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Messages - bigballer

West Region / Re: American Southwest Conference
May 02, 2006, 05:24:09 PM
you know for weeks i have  been watching the stats and reading the post....and  now finally i  have actually logged in to say something.  i think that the ASC this year is going to be a good one to watch.  but  i have to say you can look at stats all day  long and that is only going to  get you so far,  people still play  the game and anything can happer  with that said looking at the Play by Play i think that Jonathan Russel has been over thrown...he has almost  double the amount of innings then the rest of the staff and im afraid that his arm isnt goin to hold up to many more 90+ pitch games....McM hit him around alittle bit in the first game and it seems to be alittle shacky....i just want to say about MC hitting.....they are like my grandma....slow...Mr NCBWA player of the year  hasnt been doing much where have the HR been jake?   this weekend is gonna take  consistant run support to grab the title