After all this time, I thought that Albion had at least a little bit of an academic reputation. The last post by Kresge along with the construction of the horse stables last year has driven me to think otherwise. (horse noises)
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Region 7 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 30, 2006, 11:25:58 AM #2
Region 7 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 29, 2006, 08:13:13 PM
I was not able to attend the game last night in Kzoo, but did find this post over on M-live. I found it interesting given SAC's post about K's students.
Posted on m-live:
1665.2. Kzoo students classless
by miaafan02, 1/29/06 19:55 ET
Re: Hope - K (17 straight) by Nickname7, 1/29/06
If I were a member of the Kalamazoo administration or alumni(which I am glad that I am not), I would be very ashamed of how their students acted last night versus Hope. It is one thing to have friendly exchange of cheers between student sections, but something totally different when vulgar and derogatory language is used towards students and fans. There were many times that K students were chanting Fu$* Hope and the administration did nothing. Also, many Kalamazoo students walked by where a few Hope students were sitting and yelled right in their faces with language that it far less than respectful. If I were an administrator at K, I would refer their students to the mission of the MIAA which includes:
3. Insisting on the practice of good sportsmanship and positive social behaviors in all constituents, including student-athletes, coaches, administrative personnel, and spectators.
For K supposedly being a high class insitution, they showed no class yesterday evening at home.
Posted on m-live:
1665.2. Kzoo students classless
by miaafan02, 1/29/06 19:55 ET
Re: Hope - K (17 straight) by Nickname7, 1/29/06
If I were a member of the Kalamazoo administration or alumni(which I am glad that I am not), I would be very ashamed of how their students acted last night versus Hope. It is one thing to have friendly exchange of cheers between student sections, but something totally different when vulgar and derogatory language is used towards students and fans. There were many times that K students were chanting Fu$* Hope and the administration did nothing. Also, many Kalamazoo students walked by where a few Hope students were sitting and yelled right in their faces with language that it far less than respectful. If I were an administrator at K, I would refer their students to the mission of the MIAA which includes:
3. Insisting on the practice of good sportsmanship and positive social behaviors in all constituents, including student-athletes, coaches, administrative personnel, and spectators.
For K supposedly being a high class insitution, they showed no class yesterday evening at home.
Region 7 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 18, 2006, 11:02:54 AM
It was mentioned in an earlier post about Albion not starting back until the 20th. Seems like an awefully long break to me.
Region 7 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
December 22, 2005, 09:20:29 AM
Please wait until after we kill whatever team that you support. Thanks.
P.S. It is DeVos.
P.S. It is DeVos.
Region 7 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
December 18, 2005, 05:03:31 PM
As a Hope fan, I know that there are many that are looking forward to the 14th. We'll let the game do all the talking.