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Messages - d3fbfanatic

Captain Kurt. You are definitely correct on the fact that Lance would be a great candidate. he is an alum,and is a very good football coach.
Barber Grene I think that Brian Borland would be more likely to stay with the program then Stan would.
One thing which many people do not know about Stan is he has applied for almost every division three job in the state of Wisconsin which has been open Plattevilee, Eau Claire,Stout,Oshkosh, Cartage College, Caroll College,and has been turned down for everyone.So there must be something that the hiring committee's at those schools did not like about him. Also he was a a division two school,and was fired due to poor win loss record prior coming to Whitewater.
The whole process which will not start until the conclusion of the 2006 football season will be very interesting. I am just hoping that the fact that more then one copach on the staff at UW Whitewater will be applying for the job will not hurt the coaches primary duty during the season which is to win games.As their are some very very very very big egos on the staff
This is why in my mind Barry Alvarez did what he did. Unfortunately Bob Berezowitz is not Barry Alvarez,and Whitewater will ahve to wait until sometime in early 2007 to find out who the new head coach will be.
Both Coach Borland and Coach Zweifel will definitely be candidates. However  do not expect this to be like the Barry Alvarez replacement, as UW Whitewater will post it for sixty days and then interview all potential candidates.
I have heard some interesting comments from some of the big boosters in Whitewater about who will and will not ghet the job,and was told that they will have a say in it. MONEY TALKS
Anyways it will be interesting to see what UW Whitewater alums apply for the job,as the majority of division three coaches are alums of the school that they coach
I just read on that Jeff Voris from Carroll College has just been named the new head football coach at Butler University.
Barber as far as the schedule. I believe it chanGes for the 2006-2007 season. The league has it all done. I believe it has already been voted on and just needs to be released by the league and schools.
As far as the whole whitewater pleyuers ripping on Docherty.I am not sure what to say but it's their first amendment right. With that said. Pete schmidt is a stud of as tight end,and that pass was a tough one to catch in my opnuion. What really did the hawks in was the fact that they were on the one yard line,and they could not score two plays in a row gave Mount Union the momentum,and cause a 14 point a swing. When your playing a team like Mount Union and you have the ball on the one yard line you have to score no matter what. Failure to do so is sort of like taking the star cheerleader home at the end of a good drinking night,and not being able to score yourself.
Good job warhawks, you guys had a hell of a season,and I think it a retty good bet that the hawks will be back in the playoffs next year as well,as they return almost their entire team.
If you check out the guest book several players from Whitewater have voiced their opnion about Docherty making the big time bowl game.
I am not sure how good he is as I haven't seen him play as of lately. However for whatever reason he has been picked to play in a division one all star game. Whether he sucks or not thats a honor none the less. Let's hope he represents our league and all of division three well.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
December 22, 2005, 01:32:42 AM
I did nmot know this until saturday during the Stagg bowl. However the OAC is not allowed to recruit off campus just like the MWC is not allowed to recruit off campus. My question is why does it seem that the OAC is much more competitive in d3 in terms of the playoffs and everything. They always have two teams in the playoffs, who usually get to the third round of the playoffs. and they also end up playing each other a lot.
If someone could post their thoughts. I would appreciate it.
Also my quote from scout teamhero is true division three coaches are glorified admissions counselors. To even use the world recruiting at the d3 lvel is somewhat of a joke.At the division three level you go to school for a education first and football second.
coach K did not like it,and spoke to the stuident section as a whole after the game the following week sometime. That was his decision and I think very highly of him because of that.
Secondly I am sure that coach Berezowitz has told the returning players how big the bullseye on their back is as well as his expectations for next year. I don't believe that anything but a repeat performance would be satisfying. for he his staff or the returning players.As they know what it takes,and have been their.
Finally as far as the WIAC getting two teams in the playoffs. I am not sure if this will ever happen.As I do not remember the last tiem the second palce team only had one loss in conference. It is a very evenly balanced conference which as capatin said anyone can beat anyone any week of the season. I am always impressed in how Mount union just rolls over the entire OAC except this year every season. Hopefully the hawks will be able to start doing that.
As far as recruiting is concerned at the division three level. It's almost not fair as some leagues aren't allowed to recruit off campus and some are,and the majority of private schools are required to bring in 150 kids a year to the school. In a way the coaches during the off season are glorified admissions counselors selling their school, with an emphasis on the football program.
