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So captain,
Also captian Morgan is by far the best
No Booker Stanlewy is not transferring to Whitewater.
So l;ets shoot that nhorse and send it to the glue factor, so the little kindergartners have some glue to use this fall.
If the rainy weather conitnues through the entire weekend. Who from the conference would get the automatic bid then. Wouls it be Whitewater because they won the regular season.
Also what do you think the chances of the warhawks if they get the automatic bid  to host the regiopnals of the world series.
I forgot about the helicopter idea of Brez's I think it was Brez that thought up that idea, and just had to get the NCAA to agree to pay for it.
Does anyone on this board know why the WIAC made the decision to move the baseball tournament to a nuetral site in Wisconsin Rapids.
I know only four teams make the tournament,and would think that it would generate more revenue,and more home team fans if they just had the tournament at the school who won the conference. Sort of like the reward for them winning the conference. I know that it may not seem fair,and that not all of the schools have two baseball fields on campus, but most have another place they can play.
Such as Whitewater the high school and then the on campus field. Not to mention Whitewater has the best dam gounds crew manager Brezowitz in all of the WIAC.
In 2003 they most likely wouldn't ave played the tournament at UWW if it wasn't for him, as he was at the fileds at seven thirty raking them,and getting them ready.
Any insight into this would be much appreciated.I just think that the team that wins the conference should host the conference tournament. Even if it's in the same place every year such as Oshkosh or Whitewater.
 It was only 5+ years ago, when they were struggling to finish .500, going 21-19 in 2002, (thanks to the breaking of some rules) and 20-20 in 1999.
So CUBS what rules exactly did UW Whitewater's Baseball team break ?????
I hate Oshkosh Baseball. I had a friend of mine who played for them in the mid 90-'s when they did win the title,and he hated the coach. I then saw the guy coach in 2003,and he changed pitchers like every five pitches or so against Whitewater because they kept getting rocked.
I have no clue of Oshkosh baseball history except for a long time they were very good in the mid 90's.However the Warhawks rule the WIAC Diamond know.
As far as the whole Freeman and Stnalye transferign thing. I will stick with my original comments that it won't happen because Brez doesn't need those types of charecters causing trouble in his last season which should end in a national title game victory.
Captain Kurt,
Your wrong on who you think that guy is because it's not me.However your rarely ever wrong,and therefore it's okay.Not to mention I hate UW Oshkosh more then anyone in the league. They make Lacrosse look like angels.
I personally don't think that either of them will end up at Whitewater. Why would coach Brez want any trouble or potential trouble going into his last season? A season which the Warhawks win the WIAC title again and have them in the Stagg bowl for the second year in a row, with the results different this year.
I just don't see that happening this year. If either of them land in a warhawk uniform it woud be freman as he is a corner back and the warhawks lost their corners to graduation this past year.
As afr as Badgerwarhawks knowledge of the program he is the man. However according to Brez and the article he the head coach has never talked to Mr. Stanley.
I think we will all find out more come August when the Warhawks begin defending their title from last year.Something I expect them to win again,as they have all but fur starts back from last years teAm. The situation couldn't be more perfect for a national title season again.
I woldn't worry about who Whitewater is playing as coach Brez will have them ready for each and every game.
Also I just want to say that I am sorry to see the guest book be disabled as it was a great resource as Voice is the second best webmaster next to Pat Coleman.
Unfortunately jibberjabber had to put one of the UW Whitewater football coaches email address instead of his own when he decided to [post a threat on my life on the website guest book.
Big Poppas,
I do totally underestand what you are saying. I am just repeating what was told to me that the Oshkosh coach said. This is second hand information. Iwas not near the oshkosh dugout.
Whether he said it or not is some what irrelevant,as the warhawks won most of if not all of the games that year against the titans. I think the oshkosh whitewater baseball rivalry is the biggest rivalry in the WIAC.
I believe what I stated are he facts as I was there that day, and was told exactly what the oshkosh coach said as there were UWW standing near the oshkosh dugout. :)
Your right I can't hide from you, but I am staying off the football board for a while.
All I want to know is what is Doug Henry former UW Whitewater pitching coach up to. He was fired after the Brawl at Oshkosh a couple years ago. I'll never forget that as the coach from oshkosh shouted out"GO GET HIM" after their player got accidently hit in the head, and the brawl was on.
Thanks Big Poppa.
Maybe I shouldn't drink while I am typing.
My point is that it's not illegal to have kids recruits kids from their high schools,and it is not illegal for kids to work for people as long as it's a legit job at the d3 level.
USC did this and they then realized that this was a violation of NCAA rules,and reported themselves or something to that anture.
As far as rules on recruiting and stuff at division three. Since no one really commits or anything and their are no letters of intent to sign. I do not believe there are a lot of rules to follow.
I am not an expert so I maybe wrong on that. However havving bobby talk to Joe from Podunk high where bobby went is not illegal,and niether is allowing student athletes to get paid,as long as they do the work, but thats how it is for everyone.
First f all division theree athletes can have jobs for doing anything. It could be walking the big boosters dog, or just getting the little old lady ion the wheelchair her mail everyday because she can't.
As fas as illegal recruiting in terms of coaches telling joe from Greenfield to talk to bobby from greenfield to come to UW Whitewater or where ever nothing is illegal about that.
This is how most division three and all divisions for that matter recruit. They use people in the program from school X to recruit good players to their school from school X.
So nothing is illegal about that. I do know that at Division one though you can not have alumni former players come in and talk to potential student athletes. USC