Quote from: UMHB03 on Yesterday at 03:11:56 PMQuote from: The Third Division on Yesterday at 01:45:37 PMAny bets how many scam division 4 cheeseburger universities UMHB plays this fall?In fairness, at least those "cheeseburger universities" aren't afraid to strap on their pads and face us, unlike most of D3 outside of Whitewater. UMHB faces all comers, there just aren't many comers who have the guts to take on the challenge.
This remains an extremely narrow view on this topic. Plenty of teams are willing to play good teams (we see it all through the month of September) and nearly all can get an equivalent competition experience for a fraction of the cost as a game in Belton. I'm sympathetic to the problem UMHB has here, but calling everyone a chicken isn't the way.