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Messages - Jamball1444

Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
February 23, 2006, 05:25:48 PM
Thanks Carolina, I respect your opinion as well.   My opinions of the Riv head coach are only based on the last 4 years.  I was not quick to judge him at all and I'm well aware that coaching from the stands is alot easier than actual coaching.   You could base my comments on his losing record, you could base it on what I said earlier about having "Rookie's of the Year", "Leading Scorers" and still not able to pull of a winning season or even close to it.    I would think that given the above that the coach would have to be held accountable.  I guess if I there was any evidence at all that he was a successful coach in any way and I'm not even referring to just his losing record, I might be humbled and change my opinion.  Until that time I think Riv needs to seriously consider replacing him.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
February 23, 2006, 11:21:03 AM
With all due respect to Carolina, it sounds like you've been out of the loop as far as Riv goes.  I don't know the head coach's long term  history, but if you look at his W/L record it pretty much tells the story.  The point you made about his recruiting skills is one thing I can't argue because he did have a Rookie of the Year two years in a row and a Scoring Leader as well.  There are definitely other players on Riv with talent that should be competitive with their conference.  This has to make one wonder with all this talent why they still can't win...that is inept coaching.   I totally agree with hoopsfab4, riv's asst coach has a great rapport with the players and it's a shame he can't step up into the head coach position...that's when you'd see riv have a winning record for the first time in.......forever????
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
February 22, 2006, 02:56:25 PM
Anyone notice the players that Riv is losing due to the head coach?  It's a shame that the admin doesn't recognize the incompetence involved.  They could and should have been a contendor in their conference for 3 years with Rookie of Year and Leading Scorers, but given the head coach's ineptness they will never have a winning season.