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Messages - TigerFan_1973

Region 7 men's basketball / Re: Great Lakes Region
February 23, 2007, 02:07:06 PM
Quote from: sac on February 23, 2007, 01:46:32 PM
Quote from: Flying Dutch Fan on February 23, 2007, 01:33:20 PM

3. NCAA - .667 is not a round-up of .6666(...), even though every person on the planet understands 2/3 to be .667

How silly of me to round up a repeating remainder.  ::) ::) ::)

The bureaucracy at the NCAA has reached a new low (high?).  I wonder who the guy is "in charge of digits to the right of the decimal point."?

Quite a prestigious position, I would say.

Perhaps this will be the topic on this week's podcast:
Mondays with Myles
Dr. Brand discusses a current topic each week in this podcast.

I'm not kidding!  The link to "Mondays with Myles" can be found at

Quote from: cmhscots on February 23, 2007, 07:01:04 AM
From the NCAC Tourney Preview page (, a reminder to Scots' fans attending the game tonight:

Gold Rush Friday: Wooster fans are encouraged to wear Gold shirts to Friday's game against Wabash

I have my red and white shirt on.

Go Tigers!
Quote from: smedindy on February 21, 2007, 12:20:35 PM
FINALLY (OK, a day late, but still) I've finished my Smed Power Rating Amalgamation for the regular season.

Out of 403 teams.

2. Wooster
12. Wittenberg

85. Ohio Wesleyan

Where does Lake Erie come in?

Please describe your system a little bit.

The Wooster basketball web site says both games will be on free video Friday night.

Karma to Wooster on this one, if I only could, I would.


Quote from: David Collinge on February 20, 2007, 11:41:06 AM
Based on this, I'd expect Wednesday's regional rankings to be

1. Lake Erie
2. Wooster
3. JCU
4. Hope
5. Wittenberg
6. Ohio Northern

I'm a little rusty (actually, I don't have enough memorized to be rusty) on the selection criteria.

Could go over this for me again please?

Is there some room for human analysis with all this calculated QOWI?  Obviously, Lake Erie does well in the calculations but not so well in the analysis part, since they are 30th in the latest poll.

How does the regional ranking fit in?  Does it only matter in Pool C? 

In other words, what wins out in the end, the calculated ranking, or human analysis?


Quote from: earlhamalum on February 20, 2007, 01:47:41 PM
Besided Earlham  ::)  it looks like Wabash has the only chance to Knock off the higher seed.  I am going to be pulling for the all men's college West of us.  I hope Wabash doesn't get screwed in the 1st round at Allegheny like Earlham did in 2003.  (As you can see I'm still bitter)

Good luck to all teams and especially seniors... Seems like 4 more teams will be joining Denison and Oberlin.

Well, earlhamalum, I am happy to tell you that I will be rooting for Earlham this evening and I hope that they can pull the upset.  Another Witt-Woo game would be nice, but having the rest of the tourney in the big city would be better, I think.

I will try to check in on the game while listening to Witt.

That said, I must also say ... GO TIGERS!
Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on February 19, 2007, 01:11:30 PM
As a Tigers' fan who still expected reality to set in as late as August last season, don't abandon hope! :o

A Wittenberg Tiger?  :)
Quote from: David Collinge on February 15, 2007, 05:04:03 PM
Here's what the FAQ has to say about QoWI.

Yes, higher is better.

It is unrelated to the Top 25.  The biggest difference is that QoWI (and the NCAA regional rankings) only take in-region games under consideration, while the Top 25 looks at the entire schedule.

Lake Erie was for many, many years a women's seminary.  They merged with a men's college and became co-ed sometime in the 1980s.
I'm kinda lost in all this Quality of Wins Index stuff.

It appears that higher is better.

So, how come Lake Erie can't get enough votes to be higher than 26th? 

As a side question, did Lake Erie used to be a community college?  I never heard of them until lately.

I hope the teams all get their games in tonight, assuming that it is safe to do so.

Go Tigers!  I'll be watching the video from  Now that our electric is back on, it's nice and toasty in here.  Gas heat is great but it seems to require electricity!

Witt is closed today and the games are postponed until tomorrow.

The storm went north and we got freezing rain in Cincinnati.  Springfield got the big snow.

I am posting this from our branch library because my house has no power.  About 9:30 last night, we heard what sounded like a shot.  The transformer on the power line had blown up.  We are the only house on our street without power.  The biggest number I heard was 129,000 without power, but it is back down to "only" 65,000 now.

The streets are pretty clear because we have a topnotch snow crew in our township and county.

Stay safe out there, everyone.

On another topic, I read the interesting article in the New York Times yesterday on Division III breaking into more divisions possibly.  I recommend it to everyone.

We didn't get much snow here in Cincinnati so far but ice on top of what we did get.

The storm track went north.  I talked to my sister and Springfield is getting dumped on pretty good with both snow and ice.

The interstates are in good shape so I would like to get up there tomorrow night if they do play.  My dad says that the side streets are in none too good shape though, so the last mile or so of the trip could be the toughest for anyone coming.

Wally, are you coming to Springfield if possible?  Do you go to Wabash?  Yesterday I was quite surprised to find out that Li'l Giant lives in Texas!!!  So no more assumptions about where posters might live.

Of course, the game is on the web (video as well as audio) but I would like to see it in person.  Worse comes to worse, though, there will be a tournament game Tuesday.

My apologies to the group for distracting from the movie talk!  ;D

Go Tigers!!

Quote from: Li'l Giant on February 12, 2007, 04:10:15 PM
I guess I should have mentioned I'm also a current Texan as well. :) Since it's about 1200 miles or so, I'm going to have to listen on the internet. Thanks for the invite, though.

Yeah, that "current" definitely clears that up.

Quote from: Li'l Giant on February 12, 2007, 03:21:41 PM
I'm a native Texan but even before I made my way up to Indiana I loved Hoosiers. I put it up there in my "favorite sports movies" list. Right alongside Major League, which is, in my opinion, the best baseball movie ever.

Li'l Giant -

Are you making the trip to Springfield?
Here's the news hot off an email from Witt.

One ticket is good for both games on Wednesday.  The women play Kenyon at 6 and the men play Wabash at 8:00.

Also, the men's game will be on the Wittenberg Worldwide Video network.

Go here

Scroll down to Feb. 14 and click on "Watch/Listen Live".

Leaving aside the weather forecast, how many Wabash posters will be in Springfield on Wednesday evening?


P.S.  This is kind of a repost.  I asked yesterday but the post may have been missed in all the excitement of game action.