Realist, you certainly offer an outside-the-box idea, but there is a potential problem. Regions don't exist merely for statistical purposes. The reason you have defined regions are for the purposes of comparison, most notably for the regional rankings toward the end of the season. IMHO, the ability to compare is diminished by every team having their own region.
I think they could simply alleviate the issue by getting rid of the map software rule and measuring mileage "as the crow flies." That alleviates the issue of being on a peninsula (although does not eliminate it obviously as no colleges are in the middle of Lake Michigan that I know of).
I think they could simply alleviate the issue by getting rid of the map software rule and measuring mileage "as the crow flies." That alleviates the issue of being on a peninsula (although does not eliminate it obviously as no colleges are in the middle of Lake Michigan that I know of).