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Messages - D306

I seem top recall that Butler was D1 at one time and removed some of their stands so they could remove them selves from D1 yet in basketball they are D1 and extremely relevant. Albion had a long standing series of games with Butler not long ago as I recall.

GVSU is a massive school bigger than many of the current D1 schools they choose to stay in DII

I think schools choose based on scholarship costs and also the fact that title 9 would require equal amount of Schollies for female sports as well.

Title 9, the cost, and competitive opportunities or school attendance opportunities are a huge deciding factor.
If we were to review attendance at several D1 school the number is staggering how low it is and the cost per person per seat must be reviewed versus the benefit in attendance or implied reputation of school

MIAA and many DIII schools must continue to focus on the value of the education the personal attention and opportunities as the value prop. I believe many offer a superior education and opportunity for students, throw athletics in their and educational based awards to reduce cost is the path for many into these schools.

I did not make it to the Albion / Hope game as I wanted to, received a call from a buddy to attend NW vs. Wisky to watch his son play great game for NW so I made the drive around the Lake ( great coaching staff pulling high level academic students into NW and putting a strong team on the field ) By the way still defrosting and trying to dry off it is cold in that stadium on the lake with rain and wind blowing in.
Ok well I was at the UofM game Saturday several issues.
OL play, play calling, Nuss can not be this conservative, my son and I have a competition as EX defense players and coach's guessing the call and play.  Each time UofM lined up it was pretty easy to see what the play was.
Morris was handcuffed in the first half trying to play it safe, praying the defense could keep it close.
Second half started with a bang, penalty on kick off start in a hole and proceed to play in bad field position the rest of the half. Morris was hurt on goal line run/sack and should have been pulled right then for his own safety, lucky UofM did not get hit with a safety on that play. he was having trouble standing during the Official review of the play.
It was not Morris fault what happened out there, play calling is lame, OL is porous, all underclassmen need to grow, need to be more physical. Never should have been out there to take that Knock Out shot later in game he could not protect himself neither could the OL. easy to second guess after seeing things on TV and all the reviews yet someone should/Has to look out for the kid. Morris is not going to pull himself players play, Players fight for each other they know it was his dream.
Going out after the concussing is just completely unbelievable.
Hoke is in trouble lack of accountability on him and staff. Nice guy, good position coach can not coach a Big Time program.

On to the MIAA Albion vs Hope great high value game early in the season. Should be a real bell weather for the league to see who goes deep in league play. league play heats up with football weather on the forecast.

I think Albion is the best of the league yet this week we see the real story going forward.
I Will be at lake this weekend and hoping to make the game.

Glad to see the season getting started.
I will be checking out some of the Chicago area teams along with a few MIAA as we still have the place in Grand Haven
Daughter is now in Chicago for Residency and working with a mentor.
Of course what kind of dad would i be if I did not come visit?
Somehow I just will happen to align these with some UofM and college football games
Going to a Wheaton game as it is a nice area and I have not seen a game there since they installed lights.
D3DB you have been kind enough in the past to try to meet up during a break at Hope I have not made that work yet. I will hit drop you a line on the Hope home games I will try to make this year.
Lets Hope this is the year MIAA gets through round 1 and becomes more competitive on the larger DIII stage

Good news for Albion    Brembo will be expanding their Mfg base in MI and Albion is the location
On a bigger note this is huge for Albion the community as the plant closings in Mfg has really hurt the area.
Reshoring is becoming a popular Mfg option  educating our youth to be a viable stable professional Mfg base is key. 
Mfg is not a dirty word a culture shift is required in our schools and media to understand today's Mfg is a highly Technical , clean rewarding career if you choose to be a professional.

Ok done with my public commentary enjoy football guys hope to catch up to a few of you along the football trail
Well FSU events are typical for a Private Sports program pretending to be a University of higher Education.
I hope that they eventually pull his Awards and the National Title (USC, Heisman).
Then again I am still waiting for the Auburn "oh he did not know his dad received monies"  (Stealing laptops, and getting tossed from Florida, cash to Cam's Dad) to get their National Title pulled.
No accountability no class in the NCAA or these universities, what are we teaching our youth?, lie, steal, cheat, abuse women, whine that you are abused with the veiled " its slavery" BS excuse for these poor "student" Athletes ( I say this loosely as there is little education happening here with many of these Athletes )
I am not naïve enough to believe it was much different in the past, yet with 24 news, and sports channels reporting the most inane facts or made for TV facts. These issues have been placed in everyone's face, the NCAA and Universities are struggling with how to maintain some semblance of professional appearance, and not kill the cash cow they have.

