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Messages - Lil Rb

How is Bobby going to make any money, if he keeps eating all the proffit :D
Highlander, if you are not going to talk about basketball, please do not insult ANYONE on this board with your talk of maryville football, and for the sake of both programs, never mention the Maryville College football program.  And now the only real program (since bell left) in the same sentence again.  No disrespect, but it is not fair TO YOU and unrealistic to think that you could get support for a team where the coaching staff is a revolving door, like the support that is given to a program and a TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE that has been built over 25 years.  Hail to Lambert.  Help to Ierulli  :P
Killer, let's not forget about Placeres, whom I believe left with Beaty to reenergize  the Highlanders of GP (are you with me).  I believe the cornerstone is still there, but the heart might have gotten smaller with the big 3 (Bell, Placeres, and Beaty)looking to create their own coaching legagcy.  Of course, Bell has a head start on that with 5 years of college coaching and 5 years to the big dance.  Best of luck old friend, you deserve it as much as anyone, we all know that you will do well.  Stay tough early and it will pay off in the end.

I see that Coach Haynes (the only coach in the country still on a message board) is back.  Hey Coach Haynes, CJR says to shut the hello up, and do something productive.
Killer, make sure you ride with grubb, that he is driving and that you are sitting in the back seat out of arms and hands distance.  He never was any good at man2man defense he likes to hand-check to much.
mcplaya02 are you jealous that I did not say that you were the best player.  No one said that you could not excel on and off the court.  Please try and not analyze things to much, you might get your feeling hurt, and thank you for proving my point about being the leading scorer on your team would not be the leading scorer on most other teams (9.6pts/game)  He is the best all around player you have, maybe you guys should talk to the coach and get him more time. ;D  No one is taking anything away from your team except for the fact that Maryville's point guard would be third string on your squad, not sure how that is taking away, and no not upset about the past two years, no question you guys were the better team, not sure that is what all this is about.

mcballa22jc, if this is a different person, no one is attacking your intelligence, but you seem to be a little upset about  some of the comments, don't you know that it is never good to show your emotions, espically if I can see them over the internet.  Sorry for not being a good fan for my team but when players like yourself react to this nonsense like some of us know that it is, I can't help myself :D
First of all who said anything about "juco players" I believe i said that Mississippi College is like a juco with their turnover in players in there program (in not so many words).  Juco players are great, but how do you continue to get so many players and be able to go 10-12 deep and keep them all happy?  Yes Tyler Winford is the best player, but because you have to keep so many people happy, he leads the team in a lot of stats, but would not lead other teams with the minutes that he plays for his own team.  Maybe if you could get some guys there for more than two years, you could build a tradition like making it to the tournament 9 straight years in a row and get your graduation rate up like the coaches and administration are suppose to be doing from the start.

No one has argued your comment about your point guards being better than bo, so quit beating a dead horse.  Please try and read the words that I type not the words that you think you are reading.
Not at all mcplya02, I am sure that your point guard would out play our point guards as well, both of them for that matter.  However, even though Bo is not what i would consider an academic stand out, we are not a division III school that might as well be a junior college.  my goodness, look at your roster from year to year and how many stay for more than, at best, two years.  The coach at Mississippi College is trying to win a national championship the wrong way, not the D-III way.  Try and keep some guys and maybe even graduate 12-15 kids over a period of 4 years and see what it is like.  Mississippi is not worried about retention, they are worried about winning a national championship, and they are not doing that either.

By the way, you are not stepping on my toes and I hope that I have not stepped on your toes, that is just the way it is.  Plus neither of your point guards could have probably gotten into school at Maryville.
Thanks Killer.  The problem is that Bo has no clout, or since I can't spell he gets no respect from his teammates because of the last two years.  Yes, great Bo is working harder than ever and yes he is doing it this summer, because he is having to be there because he is in summer school.  That is so typical of you grubb to jump on the bandwagon as soon as someone starts doing what they are EXPECTED to do in the program.  It is easier to stay focused when there is no one on campus to screw with your direction.  Grubb, as far as the comment abouth Bo, hardwork, and 16-9 predicitions, he is the leader and they have been following his leadership, that is where YOUR 16-9 prediction comes from.

Killer I was going to say earlier that it is not good when someone is talking about your game in the summer that must mean that there is not enough to play, if the old man is having to come out and teach the game to some young guns.  ANYONE (Grubb) that has seen you play knows that you are not known for your defense or your shooting, just the ability to will your teams to a win like great point guards do, and also capable of making big shots, not because you are a great shooter, but because you are not afraid to shoot the big shot.

Like Killer said, hopefully he has seen the light, and is on the right path.
Some people you cannot AFFORD to let get away, seems to me someone is always looking out for your best interest.  What have you done in the great town of maryville, to be loved so much :o  I asked a man once how he has become to be so successful and he told me that he was not a smart man, but that he always had good people around him.

