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Messages - Cut City

Short game preview from Norm Maves for The Oregonian

BTW...Norm is a fantastic guy to work with. He absolutely loves working with the young guys and telling stories and just sharing life. If any of you happen to run into him at the game, be sure to say hello. He's always game to talk about the Cats.
Quote from: warhawk78 on December 10, 2009, 11:35:05 AM
Just curious here, no agenda or anything.

How many of the linfield posters on here played for the cats?

Quote from: BoBo on December 09, 2009, 10:29:06 AM
Quote from: Barber Greene on December 09, 2009, 09:58:54 AM
Woke up to almost 16" of snow and the winds are going to pick up and temperature drop throughout the day....time to invoke my personal dome  ;)

OK cat fans, time for this:

Its still early in the day but its currently 9 degrees in McMinnville. So although the 'Cats probably aren't enjoying the cold (and apparently the Hawks don't want to practice in it either), don't think they won't be prepared for it.
Quote from: 6t3bird on December 08, 2009, 12:44:50 PM
Anyne know when the Cats fly out?  Sounds like the weather's supposed to be nasty Friday, Freezing rain.  The airport may be the toughest opponant this week.

If history is any indication, they will fly out thursday morning, probably a chartered flight.
Quote from: badgerwarhawk on December 08, 2009, 10:31:46 AM
Excellent WildCat, thank you.  

I can still recall the wild emotional reaction of the crowd at Saxes Lone Star when we scored the winning touchdown and I remember wondering if we could hold on for the final 45 seconds.  I didn't stop pacing until the final play.  

Truely one of if not the greatest game in WARHAWK football history.  

1st...greatest game I ever played in, including the 04 stagg bowl.

2nd, most don't remember but we had completed a ball down to about the 20 or 25 with ~15 seconds left, but had it called back on an unneccesary penalty (he had help to bail him out). Lots of would'ves and should'ves of course, but with our stud of a kicker,  there was very nearly a whole another chapter to that game. I don't know how many people could have bared to watch it by that point though.
Quote from: Bearcat Press on December 07, 2009, 08:45:50 PM
Quote from: wildcat11 on December 07, 2009, 01:46:04 PM
On a more serious note...some a-hole(s) are seriously causing some issue around Linfield's campus.  Second time within 7 days the Mac PD, bomb squad, FBI have had to make it out the campus to dispose of suspicious packages.  No joke.

Mrs 11 and myself were on our weekly Sunday morning walk with our dogs and when we hit campus the entire North end of campus was shut down with police tape, barriers, etc.  Students where kept in the dorms for hours while the bomb squad removed up to 5 packages. I hope they catch whoever it is and drop the hammer on them.

Oh wow ... "curious how police would respond to finding several suspicious packages around campus."  Really?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she's probably had her curiosity more than satisfied.
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on December 06, 2009, 12:31:33 PM
I just threw a post up on the MIAC with my game recap.  Since Idon't know how to do all of the fancy stuff you have to go over there to read my comments

Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on December 06, 2009, 12:23:47 PM
I don't get TOMMY FANS

We invited them to join us at the Deluxe  Pregame   NO SHOW

We invited them to join us at our Prime time Tailgate  NO SHOW
They instead decided to tailgate on the north side of the Catdome

Anyone that has ever been to the Catdome knows that the following rules apply.  Season ticket holders sit under cover.
Visiting team fans usually sit across in the stands on the fifty.  Students in the south endzone  (South Forty style)
The rest of the field is lined with the hard core Cat fans sometimes 4 deep.  On the visiting side the boys move up and down the field as the game action goes on--usuall between the 30's only.  When we go in front of the visiting stands we dont give the visitiors any crap,  Just go on our way.

This held true yesterday but I ( as a veteran hardcore fan) noticed some things that I just dont get about the Tommies ??

The Tommy team requested heaters for their sidelines ??  We had no heaters on the Cat side-- Are the Tommies really from Minnesota--  Cmon now  Man up a little !!

The tommie fans must have been very cold as well because throughout the whole game they were bouncing their feet off of the metal stands just to keep warm (we didnt supply heaters for the stands) They couldn't have been doing it as some kind of cheer, cause it would have given you a frickin headache in no time at all.

About half way through the second quarter the crew was moving from south to north when these 3 tommie girls ( very short) munchkin type came down and started walking with our crowd screaming
Tommmieehh,,Tommmieehh.  One was right next to me and she stopped to catch her breath and she asked me,  well arent you going to cheer.  I just asked her-- do I look like a frickin cheerleader and moved on.  They started back up Tommmioiehh,  Tommmieeehh.  Three trips later I had to ask.  I asked her which player number was her player boyfriend Mr Tommmieeh.  She said they all were Tommmieehh's  at this point I figured she was dating the whole Tommy team and moved on ( with a smile)  Back in the day we had names for girls that dated the whole team, but thats another story all together.

Next to join the party was a MILD ( mom I'd like to drop kick).  She joined in with her pom pom's screaming with the munchkins, front row right in the middle of the Cat crew.  I noticed that my buddies that work at the steel plant were quite impressed with Mrs MILD, we just moved on ( with a smile) She stayed with us for the duration pom pom's and munchkins in tow.  I think she kinda liked the steel workers, cause she was up on em pretty good.  I can only imagine what my son would have done if he would have come off of the field after a defensive stop with the fellahs and seen Mrs GHC bouncing around with pom poms yelling go Cats go.  Holy Crap Batman-- It would have been baddddddddddddd !!!

