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Messages - Genius

General football / Re: Pool B
November 01, 2010, 10:54:34 PM
Since i watched Greenville beat Wash U last year and scrimmage them this year and dominate them i voted them over Wash U.

Salisbury is a legit pick. However i can't vote for a team who didn't win their league. Smells like BSC stuff...i mean BCS.

If Case wins out they should go. But i think any of the team listed could be each other.

And Salisbury schedule isn't that tough other than 2 teams.
they'll probably have about 50 new players, mixture of freshman and transfers. heard they'll have about 110 players on day 1.

i wouldn't say that greenville is struggling having outscored its last 4 opponents 140-50. there is probably a reason why the coaches picked them second and D3 football picked them first. CUW's fumbles took away any chance for a comeback. They were down 14 before the turnovers even began. However they started really slow. 

Your post makes it seem like lakeland dominated GC. it was a very close game, lakeland added a late TD to go up 2 scores. i looked at the stats and it was a 7 point ball game until 4:37 left lakeland scored to go up 14.

Lakeland will have their hands full this week with Aurora. I'm not sure if either offenses will do much.
you are crazy if you think lakeland has a better shot in the playoffs then cuw. lakeland has good receivers who can catch well in traffic. that is all they have offensively. protection is suspect, running game none existent, qb makes bad decisions. Defense is pretty good. Cuw has less weaknesses then lakeland. they can pass a whole lot better than lakeland can run (both of the team's weaknesses). CUW has better special teams although lakeland's are good.

now cuw most have thought they were going to show up and win against GC. it is one thing to lose but to get blown out. i guess the team d3football picked from the start finally showed up.
for a team that hasn't won but a few games in the last upteen years- CUC certainly is a main topic on this board. It probably is one of the few football chat rooms where the worst teams get the most print than the top teams.

Fartcus, just because you a player is young doesn't mean he has good potential. Unfortunately many players for CUC don't have a lot of talent. So although they will get better as they grow I suspect the roster will still need massive overhaul to really compete.

Not many talented players go to bad football programs. There is a reason players go to CUC instead of a CCIW school. Because they aren't good enough for the CCIW schools.

"The coach may not have been good but "

That is pulled directly from my post. I acknowledged that you may be correct that the coach didn't know much BUT... you're talking about a team and a defense that has been consistently poor long before the that coach arrived (DISPUTE THAT?). So to simply make reference to the coach as the problem is immature and not a accurate representation of the situation. I guess even before that DC arrived it was the coaches fault in the past too, huh.

Players make plays, not coaches.

Now you on the otherhand, still didn't pass ANY of the blame to the players. You don't have to bash a player to tell the truth. Let me show you how its done. You have a decent QB. But he threw a ton of INTs and that will hold the offense back. Because the talent around him isn't good enough to overcome those mistakes versus the good teams in the conference.

See... i acknowledged he has some skills. I didn't bash him.But i told the truth about the situation.

Here is another one... CUC's offense improved some and hit their peak vs CUW with 20pts, but they were shut down versus all the good teams in the conference (Lakeland, GC, Aurora, Bene). So they showed potential but still have a tremendous leap that needs to be made to win more than 2 games in the conference. But the program is improving. can tell the truth or give an opinion without bashing someone.

You and everyone else should try it...


YOU SAID: The D-coord for CUC last year was not a "top-notch" D-coord and that was his first stint at anything on defense.
  I really don't want to bash the guy because from what I noticed when I met him, he was an all-around good guy. However, when an offense puts up 41 points, it should be a W for that team.

The problem with your comments is the implication is that the players on CUC defense was good but it was the coach who held them back. CUC had one of the slowest defenses in the conference. The LBs were very bad. The coach may not have been good but for anyone with a little know about football (outside of CUC) will agree that the players on the field were not good. Tony Dungy wouldn't have one more than 1 game with those players.

The one thing that has always struck me in football chat rooms is everybody has a good team and it is always some thing or someone else that keeps them from winning. Not one person ever takes responsibility for their losses and say "we sucked and need to get better."
GC will compete for the title again. Here's how I got there...
1. Head coach and 2 coordinators are back (many teams can't say that)
2. 8 potential returning starters on offense and 8 potential returning starters return on defense
3. Best WR Taylor won't be missed he was overrated. Got a couple good ones coming in.
4. Best senior class they have had in a long time. A bunch of 4 year starters in this group.
5. Oline be deep and all verteran starters.

