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Messages - Cowboy J

Region 7 women's basketball / Re: MIAA
March 16, 2006, 08:47:00 PM
Don't be afraid to stick up for yourself, hornetiger. The only reason you got the belated apology from NW Hope Fan is that you have been completely agreeable in your recent posts. Even when you shouldn't be, in my opinion. As far as your initial post goes, you couldn't have been much nicer. Just look at NW Hope Fan's track record. You say a little nothing, and you're told you should be "embarrassed." A recent poster said something against NWHF's way of thinking, and that person was told to "Go home, dude."

What none of these people seem to want to hear is that we are not defending some of the things that were said last weekend. We are, however, defending ourselves from the barrage of judgments that have followed. While it is against the NCAA's code of conduct, if you will, to swear and to single out people with negative comments, what these certain Hope fans have done to blacken DePauw's name is no better. And quite possibly worse.

Some have called for this issue to die, especially after counterpoints have been offered to show the other side. It will be a long time before I can let this one go. As much as the Hope fans might feel wronged for what they heard at last weekend's game(s), DePauw people have a distinct right to feel wronged, too. We're much, much, much, much better than how they have portrayed us. I guess the important thing is for us, and the neutral readers of these posts, to realize this. After all, it's become quite obvious there's no way to get through to them.

We, the people of DePauw, have never claimed to be perfect. Now that some of these Hope fans have spoken for their group, however, they should realize they are the torch bearers for proper conduct at athletic contests. So, cheer for your teams ... nothing more, nothing less. The eyes of the Division III world will be upon you.

Just so we all know, you can't say things against the other team, their fans or the refs, right? Only pro-Flying Dutch things.
Region 7 women's basketball / Re: MIAA
March 16, 2006, 03:38:58 PM
Traveling made easier for Flying Dutch fans...

Leave your microscopes and your binoculars and your notepads behind. Although small and easy to pack, go without the hearing aids this time, too. Just know going in, as has been the case all year, you are far better than any of the other teams' fans who will be in attendance at this weekend's games in Springfield. 

What do you think, should the judge's robes be left in the chambers, too? I tend to think so. Although there will be plenty of things you can call the other teams' fans on, why not just sit (with perfect posture) and enjoy the games and your team? In cases where the other fans don't act Hope-like, maybe just forgive them, for they may know not what they do. Or, they may not have a well-organized policy in place to curb their behaviors to the extent that your school does. Take this as yet another opportunity to thank God you're a Flying Dutch fan.

With more room in the suitcase, might I suggest a few things: extra packages of lozenges - I can only imagine how constant chants of "Go Hope Go!" and "Good call ref!" might play tricks with the throat; more lotion - Hope fans' hands must get sore and chapped with all of the clapping for their fellow fans, the officials and, oh yeah, their players; muscle relaxants - maybe it's just me, but if I smiled at my team as much as you probably do yours, not to mention all of the frowns at the opponents' fans, I'd need a break at the end of the day. Oh, and if there's room, maybe an extra set of pom pons. Have a Dew Crew coach check to make sure they're legal, though (which I know they'd be on top of). And, for goodness sakes, do not obstruct the view of the Flying Dutch fans behind you.

It goes without saying, be sure to take your perfect cheers with you, too. It's one of the things you're most known for, and all those present will be better for having heard them. While the perfect cheers are great, I tend to think your ability to judge others, and quickly, is your greatest "strength." Not to mention the art of hearing only what you want to hear. Flying Dutch fans ... the talents abound.

Some Hope posters have made certain to bring a women's basketball issue to this site (strength in numbers, possibly ... or maybe misery loves company), so thought you should be made aware of the following:

I have posted a response ... on the MIAA women's site ... to the many Hope fans' statements about the DePauw crowds at last week's sectional. Another DePauw supporter recently spoke there, too. (And was ridiculed for having done so.) So, for those interested in the view from a DePauw set of eyes, you might want to take a gander. I just couldn't sit back any longer.
I have posted a response ... on the MIAA women's site ... to the many Hope fans' statements about the DePauw crowds at last week's sectional. Another DePauw supporter recently spoke there, too. (And was ridiculed for having done so.) So, for those interested in the view from a DePauw set of eyes, you might want to take a gander. I just couldn't sit back any longer.
Region 7 women's basketball / Re: MIAA
March 15, 2006, 12:45:01 AM
I have been reading the many comments made by Hope fans after DePauw's hosting of the Great Lakes/Central Region Sectional this past weekend, and decided it was high time that I saddle up and offer a few observations of my own. Especially after 'NW Hope Fan' just tore apart 'hornetiger' ... who was about as complimentary of Hope people as a non-Hope person could be, and who is a first-time poster on this board. What, if it's not entirely pro-Hope, you don't want to hear it? Come on. Let's just say I don't think it's hornetiger who should be embarrassed.

Before the weekend, I simply knew of Hope as a christian school in Michigan. Being a traveler, and enjoying women's basketball, I have also had occasion to watch the Hope women play. When I saw the sectional bracket, I knew three very good teams would be knocked out, with only one advancing to Springfield, Mass. After the weekend, however, I know and have learned a lot more.

