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Messages - LLFtblMom

"hey LLFtblMom are you in the LLPP pick 'em this week?"

Mom might actually vote in this if she could only figure out how to PM on this message board. The other boards she frquents are easier to understand.   :'(
"Look for a tired, balding dude wearing an Auburn sweatshirt with an old bald dude.  That will be the Rev and Daddy.  Check the food tent first."

Gee Rev, Mom could've sworn that the best way to ID you was by taking your picture to Geneva!

BTW, Our friends at say it will be 78, partly cloudy, with only a 10% chance of precipitation. Sorry, the Boz and the cat turds will not be frozen.
It's the time of the year for Mom to wake up and talk to the boys!

Gotta agree with you all on ND... Mom is a hater from way back. Dad graduated from Purdue...bigtime in-state rivalry.

But gotta add something about the end of ND's schedule...Don't be picking on those Duke boys. They may be easy to beat, but according to Number One Son, an EE grad from Duke, they have the highest graduation rate in D1 football. Signs in Wallace Wade stadium to that effect.

Quote from: 'gro on March 14, 2007, 09:35:30 AM
Dear LLPPmom,

My friend Lewdogg11 invited me to a sleepover at his place this weekend, can I go? We're just gonna watch movies and play videogames, maybe go to the go kart track. I promise I won't get into any trouble.

p.s. I need $5 to buy some gino's pizza rolls.

Thanks Mom!!

Dear 'gro-son,

As long as the sleepover is not on a school night, it is OK with me. That is, as long as your homework is done and you've taken out the trash. I left the $5 on the counter in the kitchen. Have fun, and remember, NO BEER or other adult beverages.

Love, Mom  :-*
OK, Gentlemen (?) I thank you for your many invites to join in, since I actually have something to contribute to one of the current conversations going on re: basketball. Doc Rivers, the former NY Knick player and current Celtics head coach, also has a son, Jeremiah, a freshman, who plays for Georgetown.

Glad I was able to amuse some of you with my comments. Hope there are no hurt feelings...that was not my intent. I guess I may have been a little intimidated, as if I were intruding in a private conversation.

As far as my allegiance goes, that will remain private, as I in no way wish to embarrass or humiliate my son with my lack of knowledge on football, and sports in general. I realize that email addresses are available to those who know how to find them, but I feel that respecting my right to privacy would have earned you more karma points.

Someday, I might tell you all where my allegiance lies, but for now, I will remain LLFtblMom.

Love, Mom  :-*