sjfcards, you are right, kudos for this years chsmpionship
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Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 25, 2007, 12:32:10 PMQuote from: Superman57 on February 25, 2007, 11:48:22 AMThanks for the explanation. Often the difference between athletes competeing is the level of confidence the players have. I to have seen Fenyn play tentative but that does not surpise me with the b.s. that was going on with him and Kornacker up to the latter part of the season. Glad to see it on the healthy side now, but feel bad that it was an opportunity lost to a gifted ball player.
the end of the comment is Fenyn has been playing really well the past couple games...but I followed the team very closely while I was at fisher and he always seemed uncomfortable playing... and the koolaid was not meant as a mean comment I was just saying that the announcers were praising fenyn a lot...and he deserves the praise for what he has done lately
Also surprised that Smalts didnt get more minutes this year. Hope he turns it on next year to have a "dan Mueller" type senior year
Quote from: FisherDynasty on February 25, 2007, 12:18:39 PM
The field looks pretty competitive, anyone could probably come out of it.
NotJoshReed, whats so bad about Fisher's system? dan mueller, yes I believe could have gotten a little bit more playing time but the last few years the team has been extremely talented and there just wasnt enough minutes for him. You can only play 5 guys. Also, to the point the mckeavers, beardens, smalts, if those guys were good enough they'd be starting, but there not, so they dont start and play limited time. They've had their chances. Good programs have good players on the bench, when good players leave, good players replace them and have good years. In a perfect program, you would have very good freshmen and sophmores on the bench and finally getting on the court their jr and sr years when they are fully ready. If you think fisher is bad, think about all the best programs in the country, the players sitting on the end of their benches are better then anyone in our league. Amherst has D1 transfers at the end of their bench getting garbage time that would dunk on the players that your talking about.
You are probaly right, just allow me 2 points then I will drop the subject, Point one that i have hounded about of late is that their was a similarilty between Smalts and Fenyn, two talented players with two differences, Fenyn is a senior and Smalts a junior. Smalts with the minutes and the time he got was still treated with respect as an intergal part of the team, Fenyn was not for most of the year.
Point two is Fisher, maintains too big of a squad and it is impossible to do justice to all those players. They should really carry only 16 at max.
Fisher is not bad, certainly one of the best D3 programs in the Area and pbly the nation. both mens and womens program.
Could be worse, I could be rooting for Naz and frustrated with so much talent and so little success
Go Fisher!
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 25, 2007, 11:27:54 AMQuote from: Superman57 on February 24, 2007, 09:14:25 PMSuperboy you continue to have your rose colored glasses on, Not sure what the later part of this statement means, but you are an ass
and I believe that the announcers were drinking the same kool-aid on Fenyn that Dirk and NotJosh have on that note...where has this Fenyn been compared to what I have seen
Quote from: FisherDynasty on February 25, 2007, 11:03:22 AM
. Mueller played out of his mind, and i believe he definatly deserved first team, the kid has put the best team in the league on his shoulders time and time again.
Agree wholeheartedly with this statement Congratulations to Dan Mueller for a great season. Fishers's system probably had even you questioning your own ability after three years of limited playing. Goes to show how a talented player can showcase his talent and elevate his game if given the opportunity. Way to go skip! Too bad Fenyn and others didnt have an opportunity to do the same. Hope that Smalts, Beardon and McKiever get that chance next year
Congrats to the entire Fisher team and Coaches for winning the E8. It was impressive. Good luck as your season continues
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 23, 2007, 11:20:10 PMQuote from: Superman57 on February 23, 2007, 10:47:50 PM
ok first off take your lips of adrian's D***... Secondly...there was, is and always will be two sides to a storie...well work kept me from watching either game on the hopefully I will be able to get home in time tommorow to see fisher win the championship if not oh well
Nice mouth superboy, does your mother know you speak that way to people that disagree with you? Dont forget to polish your rose colored glasses on the way to your work at McDonalds tomorrow.
BTW, McAdam is in a class above Neuman/Baltz (for now)
Adrian Fenyn's sister is a potential D-1 recruit from Newark HS as a Sophmore. If by chance she ended up D-3 I am sure that there is no way that her parents would allow her on the Fisher Campus after watching there son's treatment this year.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 23, 2007, 10:16:59 PM
Nice win fisher, keep it up!
Let me see, oh Fenyn had 9 points and a solid performance off the bench. Perhaps it would have been even better if his talent wasn't mismanaged all year by the Fisher Coaching staff.
What did you say superman? <<<<there is always more to a story....obviously Adrian did something to not get playing time...if he was good enough to play consistently then he would have>>>>>
He should have been playing consistently all year, nice to know the fisher staff has the smarts to pull him out now at least. He certainly ought to have fresh legs as some games he did not even get in and others he got the token 2 minutes. I still contend it's not a fair way to treat an athlete with such talent.
Let me see, oh Fenyn had 9 points and a solid performance off the bench. Perhaps it would have been even better if his talent wasn't mismanaged all year by the Fisher Coaching staff.