Nobody will replace #25 but they will be better at every other position on defense by nature of having another year under their. But will they have a playmaker is the question. The QB is very good and has a year under is belt as a starter. 1st team conference Kicker is back.

I agree that Eureka is getting better. Looks like they turned over the staff so I don't know if that is good or bad. Their QB is the best young qb in the league. He can run and pass. that have some decent RBs but they had a huge loss with #34 graduating. Also, they have the slowest defense in the conference with a Nose tackle at middle LB. They won't stop many people until they get more athletic on defense.

What is it with the mac supports to be delusional. They must have some good herb in jacksonville.

CUC in the top three. They won 2 games (eureka and blackburn). 2 closest losses was by 2 scores. all other losses by 3tds or more. They are getting better but be serious.

GC-u had a good game against them but you have to realize they were never in danger of losing that game. You guys kept running the ball at the end of the half and in the 4th quater down multiple tds. Your coaches wasn't if trying to win the game by letting the clock run. GC wins but u get stats. Which one is better?  2 years in a row CUW had to comeback in the 4th qtr to win. And they haven't had a rushing TD in 2 years on GC. If there is anyone who can take them down it is GC. I do agree that it is a huge lost #25.

Lakeland- they have good players. Good players w/ new coaches beats bad players with a verteran staff. They have the most talented team returning. They will compete for the title.

just because it is summer and you are home that doesn't mean that you should stop taking your medicine. You know how delusional you can get when you don't take it regularly.

the school is in barely open, the coaches are just getting hired, and from what i hear some of the more talented players are no longer there. The coach maybe really good but it will take time to turn that around.

Lakeland was a zone and power o team. They ran a little speed option but not much. QB rushing comes from bootlegs and scrambles.


Stop smoking weed....please!

If you typed that post while high i'd have more respect than if you actually are wondering if it is true the mac is considering going d1.
Since it is a long off season there is no reason to talk who'll win the conference right now. What could be a good topic is to compare teams position by position.

I'll start with the QUARTERBACKS

1. Dom Kegel- GC- great dual threat. Doesn't get  sacked, makes plays with his legs mostly but is decently accurate. Great for the gc option offense. Too many turnovers but is the best weapon in the conference. There maybe other individual players who are better (#1 WR lakeland) but Kegel has the ball every snap and you can't take him out of the game because of that. Lakeland WR will only touch it 5-7x a game on a good day.

2. Lindsey- EU- accurate passer and can run. was a freshman last year and maybe the best young qb. Nobody may ever take notice unless their team gets better as a whole. He doesnt' make mistakes but not many wr weapons.

3. Wilks- LC- good throwing qb  with some good wrs. threw a bunch of picks last year. if he limits the mistakes watch out. They have a chance to be a special offense with the WR and RB weapons they have.

4. Weeks- CUC- decent throwing qb. a bunch of INTs in 06. can be a dual threat when he decides to run. No offensive weapons around him so he won't shine too much unless they got reinforcements. Good offensive system. He is there whole offense.

4. McGary- AU- Another talented yound qb. was a fr last season. Good arm, good accuracy, will be tough to beat as a junior/senior. Needs a better run game and a threat at wr before he will shine. Also split some time with another qb who is decent. too many INTs.

6. #20 CUW- Another qb who can run and throw. I'm not sure how talented he is as a thrower because of the weapons he threw to last year. I didn't see their playoff game but i suspect NC stopped the run and he couldn't throw into coverage. But he is really good in cuw's system in conference play. but with all the skill men lost #84,#1,#4 i think his 06 year maybe better than 07 season.

7. Budm-Bene- only hands the ball off. can run a lil bit. Plays well for his sysytem, hand it off, boot and throw to wide open guy. they don't have a dominant run game so when he has to pass he looks below average. can make plays with his legs though.

Overall- the conference is very weak at the QB position. No body is really accurate. Only 1 qb complete at least 50% of his passes. That is sad. They all make a ton of mistakes. There are some decent prospects once the freshman grow up.

question to all,

which offense in the conference do you least like to face based scheme, not talent?
which defense in the conference do you least like to face based on scheme, not talent?

No voting for your own team...

Offense- CUW. Offense is different, they do option and wing t. good playaction schemes with deep throws.

Defense - Benedictine - do a lot of variety. smart coaches. always has a good game plan on paper. Just can't execute just yet.