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Messages - tigertownie

I had to work hard to get back on here. I really don't understand what terms of service rule that I broke. I reread them again and didn't see any glaring violations. Changing my email to a fake one was a way of protecting anonimity, something this board clearly lacks. The terms of service say you can only post somebody's name and/or information in legal matters or formal complaints. I don't think any formal complaints had been made yesterday when the moderator decided to post people's names on the internet. I guess you guys don't worry about identity theft but it is a real problem. In addition, I am uncomfortable with having an email that is not hidden. I have enough spam, etc as it is. Anybody with an email can get on this forum and see email addresses. Something needs to be done. I wanted to talk basketball (yes, officiating IS PART OF THE GAME) and apparently nobody else can read a post or respond in a constructive manner. Otherwise, I have enjoyed this site for many years and think it serves the fans well. Anyway, this post will probably be deleted for another untold terms of service violation (changing to a fake email address is not listed). The other email address that was blocked was an actual email address, but I guess that didn't get in the way of the crusade. So, continue to do whatever it is you do. You can find the Mr. Coleman at

406 N Argonne Ave
Sterling, VA 20164.