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My mistake player Matt Insfield rhp Eugene Or 90+ =watch this kid the scouts are possible 2009 free agent signee or late round draft pick

Hey but what do I know
Ok I see what you are saying. Chapman get's some kids that had a chance to compete D1. My son saw the writing on the wall Irvine 4 left handed hitting MIF. He went where he could play and get the Best Scholarship Money. What a great choice he made. 
Infield Dad

Just my thoughts. No harm No foul. I respect you and you passion. Like you no son playing D3 baseball I too have Baseball Passion like you.  Other out of staters John Alexander (WA) Atlanta Braves, Kyle Johnson (WA) New York Mets,Brian Brubaker (CO), Tyler Dean (OR) Not including this years RHP Levite spellcheck also from North West. Coach T has earned this Baseball Junkies respect and is truly responable for getting the best out of this year.

I remember coaching in Club Ball and saying I would win a few games as I out coached the competion ( no braging intended} I saw him win a couple games by nothing more then out coaching the other team. I think he did that at Linfield by not Letting the Best hitter beat him. I belive I watched or read Hedman win games by the  other team letting him beat them.

Continue  to be active on this board as you are why after My son completed his College Baseball I still read this board.

Love You Man

Allan Hallenbeck
Quote from: infielddad on May 18, 2009, 02:26:01 PM
Quote from: royhobbs on May 18, 2009, 12:56:50 PM
infield dad, you're way off base on your comments about Chapman not having to compete for the talent like UTT does. It's a compliment to Coach T, and some of the other SoCal D3 coaches that they are able to get some of these players. Chapman does not have the depth they've enjoyed in the past, they just win when they have to. The ASC needs to quit making excuses about injuries, long season, etc. All the teams are banged up, and Chapman won the Regional with their All American Ace only throwing 2 innings. If he's ready for Appleton, that would be a huge lift for thr Panthers.

roy, I am pretty familiar with the talent base in Southern CA and also in Texas.
As I said, my comments are not in any way a criticism of Chapman or an excuse for any other school.
I am sure there are some coaching staffs who would not win at Chapman.  I am sure the coaching staff at Chapman would win at other schools.
My comments related to the depth of the talent base that Chapman has available to it throughout Southern CA., that is not accessible to the programs in Texas, and the Northwest or Northern CA.
Over the past 5 years, I think the only Chapman player to see any innings, who was  from outside Southern CA, was Cavan. He got there because Trinity was the only school to recruit him, that got him exposure to Chapman,  and he couldn't surf in TX.
Whether everyone accepts it or not, Southern CA has very few DI's and even fewer DII's when you consider the vast numbers of top quality players. 
Chapman does a very good job of finding the players.
USD, USC, UCLA, Fullerton, Irvine, LBSU and Loyola might recruit 60-80 players per year.  Many of those come from the JC ranks.
There are 20 times that many players in Southern CA that are accessible to Chapman.  There isn't another area in the West Region that has that abundance.
I know at Trinity and probably every SCAC program they could never, ever get a kid like Voss as a senior transfer. 
It isn't an excuse, it is a fact, though
As I have said before, no one should be surprised when
Chapman wins the West.  When you look at rosters, from top to bottom, there are none equal or better to Chapman when you get past first 7-8 guys.


Weakest Chapman team in 10 years. What that means is SCIAC is not overpowered. They are still going to win the west. Why Baseball 101. Play Catch Throw Strikes and Situational Hitting. So Cal Baseball at its best . Don't let Hedman send you home. He wouldn't see a strike in the old days. Anybodys berth. Smart kids playing smart baseball. The West has the most parody in 10 years. Lots of baseball left my pick the team that makes the least errors. PP is very good the have the best player in the tournament. Not deep enough. GFU is as fundamental as anyone,Chapman just has more depth. Dont think any west team has the pitching to be National Champs. However lots of Chapman Seniors hope to get to there 4th National Championship. The big question is would you rather go to four or win one?,

Hey but what do i know.

Can only speak from 9 years of Chapman Baseball.

Your SO wrong about the Chapman benefits of west coast recruiting. What really happends is this.

Every elite So Cal High School Ball player  wants to play D1 baseball in California. Cali D1 Schools get all Cali Blue Chip High School Players.  Second tier Blue Chip  player go outside the state to play D1 for many reasons. Blue chip players  without GRADES play at the local top six JC's. Then with grade in JC They will sign with out of state D1 If they get passed up by all Cali D1 schools and Out of state D1 schools Next  they might have the opportunity to get a Athletic Scholarship at one of the top NAIA powerhouses looking to get drafted sometimes 8 or 9 can get drafted, it's happened. Or if not picked out of JC they  seek D2 for may reasons mostly ego. So  if  a elite High Player if not found a home and he has grades he then seeks or gets a call from Chapman. 

Chapman attracts kids with Grades and were top players many All CIF players ,that hit right handed and are under 6 feet tall. Kids that love the game and have been taught the game the way It should be played. What sets them apart from alot of programs is execution. No super stars they just get better with some great coaching.

Chapman will get even better when some of those D1 players make a better chioce out of high school Many players I coached made D1 choices as  and regreat ther choice  only to be looking behind there shoulder every year for that new Blue Chippers . Some never getting 50 at bats in there four year College Career.

Chapman Baseball is a Pack of some well coached Baseball Smart Players.

PLAY IN CALIFORNIA .WIN.  GO TO THE WORLD SERIES  EVERY YEAr. Hey North East we would love to see you at Chapman.

