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Messages - chillydigits

Poor Scotlass would blow a head gasket if she saw how far in numbers and in wins her beloved Fighting Scots have fallen... Even though the Scots never won on Our trips to Crawfordsville, Scotlass and I always enjoyed the atmosphere and the Wabash fans passion for the game...
Wooster loses to Allengheny, the dellusions of granduer are over. With the losses mounting, another season struggling against teams over .500, Scots fans must be wondering if this team was overrated or just underachieving or perhaps some of both.
Oiled the reels after the Waynesburg debacle, The fishing trip is off, I can't seem to find the fish stringer must have left it in Cleveland as well. So I think I will cut firewood and put up treestands instead.... 3-2, with a porous defense and Wabash and Witt left to go.. 6-4 seems more likely then a playoff run.
WOW did anyone remember to tell the scots defense that there was a game tonight?? Whalen was tough, but Case ran all over and  through Woosters defense.   So I guess its offical, I can book my fishing trip cause the playoff ship has departed via Cleveland again this year.
Woomeister85, I agree the Line play on both sides of the ball has been, to be blunt miserable all season long. The O line seems more worried about getting to the right zone, then in blocking anyone once they get there.. The D line must not watch game film but instead reruns of Dancing with Stars the way they two step with the opposing O linemen.. Perhaps a fire can still be lit under these 2 most important yet least producing areas of the team. I wont agree that the Quarterbacks look scared, though who would blame them if they were a little gun shy.. Anyway here is too a good week of practice, and a nice long uneventful 3 hr drive to Meadville on sat.. go scots
I am afraid Its going to take more then one Blue Moon at this point. :'(
Yes all of that and a Blue Moon!!!! :D
    The scene, Coach Schmitz's office at Wooster College, The staff all gathered around each assistant sporting a pair of ruby red coaching shoes, the head coach places a pair on his feet as well... "On the count of 3.. click, click, click" With their eyes closed the Wooster coaching staff chants as one while clicking their heels "There is no place like 2004, There is no place like 2004" Coach Schmitz's opens his eyes looks at his desk calendar "darn we are still in 2007, well there goes that idea" A voice pipes up "perhaps we should try new coaching strategies" "but wouldn't that mean we actually had to coach?" Another voice quips from the back of the office ...Coach Schmitz ponders briefly before giving his answer "this time let's all put a hand on my coach of the year award as we click our ruby red coaching shoes, maybe that will get us to 2004 when we were great." >:( :( :-X
  Hello fellow NCAC board posters. I have bad news as I return from the Woo-Witt debacle... It is my sad duty to report that as I was leaving the game, our very own ScotLass was being led off in a straight jacket mumbling, murmuring, screaming..."fullback ,where’s the fullback" "what do they do at practice knit sweaters for the homeless?" "coach Schmitz you said you would change your offensive ways, you said you would CHANGE!!” ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Li'l Giant on September 26, 2007, 10:05:47 PM
Quote from: chillydigits on September 26, 2007, 07:49:36 PM
Quote from: smedindy on September 26, 2007, 07:38:58 PMMore unrestricted donations + more endowment dollars for financial aid and buildings = more opportunities to grow the athletics budget

SmedIndy, This concept sounds a lot like Reaganomics of the 1980's, Trickle Down, aka VooDoo Economics :-\..

I'm going to guess that comparing Smed to Reagan isn't going to please him.  :D

Lil Giant, I would never purposely offend a Wabash poster  ;D

     However if it is true that Wooster is using Reaganomics as the basis for budget allocations, perhaps the AD can get the athletics Dept. reclassified as "Star Wars Research". Maybe a more covert approach to raising money might be in order? Where is Oliver North when you really need him?? There have to be some Contras left somewhere! ;) 8)

Quote from: smedindy on September 26, 2007, 07:38:58 PMMore unrestricted donations + more endowment dollars for financial aid and buildings = more opportunities to grow the athletics budget

SmedIndy, This concept sounds a lot like Reaganomics of the 1980's, Trickle Down, aka VooDoo Economics :-\..
Quote from: wally_wabash on September 26, 2007, 03:14:27 PMNo worries though...there's still enough space in the Wooster budget to send the hoops team to the Bahamas this year.   ::)

So that explains why Wooster can't afford an ambulance at Papp stadium for football games... The Ambulance budget was raided to purchase sunscreen and flipflops for the basketball teams Bahama trip ::)   BRILLIANT!!!
I think the chance of Wooster getting past Witt this Sat. Is about as good as Kmart staging a comeback and pushing Wal-Mart into chapter 11.. :D ;)
Downhill???  If the coaching staff doesn't do something soon, This Program will slip right to the deepest darkest depths of the Marinas trench.. I  Wonder if they can apply for a research grant???
 WOOSTER football has gone to SCHMITZ.... After 3 weeks of sloppy, uninspired, and unimproved football, I think congratulations are in order for the entire Wooster coaching staff .. Its offical folks, This team is a bottom feeder... May the Hiram Terriers have mercy on us.