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Messages - cacsen09

Quote from: Trin8-0 on July 05, 2006, 10:34:01 AM
With all due respect to Colby, there is a reason they are not thought of as one of the dominant teams in the NESCAC. They almost never beat any good teams. I completely agree that their program is head and shoulders above Bowdoin.

Now I wouldn't go quite that far... I don't think you guys are giving Bowdoin the credit that it's due. Going 6-2, their best record since 1970, was a huge step for Bowdoin this year. They had some pretty great wins this season (beating Amherst and Middlebury and making an incredible come-from-behind victory against Bates) and I think the score they put up against Trinity isn't very telling of the kind of game they played. Bowdoin had a great chance to go into halftime against Trinity with a 10-10 score, but their lack of confidence (being a team who has rarely been in the midst of a winning season) against a powerhouse like Trinity got the best of them as they made a terrible turnover and a few more damning mistakes. The point is, Bowdoin very well in the past could have been one of Trinity's 64-0 victims, but they came in this year and actually made Trinity play. I think having had a season where they did well and built up a bit of confidence, its quite possible that they will be a force to be reckoned with this fall. They could have done a whole lot better against Colby in the last meeting of the season, but don't think that's not on their minds. They may not have been ready for that matchup last season, but they will be next season. I don't think Colby is "head and shoulders" above Bowdoin. Colby easily could have had a 8-0 season last year but they fell to Amherst, a team Bowdoin beat. Bowdoin's first game of the season versus Williams will be very telling. However, regardless of that outcome, they'll be coming to prove that they have staying power and that they are not the "fluke" that so many of you guys are making them out to be.

Go bears.