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Messages - mythicalbird

I had the honor of learning from Coach Gibbons while at UWEC.  He's a great man and I learned a great deal from him that I have taught to other youth in the area.  I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.  I would probably have a heart attack from shock if Jack Bennett ever coached on UWEC's sidelines as the top dog.  I'd bet my house on the fact that he doesn't.  There are definitely some attractive options out there in Randall, Drake, Coach Cam, the Asst. from George Mason whose name escapes my mind.  Should be interesting.
Quote from: Cody-1-Kastern on February 27, 2008, 06:50:58 AM
Quote from: Mr. Downtown on February 26, 2008, 06:25:31 PM
Way to go Oldschool, you just jinxed your Pointers.

I hope so.  If Superior and Eau Claire win, Superior will get a home game!

I'm flying home if this happens!
You're right.  I just remember watching the live stats and thinking, "WOW!  That is a BIG shot from a frosh!"
I voted for Jake Smith.  He hit a BIG TIME 3 if I'm not mistaken to give Superior the final lead.  Pretty big game out of the frosh.
Congrats to Coach Gibbons and the rest of the Blugold crew.  I'm so excited I literally can't sleep!  ;D
Thank you.  Much appreciated!
Pioneer Hoops Fan-

Why did Langenfeld only play a handful of minutes on Wednesday?  Is he hurt, playing poorly???  I need him for the fantasy championship on Saturday!
Jones Field is a nice park with a so-so diamond that drains poorly.  The tree overhanging the left field line is a tad out of place too.  But I like the old style bleachers, reminds me of something out of the 1920's.   ;)

Jones Field is indeed a nice park.  The outfield is a little sketchy, at least when I played on it three years ago, but nonetheless a nice park.  It's a SHAME EC doesn't have a team because Carson Park would be the crown jewel of the WIAC!

I was referring to the crowds in a high school game.  However, I have played in more than a couple of high school games where multiple technicals were called.  They usually take place in high stake (i.e. conference championship) games where tensions are running high.  I have been to MULTIPLE state tournaments where FVA schools as well as other larger D1 schools have student sections that chant profanities after questionable calls and anyone who reads this knows the chant I am talking about.  There were many games where I felt like I was walking into the pits of hell because I knew the opposing crowd was going to be out of control and near the floor.  Rip me for my opinion if you would like.  I don't really care.  But I will stand firm when I say that Miller is a spaz.  You don't need a further example then his post game comments.  As for Combs, a seat belt would be a nice touch!  :D  Good for him on working on his outbursts this year!
Quote from: janesvillebb on January 27, 2008, 09:20:01 PM
4 techs and 2 ejections including the coach and calling that behavior childish is harsh huh?''

ok then what is it, lack of self control?  or what?

and phoenix lets get it right-- 1st you are checking your IFan--now Miller just doesn't like noise huh. EXCUSE EXCUSE

Sup fans were in violation of ncaa rules--lets talk about the sign held under WWs hoop during warmups or the banging of the trash can during play or the 3 or 4 times the game was stopped by the officials to warn the crowd thru the PA.  But wait it must be bebause Miller doesn't like noise right?
I like the students being invovled. Just stay within the rules--- or get ejected --and we know what Buchanan and Hill decided to do.

Act like children. O and lose by 31

Quit being a homer.....I have heard and seen worse at HIGH SCHOOL GAMES!  I think I can speak for most on this board and say that Buchanan is MUCH more even keeled than Miller.  Aside from Combs, I can't think of a bigger spaz in the conference.  I am totally unbiased on the issue being from EC.  I just call it like I see it.....Buchanan has done wonders in his short tenure at Superior.
Karner made a mistake, in my opinion.  When I was a wee-young Blugold in '04 they had a game the night of the "Atlanta in Lambeau" debacle.  No one went to the game.  Attendence will probably be pretty minimal in the WIAC this weekend for the 3 and 5 games.
Ryan Shea drops 31 as EC beats Finlandia 78-76 up in the Arctic Circle today.
Quote from: wcbsas on December 12, 2007, 11:30:05 AM
Who is "freshman of the year" in the WIAC so far?

Maybe Schrimpf at Oshkosh?

Ryan Shea.  Here's my case:

Amongst Freshman
4th in scoring (3 way tie for first and only 1.2 ppg behind)
1st in rebounds
2nd in assists
1st in steals
1st in blocks

The impressive thing about him in my opinion is that he is leading in rebounds and blocks from the guard spot.  I don't know if there is another freshman who means as much to his teams as Shea does.  Oshkosh would win without Schrimp, Superior isn't winning, and I don't know if EC would be winning as much without Shea.
Man alive....Jack Bauer was just sentenced to 48 days in jail, my Blugolds are tied for first in the WIAC, and Kerry Gibson is hated in Lithuania.....sign of the apocalypse???  ;D  Seriously though....I'm loving the Blugolds right now.  Hopefully they can carry this run into LAX and pick up another win!
Quote from: UWRF on December 05, 2007, 12:34:42 PM
any interesting Stout facts that i could use in my intro tonight?

The girls are hot?!  ;D