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Messages - wildkit58

A beautiful day for football! :) :) :)  Wish I was up in Tacoma where the longies are flowing freely, the Cats are on fire and the purple frisbees are flying.  I'll have to settle :'( for listening to the loggers getting chopped and felled by the Cats :) but I'm with ya'll in spirit.  Here's to bringing home win #2 in 06'  GO CATS!

Quote from: spiritof86 on September 18, 2006, 05:42:14 PM
hsu fan: "You're from Oregon? I thought you guys were from Maine. Wow- it must be snowing a ton at your house".
Me: "Snowing in Oregon? I live in Saint Louis, but I think it is in the mid-70's in Portland."
hsu fan: "Nope. Sorry to tell you, but I saw the news this morning and it is snowing tons in Montana."
me: "Montana is not really very close to Oregon. AT least not close enough to share weather."
hsu fan: "yes it is. I saw it on the news. Snowing in Montana."
me: "Whatever."
Had to laugh when I read that! :) :) :)  First let me stipulate that I was born in Oregon, my early years spent growing up in Dana Hall across from Maxwell Field and later graduated from Linfield.  But... I did live in TX and am an adoptedTexan (in their eyes anyway - my daughter was born there). 

Anyway, that is a classic example of what most Texans think of anyone from "out west" (west of the Rio Grande that is).  When told I was from "Orygone" they thought I still traveled in a covered wagon and had an outhouse in the backyard.  Considering the size of the Lone Star State, in their minds McMinnville really isn't that far from Missoula. ;D

Seriously, congrats to HSU on a quality win against a proven winning program.  Can't wait to see you'll next year.  We'll give you a real "Orygone" & Wildcat welcome; covered wagons, outhouses & all.  Guaranteed snow too - snowing purple frisbee that is. ;)

 As a new poster, but a longtime reader, I'd first like to state that I am amazed by the recent post by the power that be.

And second, The Linfield Wildcats (season after season (51+),  the last several as part of Division III,) have always consistently set a high standard of excellence in football.  It now seems, after 2 losses, to be is a program that some people want to see fail.  (The more you succeed the more they want you not to comes to mind).  Linfield football has a tradition of excellence, in players and coaches, AND in perseverance.   Don't for one second think theses players have any less desire than those of the great
Wildcat teams of the past. 

As a Linfield alum and fan that bleeds purple & red, I believe that this team has the talent and drive to carry on the tradition.

The Cats first game was against an up & coming D2 team that today manhandled a TX team that is a known power in D2 . Today's game was  against HS, a team with its own winning tradition, who happened to beat a young Linfield team early in the season.  Many teams schedule obvious victories early on, which the Cats never have (HS included - & congrats to their team for their victory).

Two losses don't make a season.  League play starts in 2 weeks & the Cats are on a mission to continue the tradition. 

Nothing tonight resembled  LINFIELD football. :(  I don't know what to say. :'(  I kept waiting for something to happen - a big pass, run, block, - something to get us going, but it never happened.  It's been a long time since I've been dumbfounded and speechless after a regular season Linfield game but that's what I am. :( All I can say right now is, hopefully next week we will see the WILDCATS show up in Texas.

Congrats to wolves.  As 'Cats Fa Natic stated "They palyed like they wanted it more and it showed. Linfield had no desire tonight. WOU did, and it showed."  Lets hope the Cats (both players & coaches) take notice.
3 HOURS & COUNTING!!! :) :) :)
One thing about a night game - got dressed for the game then went outside and found I'll be sweating at the tailgater. >:( Oh well, nothing a few cold beers won't cure.  ;D And what happened to the forecasted "showers"?  Oh I forgot, it doesn't rain on Cat games in Sept.  Time to hit the road.
Quote from: Tuxguy on September 09, 2006, 03:05:44 PM
Welcome to the board!  :-*
Hmmm........ Let me guess, long time reader/lurker, first time poster? We all I'm sure, look forward to more of your  posts in the coming weeks, have fun!   :)
Don't forget to pace yourself today, those first games/tailgates can sneak up on a person.  ;)   ;)                                                                                         
I'll be fine thank you.  Not like I haven't been there before. ;) You must be jealous because I get a head start.  I'll save some room for your beef sticks though, I can smell them already; ;D   Seriously, have fun at your first futbol game of the day & good luck to tuxguy jr. 

Quote from: 'Cats Fa Natic on September 09, 2006, 11:57:07 AM

In the upper right-hand corner of the person's posting, there is a button that says "quote". Click it, and it will bring you to the regular posting page but this time, whatever the person said will be already filled in for you, and end with a "
Thanks - I hope this works. 

Not much sleep last night -  I'm too excited about today.  I almost wish the game started at it's normal time, it'd get here sooner.  :)  But its only 7 hours & counting until the first night game I've been to at Linfield since I was a young thing! 

Thanks for the welcome guys and let the season finally begin!

Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on September 09, 2006, 01:24:48 PM
I sleep just fine at night.  In fact I got extra rest last night so I would have strength to wear one of those Championship rings at the tailgate today.  Something UMHB doesnt have to worry about
Can't wait to see that!  You can wear it with the Blonde Ale T-Shirt. ;)

pls excuse the red print.  Someday (soon i hope) i'll learn how to reply to a quote correctly. 
Long time d3football follower & reader – first time poster (great to see so many others today).  Just had to put my two cents in regarding a couple of posts I read today.  *Not sure how this board works, so excuse the format (& the possible rambling).....
In reply to ClassicCat  "However, we all know it's a team effort to get the best to Linfield. Everybody on campus in some way or form, recruits. We, the alumni recruit. The commonality - we "love" our school. As you grow olders, you'll know what I mean.
Being a Wildcat for 48+ yrs - DITTO (if I could give karma you'd have it & holy water too.)   

To the Guru as downtown48 called him  -  I've noticed that there is "a little" sharpness to your comments about the NWC, i.e. Linfield in particular (see other various post this morning).
Pat Coleman  9/3/06 " Most others don't settle for nine games. Most play 10." His reply to Linfield  Beancounter  "....I hope this is the last game Linfield plays against WOU....  let's all hope that this is it and that Linfield can be like most others and play a full nine game d3 As difficult as it is to get other d3 colleges to schedule a game with us (whether it 's because of the high travel expenses,  or our reputation – a loss could mean the difference between making the playoffs or not, or for whatever other reason, it seems to be just as difficult to get you or any other representative from to come way out west  & cover a NWC game in person.
Pat Coleman 9/9/06 "Dunno -- last time we saw the Linfield defense it got peppered pretty badly
Until you see the Wildcats up close & personal "we" haven't seen what Linfield's got.  Those of us who have seen "it" can 'brag up' as you say because we know what we see.  One thing I know for sure is, you missed the best football game played in 2005 (and if I may brag up) - ever. To bad you missed it.