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Messages - Kracken

    In speaking of playing "nobodys," DPU is at least winning against the teams which you think are "nobodys." Am I correct in recalling that your all-boys school lost to Franklin last week? Must've hurt for a team ranked#22. Good for the Grizzlies, I was rooting for them the whole way! Can't wait for the Bell Game.
Over the weekend, I heard from a reliable source that Coach Walker is doing an "excellent" job in preparation for this upcoming season. These are great words of encouragement, especially given the circumstances as of late at DPU. Go Tigers!
How about some opinions on how DPU will look this upcoming season with its third coach in three years? I don't see how it is going to be anything but a struggle for these kids. It's hard to buy into something wholeheartedly when the recent past has dictated that they start all over in the next season.