What did you say superman? <<<<there is always more to a story....obviously Adrian did something to not get playing time...if he was good enough to play consistently then he would have>>>>>
He should have been playing consistently all year, nice to know the fisher staff has the smarts to pull him out now at least. He certainly ought to have fresh legs as some games he did not even get in and others he got the token 2 minutes. I still contend it's not a fair way to treat an athlete with such talent.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 18, 2007, 12:13:52 PM
sjf2 my statement by it self seems ridiculous, an add on to my rant bout Fenyn, the next is an earlier post that explains what I mean from a Jan 7th post
<<Second some thoughts on the recruiting at Fisher and other D3 schools. I believe the schools allow and encourages the over recruiting of high schools students in all their sports. For Kornaker and other coaches it is a windfall, having all these kids (the masses) to mold into the team of there liking over a season or even a couple of years (the few). It's like being a Mormon and marring six wives and never having to choose your favorite. For the colleges it commits a group of students to their schools that for the most part can afford to be there and at the same time with little to no aid from the colleges. Most of these athletes do not have time for their studies, the sports and a part time job so the parent foot most of the college bill and the life cost as well. These students may not sign any letters of commitment but they are committed to becoming one of the gems of their chosen sport at a well respected school. The shame of the chase is that most of the masses end up with little time as the years go on and are relegated towards the end of the bench or off the team as the cycle repeats. In the meantime the school wins big time as this over recruited class of athletes and their parents foot the a majority of the students bill for a solid four years of education. Distracters might say that the student gets a good education but the college gets a committed student who might easily have gone elsewhere. For the college it is all about marketing. There is a story a couple years ago that the Fisher Women's softball team recruited 31 athletes for two spots. When the coach spoke some concern for disillusioning so many athletes an administrator from the college told the, your job is to get these kids here, our job is to keep them (after they are no longer part of the team) (If you think Basketball has a big team take a look at the football sidelines)
So in summary:
Athletes and their parents get to chase a dream of continuing their high school stardom by becoming part of the masses
Coaches get to dabble with a huge amount of athletes while they mold their team of a few
Colleges get a great crop of higher % paying students to their schools with the hope of retaining them for 4 years.
Thus everybody wins or at least the colleges do, the coaches do and the few athletes that play and thrive into their senior years.
The rest, well, what an education in life the get as they learn to handle frustration and disappointments. >>>
But this being said, time to get a life and enjoy my Sunday
<<Second some thoughts on the recruiting at Fisher and other D3 schools. I believe the schools allow and encourages the over recruiting of high schools students in all their sports. For Kornaker and other coaches it is a windfall, having all these kids (the masses) to mold into the team of there liking over a season or even a couple of years (the few). It's like being a Mormon and marring six wives and never having to choose your favorite. For the colleges it commits a group of students to their schools that for the most part can afford to be there and at the same time with little to no aid from the colleges. Most of these athletes do not have time for their studies, the sports and a part time job so the parent foot most of the college bill and the life cost as well. These students may not sign any letters of commitment but they are committed to becoming one of the gems of their chosen sport at a well respected school. The shame of the chase is that most of the masses end up with little time as the years go on and are relegated towards the end of the bench or off the team as the cycle repeats. In the meantime the school wins big time as this over recruited class of athletes and their parents foot the a majority of the students bill for a solid four years of education. Distracters might say that the student gets a good education but the college gets a committed student who might easily have gone elsewhere. For the college it is all about marketing. There is a story a couple years ago that the Fisher Women's softball team recruited 31 athletes for two spots. When the coach spoke some concern for disillusioning so many athletes an administrator from the college told the, your job is to get these kids here, our job is to keep them (after they are no longer part of the team) (If you think Basketball has a big team take a look at the football sidelines)
So in summary:
Athletes and their parents get to chase a dream of continuing their high school stardom by becoming part of the masses
Coaches get to dabble with a huge amount of athletes while they mold their team of a few
Colleges get a great crop of higher % paying students to their schools with the hope of retaining them for 4 years.
Thus everybody wins or at least the colleges do, the coaches do and the few athletes that play and thrive into their senior years.
The rest, well, what an education in life the get as they learn to handle frustration and disappointments. >>>
But this being said, time to get a life and enjoy my Sunday
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 18, 2007, 11:35:39 AM
<so Dirk and not josh reed do us all a favor and stop posting again>
Superman your getting pretty self-righteous on us this Sunday, however I think this is an open board and we are each allowed our own opinion and will post when I feel like posting. . Happy that you want Kornacker as COY and I don't care if he gets it or not. That fact remains that his treatment of Adrian Fenyn this year was deplorable. Coming into the season he had similar playtime to Dan Mueller and as a Senior faced with such treatment he did not have the option to transfer to another school. This kid was highly recruited out of high school by Kornecker and he did not do right by him.
The successes and the minus of the Fisher program remain the same and will not change until the school stops using its athletic program as a recruiting arm of the school.
