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Messages - StinkTink

Quote from: 70_dc_alum on December 25, 2007, 09:34:30 PM
the earlier you can do an internship the better.  my lil sister was a materials engineering major at UC until she did a semester at AK Steel and realized while the major was cool the application in real life sucked.

i interned the summer before my senior year and fell into it on my own without assitance form DC.  it helps when your Aunt is the Admin for the CEO of a 5B company.  i got more real world experience in those 3 months then 4 years of college could ever deliver.  it got me an in and i took over from there.  if i ever talk to a group of college students (specifically Business majors) i would tell them get an internship dress and carry yourself like you are going to run the freaking place and work your ass off.  most folks in big business are lazy or play too many politics and you can look like a rock star by delivering results. 

Merry Christmas

I thought you slept your way to the top ???