I will give you this information, but only because I enjoy creative cheers and am interested to see what you come up with....it's Gary I believe, but just stick with G. Steve.
You guys should have enough ammo from the ageless wonder Coop, but let's see what you come up with, should be interesting.
As far as I know Edgewood is bringing a pretty decent group, but that is all talk right now, our crowds are pretty random sizes, never consistent.
Hope you do something good with that information and if I make an appearance at your crap school can I please not have my life threatened my big Russian dudes again for sitting in your sacred front row? Thanks.
You guys should have enough ammo from the ageless wonder Coop, but let's see what you come up with, should be interesting.
As far as I know Edgewood is bringing a pretty decent group, but that is all talk right now, our crowds are pretty random sizes, never consistent.
Hope you do something good with that information and if I make an appearance at your crap school can I please not have my life threatened my big Russian dudes again for sitting in your sacred front row? Thanks.