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Messages - FootballFriend2all

Just a quick stat update, sorry im a bit slow myself on this stuff, 2 games against endicott Bryan Meuse 44 total tackles against endicott so please lets take the focus off of you having to "shut him down".......BUT 2 W's for endicott, nevertheless, bryan meuse looking pretty dominating

stay strong everyone!
First off I'd like to just make one comment about the Bryan Meuse saga.  If anyone, who had a brain and open mind, was at the Endicott-Nichols Game on that fine October day you would have seen Bryan make all of his 30 tackles.....Most assisted by he still had about 14 I believe unassisted.  If you dont have special needs I think you will be able to see that.  But in any case, yes he did benefit from having a miserable offense, but that does not make him not a great player.  He single handedly kept nichols in that game as it was as game until the 4th quater as the gulls scored late to blow it open (29-0 w for endicott).....for someone to sit here and tell us how inflated statistics benefit for players on a bad team, that day he did it in a game that his team was in it.  Im not coming down too hard on that endicott player who had a terrible time misjudging reality, because they are a HELL  of a team who are coached by a great coach and are going places, but the fact that it was a direct shot at one of the best overall player (Punts, Kickoffs, top 3 linebacker in the league) is just silly....

I think the league is going to be fun to watch this year.....good luck to all