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Messages - TheRed


You are an idiot.  You have no idea what you are talking about and I think I speak for most when saying that we are sick of hearing your ridiculious comments about the games.

"If the team isn't doing what the coach wants them to do.  Sit em down."

In that case, Hern and Hodge would never play because their defense has been very questionable all year.  You have even said that yourself.  You contradict yourself all the time and I'm tired of hearing it.  Next you are gonna say "well somebody has to score some points and that is why those two should play."  If thats the case, then you shouldn't have said the comment above. 

This is a team game and no the two best shooters don't have to shoot the ball the most every game and I feel that the explanation for most people on here would be pretty obvious, but for you I'll go ahead and explain.  Since they are the best two shooters most teams will plan their defensive scheme around them and take them away as it sounds Wabash tried to do.  Therefore, at some point other guys are going to have to step up and make some shots if the team is going to be succesful.  If not, the two are going to end up forcing some bad shots and turning the ball over more than normal.  I'm not saying  Krantz should have shot 18 times, but I do like that he wasn't afraid to step up and take the shots he was given.  You must take what the defense gives you and some nights that may mean Krantz and Izzo take 15 shots while Hern and Hodge take 8.  It all depends on the situtation and that seems to be something you don't understand.  Things aren't the same every single game like you want them to be.  If Denison got beat by Witt by 35 and played 12 guys you would blame Ghiloni for playing too many people when it really had nothing to do with it.  Just please get a clue.

Your comments are almost unbearable.  If u really want me to call Hern, Hodge, Izzo, Julian, Pete, and Wags I can because their numbers are in my cell phone.  But really, it's none of your business whats going on within the team.  And just because I do know doesn't mean that I'm going to come on here and tell a bunch of people that I don't know and have nothing to do with the program.  I'm just telling you that your theories about why the team is struggling are incorrect.

Also, stats aren't as important as you make them out to be.  You can't coach a team based on stats.  Many guys bring other things to the table that don't show up on a stat line and that is perhaps why they play. 

Leadership is what Denison is missing.  DF, you say Hern and Hodge bring it every night, but the other guys don't.  For one, I don't believe that.  And two, if they are so good as you think they are, they should be able to get the best out of their teammates every night.  (this is nothing against Hern and Hodge because they are very good players.  i'm jnust trying to prove a point and possibly motivate those guys if they read this crap)
Okay....i can't take listening to Denisonfan any longer.  You have no idea what is going on with the team, but you continue to give your insight on everything.  You jump to conclusions about Ghiloni and the team with no understanding of what is actually going on behind closed doors.  He's not a fool and if certain guys were getting the job done there would not be any of this talk about rotation or playing time or anything.  A lot of things that have happened this year were bound to happen and not due to Ghilonis coaching this year.  I don't care that any of you know who I am and I'll make it pretty easy to figure out by telling you that I played for him for 3 years and have the upmost respect for him as a person and a coach.  I don't really like message boards, nor have I ever posted on one, but people like DenisonFan drive me nuts.  Just don't go throwing out comments just to have something to say without knowing more about the game and the issues the team faces.  Do your homework.

Also, this comment is unreal..."I THINK HE IS TRYING TO COACH THESE MEN LIKE HE DID THIS BISHOP READING (SPELLING) KIDS. IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK.  SUDDENLY HE HAS MEN THAT HAVE AN OPINION AND QUESTION WHAT HE IS DOING.  IF HE WANTS ROBOTS HE SHOULD GO BACK TO HIGH SCHOOL COACHING."  I'm sure Wooster's guys don't have a bunch of "men" questioning Coach Moore.  This is college basketball.  If everyone had a say in what was going on, Coach G would be playing 20 guys instead of 10-12.