Nice one thumbs up, and let's not forget about Tim Barcomb who gave up minor league baseball contracts so he could be a brain surgeon.
How about the irony in someone comparing Murp to Welsh, two of the biggest cheaters in the histroy of upstate new york basketball history.(Thumbs up I know your not going to like that). Both of these guys were cheating their pants off way before coach fisher had even thought of fab five. Actually I think coach welsh invented cheating, just so you idiots on this page know coach welsh used to give out cars like they were candy.
How about the irony in someone comparing Murp to Welsh, two of the biggest cheaters in the histroy of upstate new york basketball history.(Thumbs up I know your not going to like that). Both of these guys were cheating their pants off way before coach fisher had even thought of fab five. Actually I think coach welsh invented cheating, just so you idiots on this page know coach welsh used to give out cars like they were candy.