I have no real solutions yet I know I would not hire any of these young men into my company, personal accountability and character are important in business and in your life. This "I got mine" lifestyle is the problem.
All this said on my soapbox, the win now win big structure at major universities and Pro sports has created the culture of looking the other way. This all happened in the past as well yet we were not aware of it on a mass media manner.
I like many of you watch the news with a jaded view ( IRS Scandal, Benghazi Lies/cover up ) and I think that is the saddest thing, every achievement (Homerun records in MLB ) are now always looked at in a different light. Those who do things the right way are now either left behind by cheaters or have in the back of peoples minds their accomplishments questioned.
While I am no fan of the NCAA, the lack of logic or consistent application and monitoring of the rules, the fact that some of the rules are just not realistic to today's environment.
Pryor and the OSU bunch were no saints, I seem to recall the sweater vest had a "friendly" car dealer whom followed him from Youngstown. The problem is you can not monitor every "booster"
The fact that Pryor and others at many schools come from rough area's or just want some of the things being offered by hanger on's is a serious issue.
As a former coach, player and long time advocate for sports at many levels, I see and saw the young men come and go everyday, who they hung with and what car they arrived in many times.  When a kid of limited means shows up in different sports cars, SUV's, clothes, watches, and electronic products to school and practice someone notices. Major Universities have more than enough resources to have a official compliance staff that can visually see and "hear" most the scuttle on a campus and help head off some issues before they become an infringement.  The players do not know in many cases the rules let alone some of the rules are unrealistic.

Difficult issue and never will it be resolved, yet Universities certainly can do a better job. The NCAA must take a long hard look at itself and the politics it is involved in.
Raider I hope your Holiday was good.
I was in West MI over the long weekend, had a chance to see Hope upgraded field for the first time after Easter Mass and also I noticed some new construction on Campus.
Looking good a lot of foot traffic in area.

Another interesting off season with Keyshawn getting in trouble again, Pryor getting sent packing to Seattle for a 7th round pick after another lost season at QB. Wonder if Seahawks try some direct snaps or wildcat. I have no idea why you would pick him up except that a 7th round pick is almost a throw away for some teams. I would take a shot on a undersized / not highly promoted player from a small college at a position of need. More heart more effort no baggage.
Just to be clear on my point.
While I applaud the current UConn players I do not in any way condone the Universities complete lack of compliance to Academic Progress.
Nor do I like their players running his mouth about being dis-respected after they won the game. Your school broke the rules, sucks for you that you could not play last year oh well comes with the school does it not?

KY and UConn are perfect examples of what we are all raging about on this thread.

Education went out the window a long time ago.

The system is corrupt and it is all about monies to be gained.

I do not have the solutions but a true minor league, mandatory academic monitoring, no question about punishment for the university and the Coach no more nomad coach's taking their lies and corrupt selves on the road to the next gig.

Great event coming NHL playoffs every team that makes it in has a shot and these guys literally put them selves on the line to fight through to the next round. Hopefully the Red Wings get a little healthy if so they will make a run more young depth and legs than they have had in years
Great Comments everyone +1 for all

Karma helps with the UConn win last night
I hate to see Calipari and Kentucky rewarded for flat out ignoring any kind of education program being involved.
He has had former 2 schools wins vacated, yet we honor him for continuing to play the edges of the NCAA rules.

Emma I agree NBA basketball is unwatchable, I do not and could not care about the "league"
Homer calls, walking, carry, travel, offensive charging are all part of the star treatment that makes the game stand around the perimeter and watch the superstar go one on one
I play slight attention to the playoffs and finals. At least the effort increases and there is a little defense played at that point.

OTA have started, spring ball is complete or in process for some schools, we are waking up from a LOOONG Winter

Great to see the interaction on the website
OK so I thought I would only have a brief comment on this subject. :-X well shot that idea down
Look at this NCAA Basketball Tourney.
Someone please try to convince me that any of the UK "student athlete's" ( or many other one and done schools/players ) even make an attempt to show up in class. I do not blame them that is the process to get into the NBA now. A "unholy" arrangement with the NBA and Universities.
They all went there for 1 semester by the time grades come out or end up on some type of failing grades review at school ( 2 consecutive failing semesters while taking reduced schedule and basket weaving) they will be on to the NBA. This is not all of the "one and done" players yet what is the motivation to be a student? If they know this is just a 1 year free ride and pre NBA interview.

College sports on the highest level have sold their souls for money. 18-19 year old kids are running the game as I laugh at the lengths schools go to recruit these guys.
Sad as sports teach many lessons and offer opportunities to many whom had limited access to a quality education ( I am a prime example), or would have to do it the "old fashioned way" part time while working.
I am not delusional to think everything is / was perfect in Major College sports yet there is little doubt things are out of hand now. NCAA rules are restrictive and un equally applied while out of date to the current pace of life and technology as well.
My only comment is they opened Pandora's box.
Hope they like what comes with being accountable, when players get their DUI, or questionable actions and lose their Scholly we will see how smart they think they are. This opens the door for Universities to "cut" players whom are a bust as it is always easy to find a way to show player broke a few rules. Just think how the Universities will work this angle, man these guys will be paid more than most of us, between under the table monies and educational, housing costs, oh yes the mom or dad just became a "adviser" or adjunct Prof. maybe a trainer or "quality control"
I trust it fails, yet if it hopefully it raises a little more accountability in the NCAA, they are a joke.


