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Messages - IWU53

 This is my annual post to express appreciation to all of you who let an old timer like me (80 years young) enjoy the CCIW from afar (Sunny Florida). Thanks!!!!

OK, There have been a couple of Kudos given, and justly so! You folks just don't know just how valuable your postings are to those of us who are afar (in my case Florida), so long out of school (IWU53 -- get it?) and hungry for all the info we can only get by what you provide! Q is the only Poster I've met (Salem a few years back) but I feel I know all of you and appreciate what you do so well in evaluating, explaining and analyzing THE BEST ;D DIII program  in the land!

I'll return now to my Lurker status with a big THANKS!!
Don't really know about that. Just feel that my health is good enuf and IWU's newby's are good enuf that I'll be able to get at least one more trip to Salem. Hope your guys do well too.
Here I am again -- my annual post a a senior LURKER (IWU '53 = 76 years of occupancy of space on this planet).

Just want you all to know once more how your CHAT enriches those of us that can't be on the scene. I will say this though, I'm going to be in
Salem again to watch the TITANS !!!!

I'm a LURKER with a message. You guys and gals probably don't realize just how much pleasure you bring to those like me who have a deep regard and loyalty to DIII basketball. Your expertise, wisdom, humor -- yes even the occassional sarcasm and spats -- bring information and insights that are trully appreciated! THANKS TO ALL!!

Make that "academic"1
How do CCIW teams rank in the number of acadewmic All Americans in all sports?
Been a "Lurker" for several years. Feel it's time for me to express my appreciation for the high quality of information/observations made by those who have such obvious expertise. It's rare that  an ego gets pumped out of proportion.

Went to IWU during the days when the Anderson brothers  - read identical twins -  were on the floor at the guard positions -- would have driven Art nuts!

Will admit without shame that I "wear green tinted glasses" -- There's a lot of CLASS in the CCIW and , in my opinion, IWU owns
it's rightful share of same! GO CCIW!!!!