Congratulations to the Rockford College women for returning to the big dance. What a great accomplishment, especially for all of you seniors who have had such a great run at RC, I know how hard you all have worked, you should be proud of all of your achievements. I haven't been able to follow you as closely as I would like, but looking at the posts I was shocked to see all of the criticism of Coach Amsberry. I know that with the nature of these boards and the relative anonimity of the opinions that it is easy to take shots and speculate at situations, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I thought it would only be fair to post some positive comments and support for Coach Amsberry. I had the chance to coach for and learn from Coach and anyone who was with RC when I was there knows exactly who I am from my screen name. Caoch Amsberry is the best coach I have ever had the chance to work with and in my time there he always treated all of his players fairly. Did he treat everyone the same, no, of course not, he tried to handle each player individually and provide them with the support and discipline they needed to be successful. The one thing that always stayed constant, and I cant imagine has changed, is that he was always open and honest with his players. Coach doesn't need me to defend him, he has an unbeliveable record and what he has done with this program speaks for itself, but I did think some more positive should come out to balance some of these shots coach is taking. Despite the bumps in the road this year, sounds like another great season, congratulations to the coaches and regent players on another great year, now go out there and add to your accomplishments with an NCAA tourney W. Good luck and go get 'em!