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Messages - TrickyTroy

I like to dream in HSU castle than the etbu :o
tiger kitten you should really do your homework. The NEW HEAD coach has been mentored by both the Last HC and OC since before 1997. The offense won't miss a beat, and last time i checked the players make touchdowns and fg not coaches. Coach K and Coach Wartes will be missed, but they have been grooming the new staff like they groom their players. Coach B has some big shoes to feel but he does have big feet. ;D I really think tigerkitten that you should spend more time in the classroom than on these boards. Learn the facts before you speak.

ETBU- I don't know to much of LC other than what they done the past couple of years. They are always a ? because you never know which one will show up. Do they have that good QB back? Please get tigerkitten some help. Drug test him or something ,because he is certainly high.  ;D The Tigers remind me of Howard payne in the 90's. They have talent but find a way to lose. Coaching or players fault? I remember in '99 HPU lead HSU by 21 with about 6min left and lost the game by 14. The thing about MHB and HSU has over most teams is it never enters their mind they will lose. They find a way to win.

TigerKat sure is high on a program that only won one asc football title <2003>,finished at 5-5
I hate to say it MHB is the team to beat. tigerkitten you need to work on your football history on HSU. Is HSU really hurting at QB. History fact HSU QBS previous of Fester: Jordan Neal, Dustin Proctor, TWO HEAD snake year, boyd. History has proven HSU is never have a lack of good QBs to take the reigns. WR is weak: again wrong robbins, castillo. rodgers, warren, bloom. One thing is for sure HSU never hurting in talent. with that said :-* Here are preseason predictions:

MHB To be the best you got to beat the best at least of this past decade
fight for second HSU(traditions never die)/LC(been on the rise to over take HSU as MHB biggest threat), MCM (past two years have made me a believer)
all the other teams for the other spots (talent has been for the most part bare, and who really cares of the teams except fans that dream and players with false hope)

Tiger kitten just stop running your mouth because all the big dogs that sit at top hear is blah blah until the game then :'( :'( Do something to run your mouth before talking what your going to do   ::)

Besides that rant GO COWBOYS!!!!!
hsu: asc champs 7times sharing 1
mc:  asc champs 2times sharing 1
mhb:asc champs 7times sharing 2
etb: asc champs 1time sharing 1
mhb has 8/5 lead in series
MHB has dominated last half of the 15 years HSU dominated first half
But MHB is declineing like hsu did after many years of dominating.
Timing is about right for a new team to dominate for a few years my guess
McM or HSU
MHB time is about done
It was a hot humid texas night in belton, texas as the cowboys krept into town. They attacked with might weapons and their defense could not be breach. As the crusaders ran to the hills, fearing  for their life. Their new empire has fallen and the old kinghas returned. Cusaders don't fear the cowboys are merciful and will not rant anymore. Now the ASC boards will become quite once more.   ;D
Any updates on feaster and robbins
Any word on Feaster or Robbins
Whitworth gave us HSU fans a scare. Yall have a great football team and hope to meet you in the playoffs. Next weeks game Linfeild and HSU will be a nail bitter. I'm Bias(ex-cowboy) hoping HSU wins.
Game over 48-31 HSU wins
HSU ball on whits 23 time is 1.21 in the 4th ;D
HSU TD  :o on 30 + yrd run HSU 48 whit 31
sorry 2 min left
Whit scored  >:(  4 min left HSU 41- Whit 31
whit 1-10 on HSU 21
whit 2-1 on hsu 26