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Messages - bball223234

What time does Calvin play tomorrow night??
Quote from: hope1 on August 01, 2008, 08:09:41 AM
also the  hope mens team plays wed night at  8.30  new schedule

Where does Hope play on Wednesday nights?
Quote from: standout on July 17, 2008, 09:27:47 AM
Quote from: goodknight on July 16, 2008, 01:36:05 PM
Even as Calvin's Josh Engelsma contemplates taking leave of basketball for loftier purposes (ministerial and matrimonial), the Knights may have found a replacement.  Ryan Scharps, a 6-7 power forward from Lake Worth (FL) Christian High School, recently changed his mind about accepting a basketball scholarship at NAIA Palm Beach Atlantic University and is coming to Calvin this fall as a freshman.  (Now there's a reversal of fortune you rarely see....) Scharps' high school numbers are impressive -- about 25 ppg and 9 rpg.

Ryan Scharps sounds like a very promising recruit for the Knights.  From your post you say "as Calvin's Josh Engelsma contemplates", does this mean it is not a done deal that he is leaving the team.  From previous posts it sounded like the decision had been 100% made. 

I don't want to be too optimistic about Engelsma still playing but I'm now thinking of the Dumb & Dumber quote, "So you're saying theres a chance."

I know Engelsma personally and talked with him and his decision has been made, he will NEVER play basketball for Calvin College again.
Quote from: Flying Dutch Fan on July 08, 2008, 02:49:32 PM
Any chance that the name not being mentioned is Bryan VanHarn?  If so, pages back it was discussed that he would be spending a semester out of the country.

That's who I think/hope it is.  I mean I would love for him to play, but I'd rather have him not play than one of the other guys who played more often last season.
Quote from: arena on July 06, 2008, 08:41:39 AM
Quote from: bball223234 on July 06, 2008, 12:17:15 AM
Josh Engelsma will NOT be playing for Calvin next season and probably the rest of his time there.  How will the Knights be without him??

Why not?

He's getting married in August and is going into seminary and he said it'd just be too much for him.
Quote from: goknights68 on July 06, 2008, 01:47:30 AM
Quote from: bball223234 on July 06, 2008, 12:17:15 AM
Josh Engelsma will NOT be playing for Calvin next season and probably the rest of his time there.  How will the Knights be without him??

You got to be kidding me....

There is also another player from last year that is not going to be playing next season that hasn't been said here yet.  I'm not sure if I am suppose to say it, but I will before the end of this week I guess.  That should be late enough.

I wish I were kidding, but I'm not.  I'm disappointed.  I think he has a lot of talent and would have been very good by his senior year.  I think I may know who the other player is, which is a surprise to me that he isn't playing.
Josh Engelsma will NOT be playing for Calvin next season and probably the rest of his time there.  How will the Knights be without him??
Quote from: sac on March 02, 2008, 01:20:04 PM
Quote from: bball223234 on March 02, 2008, 12:57:55 PM
Quote from: scottiedawg on March 02, 2008, 12:55:05 PM
Quote from: bball223234 on March 02, 2008, 12:50:38 PM
Quote from: GoVols on March 02, 2008, 12:56:00 AM
After Griffin cooled down, it was time for the Dew Crew to taunt. Anyone hear the chant while he was shooting free throws?
"CC dropout! CC dropout!"
Funny. Clever.

It's intersting how you think that chant is "funny" and "clever" when Muskegon Communit College is a 2 year college, which Derek went to for 2 years, and then TRANSFERED to Calvin.  Am I missing something?? 

D1 dropouts, D1 dropouts, D1 dropouts.....directed for Marcus VanderHeide AND Derek VanSolkema who weren't even close to finishing their education there.  FUNNY and CLEVER!

No, you're missing nothing.  The very facts you pointed out are why everyone can laugh at the chant.  Chanting "CC dropout" at an actual CC dropout would be pretty tasteless. 

Seriously, I don't find any humor in it, but I guess that's just me.

Did you find the rogaine chant funny?  Both would be directed at someone personally.

Like I said there were many things that I thought lacked some class last night, from both sides and pretty minor incidents in the grand scheme.

