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Messages - Mad Anthony


Nonetheless, it appears the "tragedy" has been played out (even though no one died)

"Tragic heroes contribute to their own destruction by acts in which we see a flaw in their character, or, by tragic error."

But... Is this the Tragic Resolution ?
Whatever that may be, in the interim, Waynesburg needs to assume that the King is dead so that they can concentrate on attempting to salvage what was a very promising season.
Quote from: stingdad on September 16, 2008, 08:37:02 PM
This is my first year watching D3 football. I didn't know what to expect at first, but I do admit to being a little disappointed. I attended the Waynesburg vs Wooster game and it looked much like a scrimmage. I'm not sure that camp is long enough to get the athletes ready. Even high school gets 2 weeks of camp.

Just judging by general confusion on the field.

Gotta remember Stingdad, this is little more than high school football minus the best players who have gone away to play Division I & II. My first exposure to D3 was the W&J v. Waynesburg game in 2003. At first I thought I was watching a tape of the game being played at 3/4 speed, then it occurred to me that with the D3 scholarship ban, I couldn't expect to see the kind of performance that characterized the Waynesburg teams of the '60s. Many of the "stars" of D3, like Robert Heller, have got to harbor in their minds the thought that they could also make a big splash in DII and maybe even DI and that they are wasting their time and talent in non-scholarship football. Robert Heller seems to me to be one of those confused young men. He needs to make a final decision soon to either go elswhere and eliminate a great distraction at Waynesburg or retake the field at Wiley Stadium give it all he's got and make the best of his situation.
Waynesburg has posted a story entitled "A Look Ahead to the 2008 Season" on the College's
website. It states that "Bo" Heller will be back this year.
An article in the Observer-Reporter, 8/7, said that Waynesburg had just gotten some good news and that Heller had satisfactorily completed some make-up class work this summer and would be eligible. They quoted Shepas as saying, "I think that everything is OK there." (Emphasis on think added). Which doesn't sound to me like he's too sure about it.
Willy -- Do you know something we don't? In the O-R today Shepas was quoted that Heller would be back.
"Deep into the playoffs", huh ?!!
So what was the woulda-coulda-shoulda score in this ball game ?
Let's face it guys, with both W&J and Waynesburg going down today, maybe PAC football just isn't what some of us crack it up to be.
Does anybody remember the "Pathetic" Athletic Conference ?
Bob.  Thanks for filling us in on Mr. Bean's past life. BTW, how'd they make out in that PONY Series ?

I didn't mean to denigrate Bobby Swallow's performance Saturday. Perhaps you read past the compliments that I gave him. With regard to the wind, I do believe that it was at his back for at least two quarters, no ? Admittedly, I've only seen him play once, but I think I'd still take Chris Edwards if I had to pick between the two.

The ball control passing game was very effective, if not too exciting. Ordinarily one would assume that the predominately rushing team would control the ball, but when you've got a back who's ripping off  30 – 50 – 80 yard gains at a time, you're just not eating up enough of the clock per possession. Maybe Shepas should have told Bean to run 5 or 6 yards per carry and then fall down. That way, the final gun might have already gone off before the Prezdents finally went ahead with 7:29 left in the 4th quarter.
CC -- I was at the PAC game of the year last Saturday. If Waynesburg had a quarterback who could hit the broad side of a barn the outcome of this game would probably have been very different. 4 of 16 just doesn't win many ball games, although it came close in this instance. This was the first time I had seen Swallow play, he is quite efficient and darn near flawless, but W&J's ball control passing game is mind numbingly boring. Can this kid throw the ball downfield !?
The Greensburg newspaper last week referred to Mr. Heller as "Bo" Heller. Does anyone know if the folks in Monongahela know him by that moniker ? For a football star, "Bo" sure fits better than "Robert".
"GO BO !" Should be resounding through the hills of Greene County for the next three years and, yes, he is the real deal with super acceleration through any hole that presents itself and the speed to outrun virtually any defensive back who doesn't have the angle on him.
Cleveland -- Waynesburg beat Frostburg in '03 & '04. Hats off to the Yellow Jackets for the solid victory over Bethany. Next week at Greenville will tell the tale.
My hat is off to the Trustees of McMurray. Someone has finally outsmarted the speech police at the NCAA. By not adopting a new nickname the Trustees have cleared the way for McMurray to remain the "Indians" (just not officially). Their fans can continue to yell "GO Indians!!!" from the stands. McMurray "Indians" sweats and Tees can continue to be worn and sold (off campus, of course). And life can go on in Abilene almost as if the PC Police from the NCAA didn't exist. Fight on McMurray ! You will always be "The Indians"!!!
Wes --  Bethany a juggernaut ? Did I say that ? Hardly ! But, it wouldn't take a juggernaut to beat Waynesburg. BTW, where was all that "talent" against Shenandoah ?!
South Willy -- I think that you're absolutely correct about the margin of victory in the WC - BC contest. How could two wins over mediocre opposition (GCC&TMC) have transformed Waynesburg into a rushing juggernaught in the minds of so many ? Weakly (sic) rushing totals for the Jackets have been -13, 78, 97 & 118 !
Only against lowly Grove City did they rush for respectable yardage, 234. Has Rick Shepas turned it around ??? What a metamorphosis that would be! I'm not convinced. Upset (or is it?) special of the week - Bethany 17 Waynesburg 10. Ouch!
Other winners; Thiel, W&J & Frostburg.
AC24 -- True, Uremovich has had a struggle on his hands at St. Francis, but he inherited a doormat that had won a total of 3 games in the previous 2 years. That certainly could not be said of the situation that Shepas fell into. He took a conference championship contender and is turning it into a doormat.
Hiring Uremovich would have given Waynesburg some much needed continuity post Jeff Hand.
Last October I had the opportunity to speak with a member of the school administration at Waynesburg who was a veteran of Division II football and had informally helped Jeff Hand when he was the head coach. My concern at the time was the outrageous number of personal fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct penalties being committed by the Jackets which was out of character for the team and the school. His reply was that the problem was being caused by a couple of players and that Shepas was lax regarding on-field discipline. That, plus the 5 losses in 2005 by less than a touchdown and some periodic bizarre play calling should have raised alot of red flags in the 'burg. The timing of Jeff Hand's departure created a big problem for Waynesburg but the solution was already there in the person of offensive coordinator Mike Uremovich, who, from what I understand, wanted the head coaching job but was turned down because he had no previous head coaching experience. Evidently, St. Francis had no such prerequisite!