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Messages - pitbull

Maybe it was takin out of context or you may have misread my intentions...what school presidents need to remember is that sports especially football are what can be a cash cow and get kids to come to those off the beaten path areas such as Eureka, Jax, Carlinville. If you build it they will come. I was by no means bashing the schools but how difficult it is to get an athlete there let alone a regular kid because of being located in places when the world ends and nowhere begins.

The coach at Blackburn was a little overzealous and I think from what I heard that the administration wants people in there that are not going to shake the boat hence getting "T"ed up at games. However, I felt that he was unjustly kicked out at the Greenville game this year. Sometimes Ref's have as bad a rabbit ears as the kids and can get a little "overzealous" with their calls as well. I think if the kids can handle a certain coach's coaching style-if the coach is playing by the "rules"-then why bother and leave him a lone.

I am by no means downplaying the addition of Big Cat to the coaching staff however, he won't be the one suiting up and many times as I can speak from experience many of these former NFL players struggle when it comes to coaching especially at the DIII level. I can tell you hundreds of experiences where these guys just have a hard time to say the least. I would think his assistance would help more from a recruiting stand point than coaching. But its great you have him in your program!
I apologize for my grammar to the board I hope Pat and the board could forgive me. Mulligan Please!
yjack: I wasn't aware Blackburn was looking for a new women's coach, but I can't say I'm surprised. This is a case where the loss of the coach is good for the institution and the players.

Why do you say that..I thought the guy was making some progress with the team. The previous coach didn't get the job done recruiting, the players hated playing for her, and she was a very good coach. This guy though abrasive, was a good coach, improved his numbers, and the girls enjoyed playing for him. The school made a mistake getting rid of him because it has put the girl's program behind again. So the guy wanted to win! Isn't the reasons we compete! Thats why they have a scoreboard! I thought the guy was a coach's coach and I am not this guy or know the guy just what I saw from my observations.

These places like Eureka, Blackburn, MacMurray go through this stuff every three years. Look at Blackburn over the course of the past year they lost Kaneshiro-Men's BBall, Football has a turnover, Women's BBall twice, Athletic Trainer, and now AD position again. So is it fair to say that something is rotten in Denmark! I think it aids up a majority of the time that these individuals are worn out that the administration fails to recognize the importance of athletics on these campuses for enrollment purposes. Lets not forget MacMurray drops wrestling which was a very cost effective sport and got you twenty to thirty males on campus. That is why we will hear that these schools continue to struggle to keep their doors open.

The question I have is: Why would a kid go to Jacksonville, IL; Carlinville, IL, Greenville, IL, or Eureka, IL??? When they could have a heck of a college experience at one of the state schools! Or save that their parents money by going to a community college (who I feel is the real competition for kids with these small D3 schools) Because that one last opportunity to continue to participate in the sports like love playing. WOW sorry people for stepping on my soapbox! Just my two cents!
Where are the beloved beaver backers!!!

Remember this guys and maybe you farm boyz can relate

The hen is the smartest of the animal kingdom because she doesn't cluck until she produces her egg

Oh and 10 hours ain't nothing. I beer back at a place down town and don't get home till the wee hours and still pull it off big boy. Plus I get to see girls that at least weight less than me and have their teeth
Plus I'd rather being hangin in the city with a hottie than out in the cornstalks with a goat
Reasons why BC doesn't win in anything:

Farm Boys don't win championships-They are from small schools and small schools don't produce players that can play. Players from those schools are into getting the sportmanships awards from the IHSA or MSHSAA. They are stiff and unathletic. Its the big suburb/city schools that produce the players guys. Known fact! I'm sure the likes of Roxana and Harrisburg couldn't run with the likes of Ft. Zumwalts, St. Charles, Webster Groves, and Francis Howells. You get tight and will fold. Plus all that stuff with you guys wearing those stupid shirts is Class A stuff. Class A kids never play in big games against big players. Class A kids get the deer in the headlights look when they get in the big games. They come up with goofy chants and cry about refing or the other team is cheating. I have seen it a thousand times. Look at Illinois too there are probably better players at places like Edwardsville, East St. Louis. I bet the Chicago teams own you guys. You can't win because all you guys played small school ball. Enough said

Just trying to talk some sense into some of the crazy statements made by you inbread crazies, but I guess you can't talk sense into "banjo" strummers which there are a lot of at BC. If your guys at Blackburn are going to spout off about how great your athletic programs are like you guys are some sort of USC. What gets me fired up is when you hiljacks start messin with my boys while they are on the court and just not let them play. You make statements how other venues and student bodies are picking on women or making racial chants but the stuff that comes out of that corner is stuff that would make your mommies cringe.
(dog growling in the background)

Compete and excel in the SLIAC?  Other than men's basketball and baseball every three years what program's compete in the SLIAC. Look at the all sports rankings on the SLIAC website.

In 2005-06 you finished 7th

Remember SID there are only 8 teams in the conference.
How can you guys say that your athletic programs are strong. Your administration won't pay a dime to fix the lighting in the gym. what does that take a couple new lightbulbs and a few student workers to put them in. From my inside sources I heard that your men's basketball coach is leaving at the end of this year as well. Also I heard your baseball coach is going to be leaving too. I heard through the grapevine that the baseball guy is going to go to coach for some team down south. Excel in the SLIAC hahaha. Your looking through rose colored glasses but I guess thats what you have to do to make the most of that place and keep your head in the sand when the administration doesn't even want athletics to succeed. Tell me straight up do you really think that your administration supports your program??? I know that I can tie my gym shoes and head out there knowing my school prez and dean are doing the most they can do to give us the best chance to succeed.
What I can't state my opinions or predictions. I think we have a double standard here. The inbred crazies can come on here and bagger our players during the games yet everyone thinks its cute. But if I voice my opinion I am told I'm immature.

I'm not from Maryville...I follow Fontbonne basketball. Now I bet you inbred crazies are going to spout about enjoyin our offseason, etc. Like the chants I heard last night...real classy guys.

As far as support at Blackburn for athletics..Give me a break. Look at the facilities thats proof right there that the school doesn't support its programs. Come on look at how they fired and treated Joe Ramsey the long time bball/AD last year. Thats a great group of people I would want to send my kid too. I'm at the game last night and hear people talking about the head football coach stepping down because they screwed him on coaching positions. What support
Yeah!!! lets go to carneyville and watch the SLIAC tourney.
Why do the Cornfed crazies come on here and think they are authorities on basketball. I guess when you go to such a boring school and have to clean dishes thats all you have to do. Plus your president doesn't even want you to win...look at how they support your athletic programs. Why would you want to go to a school where they don't care about sports. Why play for that place.

My predictions

Maryville over Blackburn
Why would a IAA guy go to Concordia??

Any word on the other assistant coach/track guy yet? Have they interviewed guys..or have they hired someone. Who is goin to be their assistant coaches???