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Messages - polek2

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 30, 2006, 01:48:00 AM
Ok so say life continues as is with LU in the Top 4 polls.  Do they host the weekend play at their tiny gym with no seating?  I am just curiouse what you all think the NCAA will do with the lack of an ideal gym to host the tourny.  Obviously if they go as the only NCAA team without a lose they deserve a home court advantage but come on that place was redesigned when they weren't good and had no fan support.  So will the NCAA give them the hosting job and have people be left out in the cold? (I mean where would the park? that is a whole nother issue)  It is a month away but something to think about. 
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 10, 2006, 11:33:42 PM
Quote from: mwc4life on January 10, 2006, 10:47:10 PM

"So over Vraney's career at Ripon who were the other big time big men that he so amazingly coached?"

Scott Landish, Kieck, Liska, Vraney, Butrym....anyways he did a lot more then coach the bigs.  He never really had a player the liked playing with his back to the basket.  When you had guards like Glocke, Kohl, Becker its hard not to be.  But Schmitting just got good over night.
Ok I am done after this, except for two points based on basketball not personnel issues or problems with people just based on how they coach or play from my gathered knowledge.
1.  It is not a personnel issue or problem it is a basketball theory/scheme/knowledge issue.  Like I said before he is a good dude.  It is the issue if he did not have a good head coach in front of him he would be a poor coach in my opinion which is based on what I have seen and discussed with other players/people who witnessed Ripon basketball pre vraney and with vraney.  
2. "Big time Big men" ok, lets be real on the Big Time Big Men:  Landish was an great outside player, kieck good but nothing to special, liska good could have been great , Vraney huslter (not the magazine) a few spectacular but not much else, Butrym great player not a true "big man" though.  All great people.

So mwc4life it has been fun!  Go Redhawks! Booo Vikings! (LC and MN)
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 10, 2006, 10:15:06 PM
Just cuz you played for and coached with good coaches doesn't mean you are a good coach.  Unfortunatly you can't learn by osmosis.  Obviously we are going to disagree on this matter.  As far as Ripon big men go this is the first time in a very very long time that Ripon has a inside bigman that is a focal point in the offense.  Usually Ripon is all about guard play.  So over Vraney's career at Ripon who were the other big time big men that he so amazingly coached?   It is interesting that he finally leaves and a big man starts playing well, which I think may be attributed to the fact that the big men no longer waste practice time doing pointless ungamelike drills that I have witnessed vraney running.  Also seeing Vraney force big men on defense to fully front their mark at the high post lost him a lot of points in my book, luckly a player confronted him on it got yelled at which brought Gillie over who then sided with the player and said fronting the high post is dumb we arn't going to do that.  So that is my opinion and what it is based on.  Like I said in my first post.  He is a good guy nothing against him personally just his coaching.
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 09, 2006, 10:38:57 PM
Ok, Ripon's Big Men are good this year because that  vraney assistant coach is gone!  How are Lake Forest's big men doing this year? Probably worse then last year with vraney.  The guy is clueless and if he gets a head coaching job it will drop like a stone.  He is not a players coach all he does is bark and make people run.  It is his way or the highway and his way is usually wrong!  As a person he is a great guy.  He just doesn't know basketball that well. 

Gordie is a good calming affect on Gillie because gordie can talk back to gillie without making him mad. 

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
December 31, 2005, 02:13:51 AM
Ok so I am a College basketball Junky!  Played D III ball in the midwest yada yada yada.  Anyways I know live in Portland and need to get my fix of hoops.  What team/gym do you recommend watching good quality basketball at?  I just want to enjoy watching good Basketball!  Please help me out, I am starting to get the shivers without my fix!