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Messages - RastaRob

So, when and where is the Sweet 16 game??

You really are opinionated about everything. It is "nice" to see that you are willing to bad mouth anyone and everyone. Even a player that used to be one of yours. Calvin lost. I'm sorry. Please, can you hibernate until next November. Thanks.
I am so excited about the game tonight. I am shocked that the game is not sodl out yet. That really doesnt make any sense. But I guess this proves that the Devos Fieldhouse is not too small. I guess taht is the end of that discussion. I am very nervous for tonight. I feel that Hope has everything to lose and Calvin has everything to win. I do not like that at all. Calvin will play tough for sure and will shoot really well, but I see Hope pulling this one off. My prediction is:

Hope 71
Calvin 63

It will be closer than the last one, but Hope is too determined at this time. And I agree with Tniem. If the worst happens tonight I will quietly disappear fro a few weeks. Hope has to win. It is really that simple. Lets Go Dutch!!!!
Not a big fan of Friday games. I think it is too early to play Friday night games on account of high school basketball. There are a lot of great fans and former players that coach on Friday nights. Pretty ridiculous in my mind to have the first round of teh tourny on Friday night.

One voice quietly complaining for selfish reasons.
I am going to say 81-65 Hope with the victory. Hope will play big and finish strong. My brother was giving me a hard time today telling me that Hope never wins the big games. He needs to be WRONG tonight. Let's Go Dutch!!

So, I must admit that I am bit nervous. From what I have read and heard from people Calvin shot poorly in the Olivet game and the K game. They were just the better team and pulled out victories. I firmly believe that Hope is a better team than Calvin, but I am worried with all their shooting woes they will come out tonight and have the best shooting performance of the year. Calvin always seems to do that against Hope. Personally, I will still predict a Hope win becaise they are playing really well right now with a clear purpose and I like to see that. They are determined and it is hard to beat a determined team. I feel that Calvin has hit their max potential and they are satisfied. They are satisfied with a regular season championship and an NCAA bid. They are just glad to be there. I dont see that with Hope. Hope was supposed to dominate this year and be really sweet. They are not satisfied with a 2-loss season. They want more. And so do I. Bring it on!
Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone knew what AM radio station the Hope/Calvin game will be on tonight in the Kalamazoo area? Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks.
Great idea randomthoughts. I know plenty of Hope studnets that will be at the game. I will ahve them call me at halftime and at the end. Thanks.

I am a high school JV basketball coach and clearly my game is right during the Hope/Albion game. I cant even listen to the end because I have to be at the Varisty game too. Any suggestions on how I can hear at least part of the game. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

Quote from: John Rusnak on February 24, 2006, 10:32:31 AM
Quote from: randomthoughts on February 24, 2006, 09:55:31 AM
I find it so funny that the best teams in the league (and their backers) find it so easy to "play above" the officiating.  For the underdogs in the league, we know we have to have a perfect game from our players, and then a good game from the officials to pull off the upset.

History, I guess, is written by the winners.  Doesn't make it right.

This is really just an extension of life in general.  Do you notice how those with more money tend to have all of the advantages swing in their favor?  Sure, the underdog sometimes gets lucky and pulls out of the gutter and makes something of himself, but the people that come from wealthy families or go to "better" schools tend to finish better as well.

I'm not making any judgments, just pointing out how our society functions.

Both of these statements are extremely interesting. I completely agree with you. I am a Hope fan and I am willing to admit the bias that I see on most occasions. Either Hope plays the way they should and blow out the teams like they should. Or they play close ones against weaker teams and sometimes they get a little help, almost because the are expected to win. It is pretty sad when you think about it. But I guess it is the way it is. The same can be said for Duke or UConn. Basketball is that way.
And yes, our society is focused on the rich and perpetuating teh rich. That is obvious. That is what a capitalistic society is all about. I think it is awful, but it is interesting how sports imitate real life.
sorry abou the last post to Oldknight. I meant Knightslappy. All you carzy knights get me all messed up. I wish one od you woudl just go by sir lancelot or something. It would be easier for the rest of us.
Quote from: KnightSlappy on February 24, 2006, 12:18:19 AM
Quote from: Picket Fence on February 23, 2006, 10:35:26 PM
The officials obviously had an effect on the game, if not we wouldn't be talking about them.  That's sad, because Olivet outplayed Calvin last night.

Olivet played well but the refs didn't lose the game for them.  Sure bad calls were made but bad calls went against both teams.  In games like that you can't let the officiating get into your head.  Good teams can still get it done.


I see what you are syaing, but the reality is that no one would argue that Olivet is a better team than Calvin. Calvin is clearly better, but Olivet played better. It is definitely harder for the away team that is not as good to come in and win a game, especially when the refs make questionable calls against them. When you are an underdog you need al lthe help you can get. You need every bucket to fall and the ball to always bounce the right way (Like Hope at Calvin) to pull off the upset. This also means you cannot have refs blow any calls. It seemed as if they did and that is unfortunate. Oh, well. It is good news for me. It means Hope can beat Albion and beat Calvin in the MIAA finals. There is nothing better than sweet revenge.

Great to see you on here!

If I could give Kudos, I would. I appreciate your unbiased opinion. I really do. It is unfortunate the Olivet did not win tonight, but while I was rooting for them, I would much rather have the last four that we have for the weekend. I always want to see the best teams play and hopefully we will this weekend. It will be a good weekend for sure. Should be a lot of good games.
It is early to be asking for tix. I wouldnt worry about it. I know Kzoo wont show up. They love to bow down to the almighty Knights! So, I am saying dont really waste yoru money. Just my opinion.