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Messages - ACRULZ

Quote from: BOYA87 on October 06, 2009, 10:09:09 AM
First I'll comment on Adrian Kzoo.  There was a lot of talk about this game coming in and people saying Kzoo had a shot at an upset.  I think some of the Adrian players might have read some of those comments and taken it to heart.  They put a beat down on Kzoo.  I wouldn't say that I every thought Kzoo was going to pull an upset, but with the way their season had started I had very high hopes that a very down team in recent years was making a huge surge much like the Tri-State/Trine of recent.  I was hoping to see their offense continue to produce but it looks like Adrian picked them apart on both offense and defense. 

First of all K-Zoo beat 3 really, really bad teams, and then lost to a bad team...I don't understand where all of the hype came from.

Trine beat quality opponents on their way to the top, I must say there is no comparison there.  I also agree that Adrian must have been fed up hearing about Kalamazoo all week long...they certainly made K-Zoo look like K-Zoo. 

I believe Adrian's record is a bit misleading...yes they beat Defiance and Bluffton...two bad teams, but also had very competitive games with Capital (#21 in the country) and Lake Erie, who has become quite a competitive team and will be joining the GLIAC next season.  Adrian had opportunities to beat Capital in the 4th and were up on Lake Erie become a great team we all know the Bulldogs need to win these games...however, the blatant disrespect of people giving K-Zoo soooo much credit as to pick them over Adrian?????  I believe that just ticked the Bulldogs off just a bit!
Media Day Poll, I hear this is the early word...not so sure about the rest of the league.

1. Trine
2. Adrian
3. Hope

I haven't heard from you in a long you have any scoop on the Bulldogs?  What are they going to do without Niblock?  I have to imagine their defense won't be as good as it was last season.
AS hard as this is for me to was a great defensive battle!  Hopefully there will be another dramatic finish in the MIAA this year!


This time of the year is like being a little kid waiting for Christmas!
Quote from: formerd3db on December 19, 2008, 08:33:21 PM

Thanks for your response and previous thoughts as well.  BTW, anything of worthy news about Adrian at this time?  I suspect not as it is the same with all of our MIAA schools right now!

To my knowledge all is quiet at Adrian as of now.  The staff will be returning, no surprise transfers, and really that is about it at good ol' Adrian.  One thing however, I hear they are expanding their recruiting areas quite a bit.  Not real sure where to but they may be hitting places they haven't in years past.  Let the search to replace Troy Niblock begin!
Quote from: formerd3db on December 19, 2008, 03:12:52 PM

While what you say regarding the number disparity is true, still I get tired of all these guys who consistenly try to place the race card.  While I am not saying racism doesn't or perhaps hasn't played a role in some instances of these hirings (I cannot say for sure because we only know what is printed in the paper and we all know that the media is incorrect and misguided many, many times), I do not believe that this occurs in every case at the DI level or otherwise, as others would unfortunately always have us believe.  For sure DI gets the attention, but let's see what the real statistics are; i.e. let's have these schools put out the list of candidates and just how many minority coaches actually apply for the job ( in one sense, just because a school may have candidates in mind, doesn't excuse coaches and those who cry racism for not applying because they certainly have that opportunity), all their credentials, and just exactly how these people stack up agains all the candidates, including their reasons for wanting to be at that particular school, their coaching and life philosophy, etc., etc.  There are a ton of aspects that are and should be taken into affect regarding the selection of a head coach at any level other than the $ and title of "being a head coach".  Moreover, in the "whole picture", let's have the media put out the statistics of all the minority coaches at all the collegiate levels (obviously, the NCAA has this information in its annual football yearbook) and then let's see what the true overall numbers are, including the traditional black colleges and universities.  Do you think they would hire a white guy for a head coach? (it has been done I believe, but rare).  I am not a racist whatsoever, however, as I said, I nonetheless get tired of these idiots who always play that card regardless of the situation and it does happen a lot.  While it is unfortunate that they are few minority background head coaches, still there is no excuse for that former aspect either.  I'm off the soapbox now! ;D ;)

Quote from: formerd3db on December 18, 2008, 06:40:34 PM

Also, I was greatly disappointed that Charles Barkley had to inject the race card into the Auburn coaching selection, although that doesn't surprise me from him.  His stock in the "respect category" has continued to go down hill for a long time and IMO, is below rock bottom.  There is, at least to our knowledge, no evidence or any reports that racism played a part and he and some of his "croanies" always feel they have to make this an issue.  Sorry, but just my $0.02 worth on that topic.::)

Although I must agree that I am not a huge Barkley fan...the fact still remains that there is much discrimination in the coaching profession.  At the D-I level I believe there are only 3 or 4 minority coaches.  Which to say is simply a shame!
Ok, I know I'm going to be the bad guy...but I have to be the realist and say it...Trine will not win tomorrows game.  Wheaton will beat Trine.  And yes I am a little bitter!    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
To whomever may know:

I hear that the MIAA all-league selections will not come out until the Alma-Hope game is completed.  Is that correct?  I would assume so...
Congrats to Trine on a big win and good luck in the playoffs!  Adrian, good job on a valiant effort, now go beat the Comets!

I understand what you are saying but, K-Zoo and Hope both had chances to win those games.  Adrian has looked dominant in every MIAA game they have played, thats my point.  Yes Trine may have made mistakes to keep those teams in the game, but hey, that is part of the game, take advantage of your opponents miscues.  Like I said before I don't think it will be a blow-out, it will be a close game, but I think Adrian is just too tough at home right now, especially with their offense on track.
Quote from: dc_has_been on November 03, 2008, 12:23:03 PM
Quote from: ACRULZ on November 02, 2008, 05:10:26 PM
Adrian - Trine will definitely be the game to watch in the North Region.  I know this may be no surprise but I am picking Adrian to beat the Thunder!  Adrian is on a roll their defense looked solid against Alma yesterday and their offense is absolutely unstoppable.  McGrady did give Adrian some fits at times however.  The Scots managed to sneak in a late score against Adrian's second string defense.  But all in all I expect a great game between the Thunder and the Bulldogs Saturday.  Besides Capital, Adrian has rolled through most of its competition this season, hopefully that trend continues!   Good luck to all!
Other than Capital, Adrian hasn't played anyone w/ a current winning record. Plus Capital is not the same team as they were the past few years.  I'm not saying Trine is going to win this one, but right now Trine looks to be the better team w/ an unblemished record & a victory over a very good Franklin team.

I don't see how you come to that conclusion...Adrian has completely outplayed every team that it has come across...with the exception of Capital...Trine has not, i.e. K-Zoo, Hope.  And the way the AC offense is running the football I would have to say that Adrian wins this game.  And with the exception of Franklin, Trine hasn't played much of a schedule either.

And last...yeah I'm almost done...Trine struggles on the road.  And believe me the Adrian crowd will be LOUD!
i"m just a tad biased!!!!    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Adrian - Trine will definitely be the game to watch in the North Region.  I know this may be no surprise but I am picking Adrian to beat the Thunder!  Adrian is on a roll their defense looked solid against Alma yesterday and their offense is absolutely unstoppable.  McGrady did give Adrian some fits at times however.  The Scots managed to sneak in a late score against Adrian's second string defense.  But all in all I expect a great game between the Thunder and the Bulldogs Saturday.  Besides Capital, Adrian has rolled through most of its competition this season, hopefully that trend continues!  Good luck to all!