Having been at the weekend games, I must say that I am most surprised at the reaction and the constant attention given the DePauw fans ... by Hope fans. People must be scratching their heads, especially those who are used to DePauw's usual 200-or-so fans at the Lilly Center. Other people might be horrified at what they have read. To all I will simply say, relax. The Hope fans are probably accurate in some of their recounting, but important details are being left out, and some stuff is just way blown out of proportion. It's also amusing to read some of the information that is being presented as fact, when they have "known" DePauw for a game, or maybe two. Absurd.

While some people told me the chants of "Bull****" did involve a large part of the student section, the comments of "whore" were heard by some, but they came from a sprinkling of students, at best. (Not the impression one poster gave, for sure, which is an important detail to omit. One or two or five is not the entire student section chanting.) And, the police officers and the DePauw administration and the NCAA rep did nothing? Tell that to the people who received a stern talking to, or who were kicked out of the gym, in a couple of cases, or to the ones who had noise makers and other items taken away from them. And, the DePauw parents swearing at their own players? You're making a group of great people sound like a bunch of hoodlums. And lay off President Bottoms, too. He's a good man who's appreciated around here.  

And to 'andersdy' who posted something about DePauw's "tough style" which might have made the crowd more "tough" and the team using an "out-of-control, offensive foul prone style of play" with DePauw's #11 "throwing her body around"... Don't come up with some loose relationship between team and fans, and a scouting report on the Tigers and #11, after seeing them for one game, or on one weekend. That is completely ridiculous. As for the DePauw players "pushing off, at least lightly," I might agree with the lightly part, if anything. You make the Tigers out to be the devil, and your Flying Dutch, the saints. Oh, okay. I have seen enough of the DePauw women's basketball team to know that they are a gem of a group, led by a truly classy coach, and they're as within-the-rules as anybody. So, you'd be wise not to go there. As for the complaining about Bria Ebels getting her second foul, early in the game, when #11 was "throwing her body around," I can bet it wasn't #11's intent. But, as stated earlier, I have had occasion to watch Hope play, and although immensely talented, Bria Ebels is a flopper. I've seen it a number of times. Case in point: end of the first half against Wash U. Sure, the Wash U player had no business being that close, but Bria put an exclamation point on her fall. That's how I saw it, anyway. I would love to see it on tape. If I am wrong, there are others I have definitely witnessed, as a neutral observer of previous games, I might add. Although not against the rules, some people perceive flopping as being deceitful. Oops, my bad. Forgot we're talking about Hope here. No way a Flying Dutch would stoop to that level. What am I thinking?

I am quite sure DePauw might recognize ways to improve their next hosting of a women's basketball sectional. There is always room to learn. But, if the Hope fans who have gone on a letter-writing and smearing campaign have their way, it may not happen.(Although, if by their on-court performance they deserve it, I have no reason to believe the DePauw women won't host again ... at the next available time.) One of the most disappointing things to me is the unfair judgments some members of the Hope community have placed upon DePauw, its women's basketball team and its running of last weekend's sectional. Sure, there were apparently some crowd problems, but enough to warrant this type of response? Geez, unlike how some of you present yourselves, DePauw never claimed to be perfect. And to judge so quickly and to comment so harshly (poor 'hornetiger,' for one)? Doesn't sound very christian-like to me. What happened to a certain amount of tolerance and not judging and...?

As part of the hosting process, I would think DePauw would sit down and evaluate the job that was done ... the goods and the bads. As for Hope, I think some soul searching needs to be done by them, too. At least by the ones who have been bashing DePauw to no end. (Did you really need to take the information to the men's MIAA site, and then continue to post stuff there after Pat Coleman at least twice told you to keep the information on the underutilized women's site?) It makes one wonder if there is not a greater mission at hand. Bash DePauw into the ground so they can never host again, and glorify Hope so they get an opportunity at every turn. To that end (glorifying Hope), I might add... I think a separate posting board within Great Lakes should be added for Hope fans alone. If I were a non-Hope part of the MIAA, I would get tired of the constant lovefest. "We're the best, Hope fans." "Gotta love Hope fans!" "The Flying Dutch are all that." While I think it's great to love one's school, most ALL people love their schools, and the people who make up their schools. What's really meaningful is when it moves from "self-proclaimed greatness" to outsiders jumping on board. The former gets a bit tiring. But that's just me, a DePauw fan, talking.

I will close with the following: Alright. Enough. We get it. I can't imagine another way you Hope fans could re-word your feelings of disgust about the DePauw fans and DePauw's handling of them. Much to your dismay, the DePauw people at the games would probably agree with some of your points, and beg to differ on the others. Forgive our imperfections. Also, please forgive this first-time poster for the length of this writing, but I wanted to cover a lot of territory before hopping off of my horse for what might be the last time. I invite any Hope posters ... you know who you are... to get off of your (high) horses, too. After all, you have other business at hand.

Not holier than thou, but one proud Tiger fan. Congratulations on a most successful year, Coach Huffman and Co. I wouldn't trade you for the world!

Cowboy J