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Messages - DawgFan1

DGI: Whose feathers did you ruffle to go to a negative 15 points? Looks like I better quit while I'm ahead.
Quote from: CRZK on December 05, 2006, 08:14:41 PM

Boy it didn't take long to hear the smack start for next season.  I personally find it hard to believe that the OC for Redlands finished off their season.  At least that is what it sounds like Dawgs fan is saying.  Hard to believe the OC is responsible for the turnovers that killed the dawgs in many of there games.

It looks as though one more comment on this subject is required...

No, the Redlands OC did not throw the interceptions nor did he personally fumble the ball. However, if you are the defensive player and you see the opposing offense run the same few plays over and over and over, and then pass primarily on third and long, over and over and over, wouldn't it be considerably easier for you to be in a good position to make the play and cause a turnover?

Oh...I forgot one more thing; most of the time the plays got out to the huddle so late the offense just barely had time to line up and snap the ball before the clock ran out. Time for the QB to read the defense...forget about it!

This is why the OC is gone and there will be a new one next year.

I can certainly understand your appreciation Oxy had an excellent QB the past three years. I also have said enough about the Redland's OC problems and don't need to say anything more on that subject. The fact that he is no longer part of the program confirms what I have been saying.

In any event, Oxy has had a great run the past three years and it will be interesting to see what happens next year with all the teams.

Quote from: Dirty Harry on December 05, 2006, 02:56:58 PM
Dawgfan1 said

It is the OXY fans who are confused thinking one guy can win the SCIAC for OXY. Case in point, Redlands had a very good QB in Saras. However, the problem with their offense was O'Boyle, who finally left the program. A QB alone cannot make it happen and to pretend he can diminishes the efforts of the other players and the ability of the coaching staff.

How dare you insult OxyCollins by comparing him to a Redlands QB?  Redlands and Oxy are two completely differnt cases.  Notice: Oxy has won 3 sciac's in a row, oxy has an above .500 record over the last 3 years (in fact, it's something crazy like .850), having OxyCollins at Qb is completely different from any Qb redlands has recently had on  their roster (except for maybe that Wabby kid, a source tells me he's the next joe namath ...) You're right, a single player alone can't win every game but in case you haven't noticed, OxyCollins is a superb athlete and Saras, well, isn't.  Having a QB that can do the things OxyCollins can greatly increase the team's chances of winning as we have all found out over the last three seasons.

Hey Harry,

Think before you write as you are only displaying your ignorance by your comments. All of you Oxy/Collins fans constantly make reference that Andy is "THE REASON"  for Oxy's success. So you don't get offended, he is "PART" of it (I am not trying to diminish his accomplishments). The rest of the team is the other part and if they didn't exist, or if the coaching was inferior, Oxy's success would not have happened, with or without Collins.

If you had the "slightest clue" about the problems with the Redland's Offensive Coordinator, or of the quality of the player talent on Redland's offense this year, you would not have made your post. Instead, your embellishing of Collins again completely confirms what I said in my original post, "A QB alone cannot make it happen and to pretend he can diminishes the efforts of the other players and the ability of the coaching staff."

Quote from: Tiger Shark on December 05, 2006, 01:09:55 PM
Quote from: DawgFan1 on December 05, 2006, 11:01:09 AM
You Oxy fans need to make up your minds. One day Collins will be the NFL #1 Draft Pick, the next day you are talking about him playing another year at Oxy...we are getting confused ;D

Of course you are getting confused buddy, you went to Redlands. Do I need to say anymore?

No Tiger Shark I am not confused. It is the OXY fans who are confused thinking one guy can win the SCIAC for OXY. Case in point, Redlands had a very good QB in Saras. However, the problem with their offense was O'Boyle, who finally left the program. A QB alone cannot make it happen and to pretend he can diminishes the efforts of the other players and the ability of the coaching staff. Unfortunately for Redlands, the coaching "management" didn't address the problem with O'Boyle before the season ended and instead, threw their starting QB in front of the train to "Cover their A_ _ _ _ ".
You Oxy fans need to make up your minds. One day Collins will be the NFL #1 Draft Pick, the next day you are talking about him playing another year at Oxy...we are getting confused ;D
Quote from: OxyBob on November 08, 2006, 03:12:12 AM

>>Maybe the correct term would have been to state he has the Sybil personality in his responses.<<

Hello! You have reached the Mental Health Hotline. Please choose one of the following options:

If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 fourteen times, then get up and take exactly 20 steps to the bathroom, then wash your hands 5 times, then take exactly 20 steps back to the telephone. Repeat 10 times.

If you have multiple personalities, press 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line. This call is being traced.

If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and the small voice in your head will tell you which number to press.

If you are clinically depressed, it doesn't matter which number you press, because no one will answer.


Bob help!!! I tried all the numbers listed to talk to you and none of them worked!

In all seriousness, I hope your team does well in the playoffs.

Quote from: Pat Coleman on November 08, 2006, 12:46:55 AM
The term hit and run really only applies to people who come from other boards. OxyBob is a SCIAC regular and is not hitting and running the way the NWC folks have been known to in the past.


I know OB is a regular. I may have used the  term "Hit and Run" somewhat different than you describe. My meaning is Bob will be "civil" for a brief time, then start taking shots at UR, and then becomes "civil" again. Maybe the correct term would have been to state he has the Sybil personality in his responses.
Quote from: OxyBob on November 07, 2006, 11:18:08 PM

>>Hansel & Gretel Pre-School<<

An appropriate reference, considering that the Bulldogs are having such a Grimm season.

Next, you should read The Fox and the Grapes. The moral of that fable also fits you Redlands fans: "It is easy to despise what you cannot get."