All in all it was another great Catdome experience--- No Harm done,  everyone had a great time in their own way.

I think I am starting to understand the comments from the SJU boys about the Tommieeesshh

Bottom line  I don't get TOMMY fans!!

BAM--Thats all I got

Phone it in


Quote from: coco on December 03, 2009, 04:56:53 PM
Quote from: Cut City on December 03, 2009, 04:27:17 PM
I'm not 100% for sure that I'm going to be able to make it, but I'm pretty sure I'll make it to the Catdome this weekend. If some of you guys want, I can provide some amateur sideline reporting on the in-game board. I'm not as popular as TDT so I doubt I'll be getting requests from Pat for official d3 updates, but I'm happy to do it for the humble readers of the NWC.

"not as popular as TDT?" Riiiight.

I'll be at the game, so won't need updates, but I bet the people on the board would love them. Are you coming to the tailgate? It's at the corner of Lever and whatever, at the far end of the Keck parking lot.

Unfortunately not. I would love to hang out with the crew but I'm having to skip out on work early as it is.
I'm not 100% for sure that I'm going to be able to make it, but I'm pretty sure I'll make it to the Catdome this weekend. If some of you guys want, I can provide some amateur sideline reporting on the in-game board. I'm not as popular as TDT so I doubt I'll be getting requests from Pat for official d3 updates, but I'm happy to do it for the humble readers of the NWC.
Quote from: Bearcat Press on November 30, 2009, 05:03:51 PM
Update on Speckman: As far as I can tell, he's scheduled to be interviewed by PSU today.  The Collegian isn't printing this week, but the sports editor of the Vanguard at PSU has promised to keep me posted.  Whatever I hear will come straight here.  My gut tells me that Speck won't leave - the man has the Bearcat claw tattooed on his ankle after all - but I won't feel settled until the process is finished.

Another PSU/Speckman update, sort of

My personal take is this would be a bad move for all parties if Speckman was to be chosen to take the job. I get the impression that Willamette's program has become interwoven with Speckman as an individual, and it would be quite damaging for the program for him to leave under these circumstances. 2nd, I don't know his full background, but I'm pretty sure he's only coached HS and WU, and I think it would be asking a lot for any long time d3 coach to jump directly to the head of a 1-AA school like this. So many different rules and regs, let alone just the difference in culture from a d3 to scholarship school. Not saying he couldn't do it, but I would want someone who has a little more time at that level, at least as an assistant.
Quote from: chewey on November 30, 2009, 03:58:41 PM
Here we go again with "phone it in" and other such gibberish by the Linfield faithful.  I wish SJU would be the one to go out there and make them eat that stuff again but, alas, 6 turnovers only gets one a loss usually in the playoffs.  Keep up the smack and overconfidence because St. Thomas is a fairly good team.  That said, it beat a cream puff in Monmouth and beat a Coe team without its starting QB, a team that SJU should have beaten were it not for 6 turnovers and two stud linebackers. 

While I have always liked Linfield (and its very rabid supporters) a lot (they are one of my two favorite teams outside of SJU) and while I, too, think they will probably beat St. Thomas, I would encourage St. Thomas to go out and just ignore all of that.  In 2002 Matthews, the Linfield QB, had a lot of time to count clouds and I know Linfield does not want to be reminded of the Central "Miracle in the Mud" of 2000.  After flying through the NWC, Linfield may think that it is going to simply play a bunch of cornfed, stumbling galoots from the midwest.  IF that's the prevalent attitude, it will be a long day for them.  Unless ST. Thomas just loses focus and goes chicken s%&$, it will be a good game. 

I can guarantee you that the 'Cats will not be looking past UST. Arrogance is not tolerated by the coaches and they are not foolish enough to believe they are that much better than another team that made it into the playoffs, let alone to the quarterfinals. Regular season, maybe. Early December, no. Especially since the game last week very easily could have swung differently on a few crucial plays.
Monrovia -- Did you see if 28 for the Cru made it back into the game in the 2nd half? I wasn't able to watch the feed after the break.
Quote from: CAT BAT 22 on November 28, 2009, 05:52:51 PM
Never seen a defensive performance like that.... glad I picked up the Cat D for my fantasy league  :)

Great defensive adjustments after going down 14-3... you could tell having 5 D-lineman was not playing into the Cru's blocking scheme. 

Adjustments rule the day!!! I feel prophetic.

Outstanding work by the cats today.  I look forward to hearing the insights from those fortunate to make the game in person.
Quote from: dutchfan1 on November 24, 2009, 02:37:45 PM
'Cats, prepare for one hell of a game -- these guys are good -- very quick, and very well coached.

I don't know how much, if any, the coaching staff has changed but the one thing that stood out above all else from playing UMHB the first time was their ability to make adjustments (at least their defense did). I can remember them changing their game plan,  going through 3 or 4 significant  changes throughout the course of that game. It took us most of the third quarter and 1/2 the 4th to make our adjustments (we happen to implement the last one on Jenkin's TD catch). I would expect nothing but the same this time around, which will be hard for most of us to track. But if you see our offense stalling for more than 2 possessions, you can bet UMHB adjusted their schemes and we haven't countered yet.

Not coincidentally, UW Whitewater was the best team at this that I ever played against.      
Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on October 29, 2009, 06:56:13 PM
No Mount player would have four rings.

Except for guys who might have medical red shirted during the one year MUC missed.