Hope to see you soon ;D
You are right Killer, season is slowly, but quickly approaching.  See you there on Monday :-\    I also think you meant to say once it goes inside to Blair it is not coming out.  If LaGrange had a better gym, I imagine they would get better players, everything around them is superb, except for the gym, I am sure that is very difficult to recruit to along with their history in the GSAC, not what a lot of recruits want to read about. 
Good to see you back Killer.  The Scots biggest hurdle is themselves.  First and foremost, none of the three players mentioned have the intangible statistic it takes to be the ultimate Fighting Scot like the past ten years of players had.  Yes, we have the two best big men in the conference but they both want to play on the perimeter.  Bo Mason "would and could" be the best point guard in the conference but continues to not get the people around him involved where he is scoring less and his teammates are scoring more and the Scots are winning big.  When this happens he will have more big games like he wants, but he needs the instant gratification.  He cannot play the 2 spot.  He cannot defend there, mainly because he has to defend a guy coming off more screens than a point guard and he does not like contact along with having to worry more about rebounding as well.  The point is his position, he just has to learn how to run the team and stick with the system when the game needs the system the most instead of jacking it 6 seconds into the shot clock.

You can't play the big men together, then coach struggles with an inside presents because they both want to be out on the floor and want the other to be inside.  Neither one are good defenders, but both can be if they want to, bobby plays behind and blair gambles and fouls to much.  neither one will rebound, and you can't afford to have both men in the game and not get back in defensive transition.  Again, the intangibles the things that are not on a stat sheet.

Colincondi, the reason that I would pick LaGrange over Piedmont, also the intangibles.  Piedmont... to pretty, not hard nosed enough, watch them warm up, I keep coming back to that, but that are so cool when they warm up before a game, it is very obvious that they are a soft team physically and mentally.  I don't blame them totally, those are the type of things that a coach has to put a stop to, also how much tape do the other teams in the conference watch, it seems as though not very much.  LaGrange plays their butt's off.  they just need to learn a system and learn it well, and be more efficient.
mattgrubb, why do you feel the need to look at the glass as half empty everytime you are unable to find something to discuss, so you resort back to how poorly you think the Scots will do next year.  Maybe I am playing right into your plan, do you feel the need for a "quick fix" so that you can brag on yourself about how successful your teams were in the past.  Take that stuff to so that you can compare stats and you can feel good about your self and help your self-esteem.  Or just have your boyfriend take you out for a sausage biscuit.
Grubb try to stick to the question and we care about as much for your imaginery friend and Michigan about as much as we care about all your imaginery girlfriend and imaginery job.  Make sure you read the part that says trying to win a National Championship.  As far as you assessment about the Scots and the trouble they will have next year with some teams, well, where have you been try and post something that we did know, including how great you are.

Old lion, the eye is in the beholder, if you feel as though that was classless, maybe you are just bitter towards the truth.  Maybe if your players would carry themselves in a MAGNANIMOUS way, they to would be confident and win more games instead of trying to be to cool for school.  Watch those guys warm-up before a game, they are not trying to get ready to go to war, thery are trying to impress the Grubby one.
old lion, yes you are right, they do have a chance to start along with anyone else that you bring in because this is Piedmont's "MO" every year.  Your team is written off because somethings never change, or have not up until this point.  Your players don't have the right mentality to be competitive day in and day out.  If you have not realized it, and obviously you haven't, defense wins, and you guys play no defense.

By the way, new guys are always exciting because they are new, it is just like a new plate of food in front of me, I never know if it is better than the last plate until I try it.  Your exciting possibilties, well, not good enough to ever beat Maryville, why, because your guys are unable to simulate the competitiveness in practice to prepare you for a Maryville game and your schedule night in and night out does not demand the pressure of winning to get to the NCAA tournament, Maryville may be trying to win the GSAC, but ultimately, the NCAA and the Final Four.
GSAC Killer, I have put a lot of thought into what you have ask me, and no matter what anyone thinks about any teams future, there are some things that you just can't predict because of injury, grades, sickness, or even death to a family member that might not make a team as good one week as the next.  I said all of that to get to this, the Scots will find themselves back at the top again trying to win another conference championship, simply because of tradition and the house that Randy built.  With the loss of so many seniors from Huntingdon and Fisk, and Maryville returning their core players, it looks to me as they would be the front runner. 

That is just it, the Scots are so fickle these days, who knows, the only consistent player is Coach Lambert.  Use to, you didn't have to ask how the Scots were going to be year in and year out.  We could make a lot of assumptions right now, but basketball ratings, espically in June, may be the most worthless thing since Bradley Blair and the bench press.