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Messages - kbanya30

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 12, 2006, 06:10:34 PM
Went to the Carroll game at Ripon yesterday with wallace and a couple other football buddies and it was close the whole game like I thought it would be. It was another horrible performance by the mwc refs, it's sad sometimes to see these refs try and take over the game and not let the kids play. Hopefully there will be good crew this wed nite in waukesha. I don't think words can describe how pumped I am about wed nite Carroll is on a roll and LU has to come to Van Male the hardest place to play in the confernce, and it will be rockin!! Look for me Wallace, falco to be in the front row going crazy!!!!!

Goo Pioneerssss!!!!!
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 06, 2006, 10:21:20 PM
I dont know why Carroll keeps on getting no love from the top 25 voters. Yes Carroll is ranked 22 now I think that is a joke. Carroll has 2 loses one against oskosh by 1 and to LU by only 5. Carroll is a top 15 team in the nation and the pioneers continue to get disrespected. I hope our guys can focus on the next game against Ripon instead of overlooking them. Because that LU game will be out of control.

Where is Falco....damn liberal
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 04, 2006, 06:05:22 PM
First off I wanted to apologize for the unruley cc fan that got kicked out of the game last nite against LF. The pioneers just beat knox 103-55, wait i thought knox was a tournmant team? Talk about layin an egg...geez! Next up for the Pioneers is Ripon a week from today, cc needs to take care of business and not look ahead. Lets go Pioneers!

P.S. Where's falco?
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 31, 2006, 02:34:33 PM
The #23 ranked pioneers host snc tonite, CC by 20. Good luck to both CC teams tonite!

Go Carroll!
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 30, 2006, 02:23:23 PM
It turned out to be another good weekend for Carroll, beating both GC and then IC on the road. I dont care how good a team you are but winning both games on a long road trip like that says something. The pioneers now have 3 straight home games they must win, they can not afford a let down. Good Luck Pioneers

P.S. its good to see falco back on board, damn liberals
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 24, 2006, 07:39:59 PM
After a heartbreaking loss to LU last week Carroll bounced back to beat Beloit on Saturday. Tonite the pioneers face Ripon, carroll by 14. Also, it is about damn time that Carroll got some national attention and broke the top 25. As long Carroll takes care of business and doesnt have any let downs before the next LU game, it should be a hell of a game in Waukesha. But Carroll can not afford a let down the rest of the season, GO CARROLL
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 19, 2006, 10:35:51 AM
I was lucky enough to make it up to the "big gay al" as wallace likes to call it last night. It was a hard fought game by both carroll and lawernce. Carroll was once down by i believe 18 points and fought back to 3 or 4 proving that they can play with a top 10 team in the nation. Carroll was just unable to get into a rhythm on the offensive side of the ball. Credit that to lawernce and oh wait the REFS! I thought the stripes did a below average job on the officiating, you think there would be a better job done by the ref's being it such a big game. I dont know nelson why you are complaining about the calls LU didnt get, in the second half the refs went on a 7-0 run, calling 7 straight fouls on carroll it wasnt pretty. Next time there is a big game in the mwc hopefully the refs wont be so up tight and will let the kids play a good clean game and take control when needed.
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 15, 2006, 11:38:03 PM
Wallace! I think you know that I am just as excited as you are about the big Carroll/Lawernce game. I think falco is pretty pumped as well, but his liberal ass hasnt been on here in awhile. Its gonna be a great game and a dog fight till the end. Some people around the mwc dont think that carroll's bench is as good or as deep as lawernce's, i disagree, carrolls bench is very solid and i have been pleasently surprised by the play of carrolls bench up to this point in the year. I'll let the doubters doubt and hopefully carroll can prove the critics wrong on wednesday night. Its gonna be a good one.

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 12, 2006, 02:49:06 PM
Finally confernce play is picking up, exciting times. Me and wallace made the trip up to SNC this past weekend to watch our carroll team beat the knights. Next up for the pioneers is IC and Monmouth. Both are decent teams in the MWC and the carroll squad is def. not overlooking them. Carroll wins both games this weekend by 14 points.

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 03, 2006, 03:14:55 PM
Thanks for the shout out wallace. Well thank god that carroll came home from florida unbeaten, they weren't playing against good competition by anymeans. As confernce play picks up here look for carroll to beat St. Norbert and IC by 20 points or more.
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 27, 2005, 12:13:05 PM
Happy Holidays to all, long time reader first time post. Figured it would be a good time to comment since the Carroll men left early this mourning for florida, this trip is important for them since they are coming of a very dissappointing loss to UW-zero. Hopefully the pioneers can come back undefeated from florida and carry that momentum into the heart of confernce play.

Can anyone tell me what is with Ripon this year? Beloit is currently 4th in mwc, are they for real?