Great info and detail as usual
Tough lose the  Bulldogs.  Nice to see the title stay in the state and MIAA

Sorry the delay in reply RE: my original question
Returning from Florida with the crew, a little lighter in the wallet ( lost every skin and possible small bet we have while playing Golf, some I was not even aware I was in😂 ) and burnt from the sun hanging on the berm for Tiger Spring Training games 

Regarding this young lady, I passed on your reply and strongly encouraged her to pay a visit and enquire with Hope Admission  I believe Hope would be a good fit for her.
Special needs educator or special needs Nurse / PA is her current interest

Well onto something outside my question and back to sports   There is a pretty solid group of young men heading to the MIAA and GLIAC to play football from the gossip last week   These young men are mostly SE Michigan based as that is the area the  crew of guys that attend our annual Tigers Spring Training event reside - coach etc....


I was wondering if you could help me with a little info RE: Hope.

Does Hope have Club Hockey for Women?

My son mentioned to me a family friend of his was asking him about Hope College, she has attended a Soccer Game/s at Hope and liked the "feel" as did her daughter. The family is familiar with the Holland area.
The daughter is looking into locations she may be able to get a great education and play Hockey and/or Soccer as she excels in both. Very Good student from a high level parochial school in the Metro Detroit Area, her profile looks solid for a MIAA school. She wants to stay close enough to home to have parents attend when possible. This is all assuming she gets accepted Academically and has the talent, drive to play on the College level in either of the sports.

I know Hope has a strong Soccer program but I am unsure if they offer Hockey
Mr. Ypsi

Thank You for relaying that story, I do not want to sound like a shill but BO and many others from that era were truly like a father or great mentor.
Unfortunatley it has become quite the business at every level, tough to see that integrity at many schools.
Regarding "gun to your head" finances, sadly it is that way for many Athletes whom wish to be students.

It flat out amazes me how many players are 5th year seniors, I see some 6 year players in many of the Uiversities. MSU had a DL guy whom arrived early in his Seinor year of HS and still was on his 6th full season at MSU last year. Grey shirt, Red shirt and arrived early.

It is more than possible to be a solid student with a "pre-med" or speciality based undergrad, it is about placing that as a priority and taking advantage of the tutors and optional dates to accommidate the travel etc...   Not easy but that is the price you pay to get the advantages and opportunities that so few ever will.

I still say it is out of whack ( technical term ) as I have 3 children whom all attended universities with good to outstanding grades.  2 as Athletes 1 turned down the monies to pursue program and study abraod opprotunites.  The reason I say that is College is supposed to be about education, my child whom turned down monies hits on 2 great disparities in the Scholarship game. 1st she is female ( less monies for athletics as they draw less income to the university ) 2nd she is/was extremely high GPA, ACT/SAT etc..  and had to fight of her monies / frowned upon if she was to play a sport  indfference to accept educational opportunites could not accept both and get same monies. True the stipulations were location / program specific I am sure she could have found a University to accept the both, yet not at same academic level or reputation.   

Good topic that will continue to become a more of a abused area, or maybe just more visable with all of the means of Social media now.
Ex Tartan Player

OK I just sent a link of this to everyone I could think of.
Great story, nice example of the power of sports and what a  "team" can mean in the lives of families and communities.

+ on the karma for you young man
Well it was a great weekend back in MI.
Albion won to keep the dream alive and hopefully march to a showdown at Hope in the last week of the season.
My boys won their HS playoff games 3 different teams I follow / coached back in the day.

The bad news was UofM no real comment as a former player under Bo I apologize to the man the myth the legend and all UpfM fans. pitiful O-line play. Way to many underclassman on line. Thanks RR wish he recruited a lineman just once please. Oh well maybe adversity grows these young men for the next couple years as they become upperclassmen.
I commented early in year start Morris and use DG as a WR speed size, athletic miss match. The guy is not a QB no Pre-snap read, no pocket presence, just flat out does not take care of the ball.

OK no more whining on my part congrats to the Spartans certainly the better team and ready to play. Starting to get some offensive play will finish strong.

Starting the see a little more diversity of locations that players are coming from in the MIAA, I think this bodes well that the league will be more competitive in the coming years. The league must commit to higher level of players and hitting the schools from strong HS leagues. There is a a lot of talent out there looking for someone to show them some interest. Easier said than done with budgets.

Trying to be back in state at the end of season for Hope VS Albion, looking for a championship game of sorts.