but some of the stuff that was going on was beyond the pale and a shame.  Its too bad it continued and put a pall on what was a very successful season for Gally and their first home playoff game.

But nevertheless, let me congratulate Haney and Jackson on their stellar careers.  And let me also toss out Coach DiStephano's name out there for COY.   I think he's a strong candidate.

Matt do you not mind go into details about Gally's fans at CUA?  You've must've saw/heard something that I didn't.  Then again I must've been on the wrong side of the bleachers.
Quote from: manofgor24 on February 22, 2006, 12:20:59 AM
Gally fans are rediculous.......somthing should have been done during that game but for some reason they are allowed to act like idiots.  After the game, a ref was punched in the face.  A freakin zoo I tell ya.  No class at all.

What can you tell me about that "controversal" push-off foul by Mowl near the end of the game?  Apparently this is what made the fans to act like a bunch of wild apes.  I don't have all the info at this time.  Just getting bits and pieces.
I dont have all the details from the Gal/Sal game...

but I can tell ya this:

Gally was leading 3/4th of the game....then about 4 minutes or so, Sal went on a 11-4 run to be up by one with 2-3 minutes left... Gal had the ball with 7 seconds left but couldn't get the job sure Bison Pride will fill us in with details....

All in was a good year for Gally...  they'll miss Haney and Jackson but they have a nice group of short guys who will keep them on the winning track for the next few years.....

I just got the word.... DC cops are at Gallaudet campus...apparently one of the referees hit a "girl".....dunno what that was about....'Pride you want to fill us in on this one??
Quote from: BisonKiller on February 21, 2006, 09:12:27 PM
Quote from: BisonKiller on February 21, 2006, 09:09:30 PM
3  mins left  gally down by 1

now down by 4

Oh well....Gallaudet loses 55-56
Quote from: BisonKiller on February 21, 2006, 09:09:30 PM
3  mins left  gally down by 1

now down by 4
3  mins left  gally down by 1
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