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Messages - baseballd3

Central Region / Re: CCIW
May 10, 2006, 10:16:06 AM
I know one school that should not be allowed to host a regional. IWU. I know what you are thinking, they have a great field and great facilities, and I would have to say yes to both of those. They have lights and a good playing surface too, but what they dont have is a bullpen for the visiting team, unless you call a little bit of dirt, and a plate a bullpen. The home bullpen area has TWO mounds, raised like their field while their visiting barely lifts off the ground, only enough room for ONE pitcher to get loose. I feel that cheating the visiting team of these necessities should make IWU no longer a candidate for hosting post season competition, unless they fix these problems, then it would be a wonderful field to play May baseball.
anyone get drafted this year?