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Messages - MACB

Hoops Fan- some schools are on a 5-point scale. For example, at my high school, an A was worth a 5, and an A in an honors class was worth a 6. I had no idea until I went to college that at most other schools there was a 4-point system. This was over 10 years ago so I don't think it is anything new.
Getting to the oldies station website is not the problem. It is finding the link after you get to there. I like to consider myself a fairly intelligent individual, but this is not helping...

Okay, I got it. For anyone else who might be lost, you can access the stream by clicking on "Oldies are Back" just under the jukebox offerings.
IWU03-Where on the oldies station site is it? I feel I have scrolled through every page on that website and not found it. Please help me out!!
I can't get the WJBC2 webcast either...
Devildog- I am still having problems...can you tell me how you got to the broadcast? I can access LU's, but would rather listen to Titan Q. Thanks...