No I didn't find that rogaine chant funny.  I don't like when student sections single out certain players and "taunt" them - I never have, and I never will.
Quote from: scottiedawg on March 02, 2008, 12:55:05 PM
Quote from: bball223234 on March 02, 2008, 12:50:38 PM
Quote from: GoVols on March 02, 2008, 12:56:00 AM
After Griffin cooled down, it was time for the Dew Crew to taunt. Anyone hear the chant while he was shooting free throws?
"CC dropout! CC dropout!"
Funny. Clever.

It's intersting how you think that chant is "funny" and "clever" when Muskegon Communit College is a 2 year college, which Derek went to for 2 years, and then TRANSFERED to Calvin.  Am I missing something?? 

D1 dropouts, D1 dropouts, D1 dropouts.....directed for Marcus VanderHeide AND Derek VanSolkema who weren't even close to finishing their education there.  FUNNY and CLEVER!

No, you're missing nothing.  The very facts you pointed out are why everyone can laugh at the chant.  Chanting "CC dropout" at an actual CC dropout would be pretty tasteless. 

Seriously, I don't find any humor in it, but I guess that's just me.
Quote from: Hopetix on March 02, 2008, 12:04:52 AM
I have said it over and over about Griffin. Pride comes before the fall. It happens every single time he gets and inflated ego. It's unfortunate that he hasn't seen how far a little bit of humility will take him.

You only have 2 posts total so I find it rather interesting that you've said it OVER and OVER.....
Quote from: GoVols on March 02, 2008, 12:56:00 AM
After Griffin cooled down, it was time for the Dew Crew to taunt. Anyone hear the chant while he was shooting free throws?
"CC dropout! CC dropout!"
Funny. Clever.

It's intersting how you think that chant is "funny" and "clever" when Muskegon Communit College is a 2 year college, which Derek went to for 2 years, and then TRANSFERED to Calvin.  Am I missing something?? 

D1 dropouts, D1 dropouts, D1 dropouts.....directed for Marcus VanderHeide AND Derek VanSolkema who weren't even close to finishing their education there.  FUNNY and CLEVER!
Quote from: Flying Dutch Fan on January 25, 2008, 01:25:45 PM

Love the idea of a Hope / Calvin basketball alumni game.  While you're at it, get the women involved and do a double header.  I'm betting you could fill the DeVos quite easily (with a little advertising and the right charity).

Love the idea too!  I'd definitely pay to watch it.  It'd be amazing!  With talent like Holstege, Meulenberg, VanHekken, Merrit, the Carlson bros, Cramer, Veenstra, Winkle, Krosschell, Karsten, Prins, Aultman, just to name a couple options, depending on far to go back.  PRICELESS to watch that!!
Quote from: sac on January 24, 2008, 11:10:35 PM
On Jan. 17, 1998  Hope's  Dave Meuhlenberg scored 36 points on 13-14 shooting from the floor and 10-14 from the line, pulled down 9 rebounds in 41 minutes of playing time.......oh and didn't commit a single turnover.  Hope won the game 87-85 in overtime.

Also from that game, Joel Holstege had 10 assists to go with his 13 points.  Calvin's Sam Hargraves was 8-12 from 3 point range scoring 26 points.  The rest of the players in the game were 5-26 combined.  Aaron Winkle had 14, Rob Velthouse 14, Russ Iwema 11

Those 2 (Dave & Joel) graduated from Covenant Christian & now Josh Engelsma (Covenant) plays for Calvin.  Does that mean he'll excel in the Calvin/Hope games?  Possibly?  I'd look for him to be a threat.
Also I strongly believe that Derek Griffin will come out like no other and play amazing tomorrow.  He tends to do pretty well against Hope.
Does anyone know if Micah Chappell tried out for the team?
I would expect to see Engelsma in the front court rotation, perhaps even starting at 4 if he's gained some muscle mass since last year.

My prediction:
Veldhouse, Griffin, Veltema, Engelsma, Mantel.

I like Englesma, too.  In HS he was an incredible rebounder and that continued last year on JV.  I suspect (hope? think?) he's just one of those kids that "gets it" on how to rebound and scrap underneath, despite his frail frame.  If he could get up to 220 or so, that would be very helpful for Calvin.  He and Katt can rotate next to Mantel. 

I know Engelsma personally so obviously I wish to see him on the team and starting.  Although I'm doubtful about him starting b/c he's only 190 as of right now.  There's no doubt he'll be on the team and get playing time, but I think he needs to gain some more weight and get stronger if he wants to play considerable minutes.