OB...Clever comeback. Please understand, I don't despise Oxy. I have congratulated them more than once. As Rock stated, the better they do in the playoffs, the better the SCIAC looks as a league. It appears the only person on this board who has a chip on their shoulder and despises another school is you with your CONSTANT "hit and run" shots at UR. None of us can understand your reasoning. What happened Bob, did you get refused entrance to UR and had to settle for Oxy instead? So for the rest of your life, UR will be the dream "never achieved"?
Quote from: OxyBob on November 07, 2006, 10:52:54 PM
OXY Oswald:

>>But I think what everyone, namely NWC posters and UR posters are saying here is that there is some value in playing playoff caliber games at some point in your season, prior to the playoffs.<<

The continued debate about scheduling and Redlands' never-ending whining about it is a phony issue created by Redlands and perpetuated by them. Since 1999, Redlands has played 11 games against the NWC and is 2-9. Redlands has played two playoff games against NWC teams and is 0-2. Redlands can go on and on about its nonconference schedule, but it hasn't helped them a bit.


..."and OXy has played Hansel & Gretel Pre-School and it has apparently helped them". Is this what you are getting at OB?  :D
Quote from: D O.C. on November 07, 2006, 09:21:54 PM


QuoteThis season, it wouldn't have mattered if Johnny Unitas was their QB, they still would have had problems.
Yes, because they would have rotated him with Roman Gabriel the first couple games

Quote from: Eye of da TIGER on November 07, 2006, 06:09:01 PM
dawg gone it,

I dont think its fair to say that Oxy posters are bad winners and like Browneagle said, he wasnt being disrespectful at all, not sure where you are getting that from? Lets hold the predictions for next year until the offseason or in the downtime of the summer or at least until this season is over.  As others have said, Oxy has won before without Collins and will win games in the future without him. Saying that without him the run ends, is being disrespectful to the other 70 players on the Oxy team that bust their ass day in and day out.  Who knows what the future may bring, Redlands may land a Collins esque QB next year, wouldnt that be fortunate for your Redlands team......... or would it?  ;)

For what it is worth, Redlands has a good QB in Saras. This season, it wouldn't have mattered if Johnny Unitas was their QB, they still would have had problems. You Oxy guys making the comments only saw the one game between your "beloved" and UR
so you can't comprehend the issues with play calling, dropped passes, missed routes, etc. You think all we have been doing is making excuses.

Saturday some of us in the stands started counting plays. UR ran the ball the first 18-20 plays without a pass...3 and out over and over again. Then they began to pass, it was on 3rd and long again and again. It was discusting. The last drive which tied the game was the only time it changed. Runs and passes were mixed up and UR had success very quickly. However it was short lived.

Oxy has been fortunate with a good coaching staff, and I mean all the coaches and assistants, not just the head guy. When I commented 1-2 weeks ago that I felt sorry for the seniors, this is what I meant. This season, circumstances beyond the control of those offensive players on the field caused more damage to their possible success than the occasional observer (Oxy Fans) could imagine.
Quote from: OxyBob on November 07, 2006, 02:59:02 PM

>>Can you imagine what would happen on this board, or from the Oxy fan I refer to, if Whittier beat them Saturday? It would be PRICELESS!<<

First, I'd congratulate Whittier on its win. Then, I'd head to a bomb shelter because if Whittier beats Oxy this Saturday then Armageddon is certainly coming.

You do realize that even in the unlikely circumstance that Whittier beats Oxy, the Tigers still win the conference and still go to the playoffs, and Redlands doesn't, right?


P.S. dawg, you have my permission to copy this post and paste it on the Northwest board. Glad to see you found some confederates for your blathering.

Bob, I know Oxy will still win the SCIAC, and a BIG congratulations to them. You have commented to me several times in the past to ONLY focus on the upcoming game instead of looking past as if everything was a "done deal". I am only reminding you of what you kept preaching to me.

Good luck to Oxy in the play-offs!
Quote from: CRZK on November 07, 2006, 11:36:21 AM
DGI.  On the UR-Cal Lu game.  If I were a fan or alumni of either school I would be disappointed not to see a knock down fight. 

As a coach I would tell my squad that this is for pride and to set the tone for next year.  So the key seniors start, the normal starters are in and we take it from there.  If the game is decided by the 4th qtr then maybe we season some of the young kids.  I would expect the game is too important for either school not to go all out.

Especially for UR!!  I mean imagine additional board material for Oxy Bob if UR totally dominates....3rd place ::)

If UR dominates, and wins, they will be in second place. If UR dominates, it will be fun reading why Oxy only beat CLU by 1 point.

Please don't misunderstand my reasoning for posting this. Even though Redlands is out of the picture, a certain Oxy fan thinks it is necessary to put them down on a daily basis...sort of like taking a One-A-Day vitamin. He just doesn't have the mental capacity to be a "Good Winner" and move on.

Can you imagine what would happen on this board, or from the Oxy fan I refer to,
if Whittier beat them Saturday? It would be PRICELESS!
Quote from: OxyBob on November 07, 2006, 12:47:36 AM

>>Obviously, the UR-CLU game is of no significance other than to the players in the game.<<

Not true. This game is big. Redlands is battling for third place for the third straight year.


Bob, Do you really "get off" doing this? Is your ego so warped that you must continue with this put down of UR?

By the way, the winner of the game will be in 2nd place. This is  obviously of no consequence to "Hall of Famers" like you. However, it is very important to the players on the both UR and CLU who, win or lose,  bust their asses on the field, instead of just taking pot shots at others from the safety of their bedroom computers.