R.I.P SCIAC co-champs: Panthers. You guys willl soon rebound and start destroying D3 teams with all the local talent you get. Good luck during the offseason

rip.????????? REPLAY IN PROGRESS
Quote from: TexasBB on May 11, 2009, 11:18:20 AM
This is second year in a row that the ASC (a conference of 15 teams) has only one representative in the playoffs. I beleive that the ASC is one of the toughest conferences in DIV III but their structure has worked against them. They have had at least two teams that have won 30 games or more in both 2008 and 2009 that did not get a pool C bid. Last year they had 3 teams sitting at home Ozarks, CTX and UTT with UTT ranked in the top 20 nationally. This year it was TLU and MC both of them division or co-division champions winning 30 games or more.

In womens softball I note the ASC is more respeceted on a national level as it had 3 teams this year in the NCAA regional (UTT, LC, ETBU).

I feel bad for the seniors that have played on the teams left behind. I am sure their teams could beat a lot of the teams from other regions that got Pool C bids and finished with less than 30 wins. 

Once again I think all of us need to lobby for the NCAA to expand to 64 teams so that this does not continue to happen. In a well balanced conference like the ASC it is difficult to have a standout as the teams continue to beat each other up. To the casual observer the lack of an obvious leader leads to a feeling that the entire conference is just average and thus they will fail to recognize the ASC as an above average conference that has multiple good teams. It is much easier to get a bid from a conference where there is only two good teams and rest very average than to get a bid from a confence with 6-8 good teams that punish each other.

Been listening to this for 10 years Texas Baseball play 9 innings play real competion not Bible Schools or Schools like Cal Tech OR Oxy come to Cali And play some 9 inning games. Split your conferance up for the oppertuny to have more teams getting a chance to beat Chapman or GFU to get that chance for a National Championship.
Wow Txbb and all you other Chapman haters. Weekest Chapman team in 10 years. Whats that mean SCIAC is not overpowered. They are still going to win the west. Why Baseball 101. Play Catch Throw Strikes and Situational Hitting. So Cal Baseball at it best . Dont let Hedman send you home. He wouldnt see a strike in the old days. Anybodys berth smart kids playing smart baseball. The West has the most parody in 10 years. Lots of baseball left my pick the team that makes the least errors. PP is very good the have the best player in the tournament. Not deep enough. CFU is as fundamental as anyone,Chapman just has more depth. Dont think any west team has the pitching to be National Champs. However lots of Chapman Seniors hope to get to there 4th National Championship. The big question is would you rather go to four or win one?,

This my 9th year following Chapman I think Iam right on.  Chapman will win . Win tomarrow to earn back the respect of the SCIAC. Play the game and we will see if we will repeat as West Champs. I too do like Siggy its #3 and #4???????? To win the West we always have had at least 3 deep. When we won it all we were 4 deep. Good luck Saturday.
The West is still up for grabs. The lack of Pitching for the first time in a long time has Chapman fans relaying on the players to play the game as its should be played. No advantage this year Its a simple game throw strikes , play catch and put the ball in play. Play with respect and Guys like me will respect the program . But who am I?
QUOTE FROM JACK I guess I just figured someone that is so worried about them being bush league wouldn't come on a message board to promote it.

Read my post and you will see that you are out of line to think I came on the board to promote anything but a positive passion for D3 baseball.  I forgive you Jack and Respect your Baseball Passion.
Quote from: Jack Parkman on March 06, 2009, 09:29:29 PM
Quote from: HALLEBASEBALL on March 06, 2009, 09:10:43 PM
Wow CLU is not the team I have been reading about. They are still #1 in the BUSH Baseball.  "Thats all you got", Thats it" is all I heard from the bench players as Wade made them look silly They will be in the outfield Saturday as they are the Best Hecklers in the West.  Try playing catch.  La Verne will win the SCIAC

And this is a great way to show some class for your school.  Chapman beat them pretty bad, which has been the case the last 6 years, so it shouldn't come as a shock to you.  Cal Lu has always had a bunch of loud mouth guys on the bench and that will never change.  I guess I just figured someone that is so worried about them being bush league wouldn't come on a message board to promote it.
One game, thats all it was.  CLU could come back tomorrow or Chapman could take both, who knows?
La Verne will not win the SCIAC.  They are 0-4.  It's over for them.

Iam not a student and its not my school. 

I didnt come on to say thety were bush.  Relax.  My thoughts were that they are not the team to beat in the West  Oldschool Baseball has no room for Bush.  Just a 52 year old Baseball Junkie that has a oldschool attitude on the Bush part of that game. Relax Jackie relax. One game at a time I agree with you. Wow SORRY for pissing you off . Thats not what Iam about . Leave the hecklers at home you will get the respect that you have earned.
Quote from: nvnorthpaw on March 06, 2009, 06:33:08 PM
Is anyone currently watching/listening to the CLU-Chapman game and would be interested in giving an update??

Quote from: HALLEBASEBALL on March 06, 2009, 09:10:43 PM
Wow CLU is not the team I have been reading about. They are still #1 in the BUSH Baseball.  "Thats all you got", Thats it" is all I heard from the bench players as Wade made them look silly They will be in the outfield Saturday as they are the Best Hecklers in the West.  Try playing catch.  La Verne will win the SCIAC
Wow CLU is not the team I have been reading about. They are still #1 in the BUSH Baseball.  "Thats all you got", Thats it" is all I heard from the bench players as Wade made them look silly They will be in the outfield Saturday as they are the Best Hecklers in the West.  Try playing catch.  La Verne will win the SCIAC