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Messages - wooly

Kramer is finally someone who gets it.  That is exactly the problem at Denison.  It  does not hinge on playing time, just that the situation there is a bummer.  The program offers no excitment win or lose.  Way to go Kramer, you hit the nail on the head
Axes?? no not an ax to grind.  A viewpoint.    Hopefully it will get better after the break, but I am afraid it will not.  I do not see things turning around for a while.  I know they will win a few games this year like at Obelin and possibly Kenyon, but I am afraid all the competitive juices are dried up!!
Benn reading all the post on Denison and just could not keep quiet any longer.  Couch at Denison is the nicest coach and teacher you would want to know but simply put, could not coach his way out of a bag.  If you have ever attended a game he is usually panic stricken and looks to his Assit. for an answer way too much for a head coach to  do.  Who is in charge?  One mistake and you are toast.  On the bench you go.  Never a positive remark out of his mouth during or after a game.  If you happen to hit a game winning shot, please show no emotion or you will be asked to keep it down and will receive a good talking to.  They is no fun in the game anymore.  division 3 basketball is all about kids that just want to  play.  For the love of the game.  It is up to the coaches to make it at least alitltle more fun.  I believe those kids should work hard on and off season.  As hard as they can.  But there is a fun side to basketball and that needs to be looked at also.  I have no one playing I am just a fan that has watched this program for a couple of years and think it is now time for an inner look into the other aspects of coaching that the coach at Denison lacks.  Make it a little fun for them.  Give them a reason the come to the games.

Thats it.  I now feel better anfter venting!!