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Messages - TheFence

I may be a couple if Wisconsin Schools playing at Hope Saturday night.  Wouldn't that do wonders for the greatest rivalry in Division III.  You'd have all those crazy Hope fans joined by the Hope team on Lutheran's side and all the Calvin fans joined by thier team on the La Crosse side.

Thanks pabegg, that makes sense. But I'm shocked that there are 7 teams seeded/ranked higher that CMU and B-W in that bracket.  I can see the following:

Miss Coll

who else? I guess you'd add Bethany (CMU beat them) and Trinity Texas?
I think B-W got screwed. Not so fast on them getting by the first week-end. They need to beat a tough CMU in round 1 (If CMU shots it well look out) then Wittenberg at Wittenberg the next night.  That gets them a shot at Calvin or Hope probably at Calvin or Hope.

Don't worry about Hope hosting all they way through.  Calvin gets then in round 2.
Lets say Wash U, Rochester, and NYU win.

Could NYU and edge out CMU if the league only gets 1 Pool C bid.  I don't think so but NYU is 3rd in their region to CMU which is 6th or 7th and probably lower with a loss this week-end.

The UAA could get 1 team in or as many as 3 depending on how things unfold.
If Wash U, Rochester, and NYU all win this week-end.  Who gets in?

From a national perspective I really hope Gordon wins this tourney.  I just couldn't deal with 2 CCC teams in the Big Dance and I think with the flawed system in place Gordon has a chance to get in as a Pool C. I can't be sold that Gordon is one of the top 18 Pool C teams but the committe probably will force it upon us.

I was out of town and didn't get back online until just now.  Maybe next week. 

Huge game for the Tartans.  I would say it's the second biggest game in Coach Wingens coaching career behind last years season finale at Rochester.  We all know what happened last year so lets just hope Wingen and the boys can pull this one out.  Although I think their in win or lose.
You're probably right.  I guess I just don't like how Maurer disapperas for stretches of games, while Wilcox plays hard every second. I would agree he is the most talented player in the league and from what your telling his numbers back it up.
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Top 25 talk
February 15, 2006, 08:21:13 AM
Probably the wrong board but I'd have to disagree with Mr Sager, and I would have the UAA the #2 conference this year.  Both conferences ( WIAC and UAA)are elite in 2006 and therefore they beat each other up.  The tie-breaker for me has to be non-conference performance and I think the UAA  edges the WIAC out this season.

At the top of the conferences you may be right Whitewater and the top four from the CCIW may beat Carnegie Mellon this year.  But you may be wrong, Carnegie Mellon did beat Princeton who now has 7 D1 wins.  So just because you think the Top of the CCIW and WIAC are better than Top of the UAA doesn't make it fact.  The fact is we'll never know unless the meet come march.

At the bottom of the conference the UAA definately has the edge in my book. Both Emory and Case are better than River Falls, Eau Claire, and Superior.  Of course the same 'we'll never know argument' applies here as well. However records and quality wins seem to be a pretty good indicator here.  Both Case and Emory have solid wins in the conference and out of it, which to me makes them a tougher bottom of the conference game to win.

The UAA may not be as good as the WIAC year in and year out but in 06 the UAA deserves some respect, Top 2 respect in my book.

Of course I say all of this proudly not having seen a WIAC game this season. (I have seen multiple CCIW and UAA games as well as NESCAC games.) 
I think Mauer, Wilcox and Boone for sure.  Gildare should be a lock but some times point guards get overlooked.  After that it's up in the air but I would take the Kid from Rochester Onyiriuka and Deluca from Brandeis over Stone and Ruths. 

Player of the year is between Boone, Barlow-Wilcox and Mauer in my book.   Maurer is more flashy and maybe more talented but the Wilcox kid never takes a break. Becasue Barlow-Wilcox and Mauer will split some votes my guess is that Boone will get it.
looking for cmu/nyu update. can't get wrct up and running?
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Pool C
February 09, 2006, 12:16:31 PM
I'm sure this has been explained but does the selection committee pick a certain numebr of teams from each region.  In other words is the Atlantic Region going to get a certain defined number of Pool C bids or do they simply take the best 18 teams available for the Pool C slots.

Forgive my ignorance.
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Pool C
February 08, 2006, 04:18:26 PM
Looks like the NESCAC leads the way with 5 teams ranked.  Of course they play in Division 4, I mean New England.

The UAA has 4 teams in.  Any others with 4.
Looks like the NESCAC is the only conference with 5.  At fisrt glance it looks like the UAA was the only one with 4.