Finally I want to wish everyone a very merry christmas and a happy new year. This season ahs been a lot of fun especially for the warhawk fans. I think the majority of warhawk fans on this baord can say we expect almost a repeat of this year next season.
Seeing that I have not posted on the board in a while. I have a cuple things to say regarding the last couple of days posts.
First as far as fan behavior, I would expect to be yelled at by college students, thats just part of college sports. If you don't like it well too bad. Also back in 2003 when UWW visited Mount Union the Mu student section was yelling "neddledick' at our punter whenever he was on the field. Liek I said I expect that especially out of college students. However as head coach and AD
As with all fo the other UWW posters. I also want to congratulate coach Berezowitz on a great season. They got to the championship game,and that says something about them. Unfortunately the ESPN people all they did was talk about Mount Union. Whitewater was playing in the agme as well as was actually the undefeated team, and higher ranked team at # 3 on TV and number 1 after beating Linfield two weeks ago.
I though the biggest turning point of the game was Whitewaters inability to score from the two yardline in the beginning of the second half.
If whitewater scores it could have been a totally different game. As it would have been tied at 14-14.
I was just wondering what made whitewaters OC want to run a play to beaver as well as a pass play instead of the famous fullback wedge or QB sneak which could have easily worked. I think back in 2002 UWW ran the wedge like 14 times in a row against UW Stout.
Oh well this is a question which most likely will never be answered.At least the hawks avoided the Monkey stomp, with the great comeback at the end of the game.
I will not deny the fact that MU monkey stomped whitewater in 2002 and 2003. However in 2002 there was a story in the papers in Wisconsin that the warhawks beat the point spread which someone placed on the game in Vegas.
Here is a question for the Monekystomp board. If you beat the spread does that negate the monkey stomp?
Grant it I am not sure how many times a year there is a spread on a d3 regular season game. But there was one on the MU vs. UWW game in 2002.
Just wondering.
Finally I know this fact has already been pointed out. However this warhawk team is by far better then the 2002 and 2003 team's Just look at the offense, a record setting QB two record setting Wide receiver's and a RB who is only a junior and hadn't seen any major PT until this year, who will break the NCAA rushing record Saturday.
Not to forget about the hawks defense, but they just get better with every game they have played since coach Borland took over, and this year is no different.
The deciding factor will be turnovers who gets them and more importantly who commits them.
This is the real Stagg bowl, and this is the only one that counts. Win your the champs, lose, and your just another victory for the winning team.
Go Warhawks
Sorry Pat,
I did not realize that there was a point requirement for a monkey stop.
Except for the Linfield and Lacrosse games though. No one came within 14 points of beating the hawks.
Congrats to coach Brez and everyone involved with the warhawk program past and present. As this is something anyone who was ever involved with the football program can be proud of, and they aren't done yet.
Despite the fact that the warhawks MONKEY STOMPED everyone this year except Lacrosse and Linfield. I do not expect that to happy not in the national title game.
Yes Mount union has been there before, but who cares about the past. Basically every game except the game against trinity was somewhat close, and of course the fact that Trinity was without their QB who was suspended from the game. I am sure it could have been somewhat of a game.
These two teams Whitewater and Mount Union have proven that they are THE BEST teams in division three football. Because if they weren't they wouldn't be in the position they are in getting ready to play the biggest games of their careers.
Finally despite what people out west in Oregon want to believe the Stagg bowl is this week Saturday, and not a week ago. Although that was a great game. They real Stagg bowl is going to be on ESPN 2 and the winner will be crowned, and I expect that to be the warhawks from whitewater because I do not believe that they can lose.
Is it just me or is the 2005 version of the UW Whitewater warhawk football team the most dominant team in division three college football this year. Except for the Linfield game and maybe the Lacrosse game they won every agme by 14 points or even more.
Go warhawks, bring home the trophy
To all former players and fans who will tear dwon the goal posts after the game. Have fun and be safe. I am sure he will let you keep them and take them home if you ask. As long as good old # 20 doesn't show up.
Go Warhawks beat Wesley
Is a great supporter of Whitewater athletics especially the football program. He has done a lot for the football program such as giving money to remdel the locker room back in the late 90's,giving money for the new athletic complex where the football offices are located,as well as pay for fan buses to away games not only this year but in years past as well.
For him to pay for the tickets so students can go to the playoff game for free doesn't surprise me. Like I said he is very very supportive of the athletic program at UW Whitewater. Although some people in the community, do not truly appreciate it.