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Messages - Bluestar

Re: Glaser.  The UWEC players liked him best in the interviews.  Intensity is not a bad thing.  I was hoping to hear from some Marietta players on how their experience with him was.  ....Didn't mean for it to come across as digging for dirt.   
What's the low down on Glaser, former Marietta head coach now just starting at UW Eau Claire? 

The UWEC players were to meet him last night and I haven't heard how that went yet.   Rumors were that he's very intense, encouraged fighting in practice etc.  He did institute a mandatory three day/week study table which went over like a lead balloon.  Previously, study table was for those with a less than 2.0 GPA.  Study table was a joke before, with players just screwing around talking etc.  Maybe if Glaser institutes some discipline at study table, it'll be a good thing.

What's the real story?