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Messages - hoopsville 2006

Region 8 women's basketball / Re: NIIC
February 26, 2006, 11:55:46 AM
Let me clarify--When I said "mean and nasty" I was replying to the posting before mine; au baller calling b23baller "whiney".
I wasn't referring to any coach in particular at all, until my second posting.

Here is my problem with athletics in general.  The communication skills between coach and  player are PATHETIC.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, needs to read a book on how to communicate effectively
and learn how to LISTEN instead of talk.  No one is listening at all!!!!

Let's go back to b23baller and her comments.  What she said is very important.  A coach needs to do 2 things  1)  be the best basketball coach he/she can be and ultimately, win as many games as possible and 2)  deal with each and every player on an individual basis.  What she then went on to say was that Coach A was
very effective at point #1, but point #2 needed work.

Immediately, auballer came back and called her "whiney", which is what happens when players complain about the treatment they receive from the coach.  Does the player have no rights at all?  I have seen players be verbally abused by their coach time and time again, and somehow over the years this has become totally acceptable.  The player is told to
"suck it up and take it", when in reality, this is verbal abuse.  Does the coach go home and talk to his wife and kids this way?  I certainly hope not.  So why does a coach get away with this type of behavior?  Because he/she can.  No player is going to speak up because of fear of 1)being benched or kicked off the team or 2)being called whiney or 3)feeling like it is a waste of time because the coach isn't going to understand what the player is trying to say because he/she is NOT listening. 

Idea:  What is that old saying?  There is strength in numbers?  If one player takes a stand, it may not change anything, but if the WHOLE team speaks up as a unit, maybe, just maybe, the coach will listen.

The fans are out of control, the parents are out of control, the coach, and yes, the players get attitudes also.  I'm tired of it.  I thought Div 3 would be better then Div 1, but it isn't, it is the same old, same old, and it is getting worse. 

I am not going to change the world of sports here, but what I can do is try and communicate my thoughts and feelings effectively.  Take it or leave it.

I'm glad that Coach A was a great influence on you, I really am, but not everyone  has that same warm, fuzzy feeling.  Are you right and they are wrong?  Beats the heck out of me!!!
Region 8 women's basketball / Re: NIIC
February 25, 2006, 08:34:52 AM
OH, and one last thing........hoopin wrote a very nice message regarding Coach A and I have to agree with most of what she said.  My question is:
When Coach spoke very highly of Dorman, was Dorman anywhere around to hear him say those things?  People tend to compliment people to OTHER people, but not to the person themselves.  I want to know, hat did Coach A say to Dorman  behind closed doors when no one else was around to hear him  say  it?
Region 8 women's basketball / Re: NIIC
February 24, 2006, 10:26:09 PM
So, the meaner and nastier the coach is, the better the coach is?  I don't get it.  Where is the respect these days?  So let me get this straight:  It is the coach's right nowadays to belittle, scream, and yell at his/her player?  And then the player, in return, is supposed to idolize and respect this person who is screaming and yelling at them?  If a player disrespects his/her coach in return, I don't ask "why", I ask "why not"?  Respect is earned, not demanded!!!!