Course I thought Naz was going to be a force this year , so even I do not take this too serriously, just hate to see talent abused and Fenyn was
Superman your getting pretty self-righteous on us this Sunday, however I think this is an open board and we are each allowed our own opinion and will post when I feel like posting. . Happy that you want Kornacker as COY and I don't care if he gets it or not. That fact remains that his treatment of Adrian Fenyn this year was deplorable. Coming into the season he had similar playtime to Dan Mueller and as a Senior faced with such treatment he did not have the option to transfer to another school. This kid was highly recruited out of high school by Kornecker and he did not do right by him.
The successes and the minus of the Fisher program remain the same and will not change until the school stops using its athletic program as a recruiting arm of the school.
Course I thought Naz was going to be a force this year , so even I do not take this too serriously, just hate to see talent abused and Fenyn was
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 10, 2007, 05:06:28 PMQuote from: fisheralum91 on January 10, 2007, 12:04:53 PMHey Post up,
grow up and grow a pair.
This is not a closed fraternity, As a new kid on the block you have managed to turn all the attention on yourself and deflect from the team you support. Lighten up and take Fisheralum's advice.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 06, 2007, 06:06:34 PM
Good win for fisher, listened to part of the game, agree with Sjfcards that no answer for Beigel at end of game. McKeever came in and slowed down Canori who was on fire early and often, McKeever and Newman also some late game threes to build momentum.
Announcer seemed to think that fatigue in the second half doomed Nazareth as both teams had games last night as well.
Thanks for proving me wrong on my prediction.
Nice to see some bench time for Fisher and the bench performing well as fisher went 11 deep.
Any truth in the rumor that Fisher is building a new field house so they can expand from 24 to 35 players and 6 to 10 Coaches?
Announcer seemed to think that fatigue in the second half doomed Nazareth as both teams had games last night as well.
Thanks for proving me wrong on my prediction.
Nice to see some bench time for Fisher and the bench performing well as fisher went 11 deep.
Any truth in the rumor that Fisher is building a new field house so they can expand from 24 to 35 players and 6 to 10 Coaches?
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 06, 2007, 04:51:18 PMFirst my prediction for today's Naz fisher game, Naz by 12.
Second some thoughts on the recruiting at Fisher and other D3 schools. I believe the schools allow and encourages the over recruiting of high schools students in all their sports. For Kornaker and other coaches it is a windfall, having all these kids (the masses) to mold into the team of there liking over a season or even a couple of years (the few). It's like being a Mormon and marring six wives and never having to choose your favorite. For the colleges it commits a group of students to their schools that for the most part can afford to be their and at the same time with little to no aid from the colleges. Most of these athletes do not have time for their studies, the sports and a part time job so the parent foot most of the college bill and the life cost as well. These students may not sign any letters of commitment but they are committed to becoming one of the gems of their chosen sport at a well respected school. The shame of the chase is that most of the masses end up with little time as the years go on and are relegated towards the end of the bench or off the team as the cycle repeats. In the meantime the school wins big time as this over recruited class of athletes and their parents foot the a majority of the students bill for a solid four years of education. Distracters might say that the student gets a good education but the college gets a committed student who might easily have gone elsewhere. For the college it is all about marketing. There is a story a couple years ago that the Fisher Women's softball team recruited 31 athletes for two spots. When the coach spoke some concern for disillusioning so many athletes an administrator from the college told the, your job is to get these kids here, our job is to keep them (after they are no longer part of the team) (If you think Basketball has a big team take a look at the football sidelines)
So in summary:
Athletes and their parents get to chase a dream of continuing their high school stardom by becoming part of the masses
Coaches get to dabble with a huge amount of athletes while they mold their team of a few
Colleges get a great crop of higher % paying students to their schools with the hope of retaining them for 4 years.
Thus everybody wins or at least the colleges do, the coaches do and the few athletes that play and thrive into their senior years.
The rest, well, what an education in life the get as they learn to handle frustration and disappointments.
Good luck Mueller and Smalt and company today, hope you and the few do well today and prove my prediction wrong. Either way my heart goes out to the masses and their families as they continue to support the program 100% hoping that their day may come, eventually.........
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
December 02, 2006, 11:47:25 PM
Hey Coach No Name
Fisher could but they wont, they have a ways to go to prove they are the best team on East Avenue let alone all of Rochester, and will be lucky to break even with U of R and Naz. BTW Who did you coach, Coach No Name, the cubs?
Fisher could but they wont, they have a ways to go to prove they are the best team on East Avenue let alone all of Rochester, and will be lucky to break even with U of R and Naz. BTW Who did you coach, Coach No Name, the cubs?
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 12, 2006, 07:30:33 PM
Sorry I meant Brandon Biegel the baseball playing brother of Justin, Hey Jdex how did Mark Schaller do for cortland at the scrimage?
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 12, 2006, 04:24:03 PM
I agree with the early season rankings but think Naz could end fighting with Fisher for the number 2 spot. BTW whats going on with Fisher with a 24 man roster, 14 new players including 13 freshman. They still seem to have no one to run the point as Kiernan didnt seem to be the answer against Israel. I see Biegel football paying brother made the team. Does he have any talent or is he just a goon to be sent in when the brother needs an emotional rest?
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
November 12, 2006, 04:04:14 PM
Baltz could become an eventual replacement for Mike Mcgee, i Understand his quite smooth and has a nice shot